
  • 网络the Treaty of Rome;Rome treaty
  1. 建立了欧洲共同体的《罗马条约》

    the Treaty of Rome , which established the European Community .

  2. 欧洲不是《罗马条约》的产物。

    Europe is not the creation of the Treaty of Rome .

  3. 罗马条约:40年历程

    The Treaty of rome : 40 years on

  4. 就在接下来的一年,也就是1957年,创始的《罗马条约》签署。

    The founding Treaty of Rome was signed the very next year , in 1957 .

  5. 美国支持舒曼计划,支持一体化的重新启动,支持并促成了《罗马条约》的顺利签署。

    America supported Schuman Scheme and the launch of the integration , and it secured Rome Treaty signing .

  6. 罗马条约的签订是欧洲统一史上的最重大事件。

    The signing of the Treaty of Rome was the greatest event in the annals of European integration .

  7. 《罗马条约》签订至今,欧盟区域政策的发展走过了半个多世纪的历程。

    Since the signing of the Treaty of Rome , EU Regional Policy has had a history of over fifty years .

  8. 如果《罗马条约》是今天签订的,那么欧盟就不会将其五分之二的预算花在农业上了。

    Were the Treaty of Rome signed today , the EU would not choose to spend two-fifths of its budget on agriculture .

  9. 罗马条约签署以后欧洲一体化在社会政策领域始终没有取得实质性进展。

    Few substantial advances have been obtained by the EU in the social fields since the signing of the Treaty of Rome .

  10. 1987年,对罗马条约进行了自签署以来的第一次修订。同年单一欧洲法案开始实施。

    In 1987 , the Treaty of Rome underwent its first revision since inception , when the single European act came into force .

  11. 我生就欧洲人,死也会是欧洲人,但我从未赞同过罗马条约。

    I was born a European and I will die one . But I have never put my alliance behind the Treaty of Rome .

  12. 欧盟对转售价格维持在《罗马条约》中作了一般禁止性规定并通过责任豁免制度排除了有利于竞争的转售价格维持的违法性。

    The EU generally prohibits Resale Price Maintenance in 《 Roman Treaty 》 and immunes the Resale Price Maintenance that are favorable to competition .

  13. 为此,共同体对基本章程“罗马条约”进行了修改,通过了“单一文件”。

    Therefore , EEC has revised its basic statute the " Treaty of Rome " and has adopted the " Single European Act " .

  14. 罗马条约是欧洲一体化道路上的一个里程碑,但其基础几乎在它签订前10年就已奠定。

    The Treaty of Rome was a historic milestone on the road to European integration , but the foundations had been laid almost ten years earlier .

  15. 罗马条约、欧盟采购指令和《政府采购协议》对公共采购中的歧视性采购政策进行了法律的控制,然而上述条约和法律也有不尽完善的地方,需要作进一步探讨。

    Roman Treaty , EU-purchase Orders and Government Purchase Agreement have given legal control towards discriminative purchase policy , but they are imperfect and need discussing .

  16. 1957年3月25日签订罗马条约成立欧洲原子能源共同体与欧洲经济共同体。

    On March 25 , 1957 , the nations signed the Treaty of Rome , setting up the European Atomic Energy Committee and the European Economic Community .

  17. 战后美国与《罗马条约》&试析欧共体时期美国对欧洲一体化的政策态度

    The United States and the Rome Treaty in the Course of European Integration & A Just Analysis of America 's Policy towards the Integration of Europe during the period of the Europe Community

  18. 忠实的联邦主义者亲眼见证了,1951年成立的欧洲钢铁共同体演变成了《罗马条约》,条约的订立朝建立他们所期望的超国家的欧洲政府迈出了一步。

    True federalists actually saw the Treaty of Rome as a move away from the building of a European superstate that they had hoped would develop from the European Coal and Steel Community , set up in1951 .