
yáng máo
  • wool;fleece;sheep wool;sheep's wool;lana
羊毛 [yáng máo]
  • [sheeps wool;fleece] 羊的毛,通常用作纺织原料

羊毛[yáng máo]
  1. 被矮丛林与荆棘粘下来的簇簇羊毛

    tufts of wool torn from sheep by bushes and brambles .

  2. 丝绸和羊毛之类的纯天然织物比合成纤维的保暖性更好。

    Natural fabrics like silk and wool are better insulators than synthetics .

  3. 在剪羊毛时,需要把羊圈起来。

    At clipping time sheep need to be penned .

  4. 中世纪时,drab(“本色布”)一词指的是一种农民用来制衣的非常普通的羊毛织物。

    In the Middle Ages the term ' drab ' denoted a very simple type of woollen cloth which was used by peasants to make their clothes .

  5. 他穿着黑色作战裤和带风帽的羊毛衣。

    He was wearing black combat trousers and a hooded fleece .

  6. 伍德正舒服地穿着件羊毛晨衣。

    Wood was now comfortably enfolded in a woolly dressing-gown .

  7. 她穿着羊毛宽松裤和涡旋花纹宽袍。

    She was wearing wool slacks and a paisley smock .

  8. 在赫伯里兹,剪羊毛的时间比其他任何地方都要晚。

    In the Hebrides they shear their sheep later than anywhere else .

  9. 马库斯戴着一顶羊毛帽子,非常暖和。

    Markus has wrapped up warmly in a woolly hat

  10. 她发现羊毛衫的袖口上起了一些毛球。

    She noticed some bits of fluff on the sleeve of her sweater .

  11. 女人们处理羊毛,纺羊毛并给羊毛染色。

    The women prepared , spun and dyed the wool

  12. 一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。

    A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind

  13. 那是个愉快的下午,蓝蓝的天空中飘着几朵羊毛般轻软的白云。

    It was a lovely afternoon with a blue sky and a few fleecy white clouds .

  14. 米歇尔也会按顾客的要求为其纺羊毛呢,每盎司收费2.25美元。

    Michelle will also spin a customer 's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $ 2.25 an ounce .

  15. 他新买的粗羊毛夹克衫不保暖。

    His new jacket of coarse wool failed to keep him warm .

  16. 这些羊是专为剪取羊毛而饲养的。

    These sheep are specially bred for their wool .

  17. 他把剪羊毛棚描写成十足的地狱。

    He described a shearing shed as sheer hell .

  18. 羊毛用热水洗往往会受到损伤。

    Wool usually damages if washed in hot water .

  19. 他的羊毛内衣总是使他发痒。

    His wool shirt always itches him .

  20. 他做羊毛买卖。

    He 's in the wool business .

  21. 这个戴着羊毛围巾的羊毛商心不在焉的。

    This wool stapler who is wearing woolen scarf is woolgathering .

  22. 羊毛紧身衣裤明年秋季会继续流行。

    Wool body suits will retain their vogue next autumn .

  23. 是剪羊毛的时节了。

    It was time for the sheep to be shorn .

  24. 羊毛制的衣服不用每次穿过就洗涤。

    Clothes made of wool do not require washing after every wearing .

  25. 羊毛是澳大利亚的主要出口物资之一。

    Wool is one of the chief expresss of australia .

  26. 粗棉布和羊毛毡,煮过的法兰绒。

    Rough cotton and felted wool , boiled flannel .

  27. 他衬衫里面穿着一件羊毛背心。

    He wore a woollen vest beneath his shirt .

  28. 就保暖性能来说,没有什么东西能跟羊毛相比。

    Nothing can compare with wool for warmth .

  29. 我的毛衣是用羊毛织的。

    My sweater is made of wool .

  30. 他穿着一件皮夹克,蓝色牛仔裤,戴着一顶绿羊毛帽。

    He 's wearing a black leather jacket , blue jeans and a green woolen hat .