
měi shù jiā
  • artist
  1. 他是一位杰出的美术家。

    He is a great artist .

  2. Self-actualization自我实现Etch蚀刻这位美术家一定花了好几小时把这画像蚀刻在玻璃上.Provoking气人的,恼人的Hawk鹰

    The artist must have spent hours etching the image on the glass .

  3. 据爱沙尼亚公共广播ERR报道,爱沙尼亚文化部宣布,从2016年开始,这个波罗的海国家的政府每年将拨出16万欧元,那些入选的作家和美术家每个人都将获得这笔资金的一部分。

    The ministry of culture in the Baltic state has announced that those selected will each receive a portion of the 160000 euros which will be set aside each year from 2016 , Estonian public broadcaster ERR reports .

  4. 中国美术家协会会员、陕西美协理事、西安美术学院研究院研究员。

    S.Association , Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts Research Institute researcher .

  5. 中国左翼美术家联盟在什么样的时代背景中成立的?

    Left-wing Artists Alliance was established in what kind of background ?

  6. 工艺美术家王习三是冀派的代表人物。

    Wang Xisan 's art is representative of the Ji school .

  7. 现为国际美术家协会会员,世界艺术家协会会员。

    Now the International Artists Association , the World Artists Association .

  8. 这位美术家一定花了好几小时把这画像蚀刻在玻璃上

    The artist must have spend hour etching the Image on the glass

  9. 现任油画系副教授,中国美术家协会会员。

    Oil Painting Department is currently Associate Professor of Chinese Artists Association .

  10. 最后她实现了当美术家的愿望。

    Finally she realized her intention of becoming an artist .

  11. 中国美术家协会环境艺术设计委员会成立

    The Founding of the Environmental Art Design Board of China Artists Association

  12. 一些美术家和运动员利用清醒做梦来提高他们的技能。

    Some artists and athletes use lucid dreaming to improve their abilities .

  13. 他相信旅居海外的中国美术家将会走出一条新的道路来。

    He believes the abroad Chinese artists will come out a new way .

  14. 三是美术家多、水平高,在全国居重要地位;

    Large in the number of high-level artists with a national influence and stature ;

  15. 黑龙江省画院名誉院长、中国美术家协会理事。

    Heilongjiang province honorary President of the academy , member of Chinese artists association .

  16. 演奏家和美术家促进世界和平协会;

    Performing and fine artists for world peace ;

  17. 现任中央美术学院油画系第三工作室教授,中国美术家协会会员。

    Currently he is an professor in CAFA , member of Chinese Artists Association .

  18. 美术家画了一张她在花园里漫步的画。

    The artist painted her strolling her garden .

  19. 吴冠中先生不仅是美术家,同时是美术教育家、散文家。

    Mr. Wu is not only a painter but also an educationist and essayist .

  20. 黑色,白色和灰色是无色的,但美术家却称之为颜色。

    Black , white and gray are achromatic , but called colors by artist .

  21. 《梦想美丽》是我国第一本专门描写优秀残疾人美术家的纪实作品。

    Beautiful Dream is China 's first work of non-fiction about outstanding disabled artists .

  22. artist:艺术家,美术家pleased:高兴的这个创作者会很高兴的。

    But the artist will be very pleased .

  23. 我喜欢画画,长大后我想成为一名美术家。

    I like painting and I want to become an artist when I grow up .

  24. 系中国根艺美术大师,中国美术家协会会员。

    He is a Chinese Root Art Master and a member of Chinese Artists Association .

  25. 浅论网络对美术家和美术教育的影响

    Network and Art & Discussing the effect of network to artists and the art education

  26. 现代美术家有时对古画中所看不顺眼的部分用油漆涂掉。

    Parts of old paintings which appear unpleasing to modern artists are sometimes painted out .

  27. 在我看来,你们的那些近代的美术家也已经是古代的了,

    In my eyes , your modern artists are already as old as the ancients .

  28. 现为中国美术家协会会员,中国展示设计家协会会员。

    He is also a member of Chinese Artists Association and Chinese Association of Show Designer .

  29. 他不但是一位美术家,而且还是一位著名的作家。

    Not only was he an artist , but ( also ) he was a famous writer .

  30. 现任教于西安美术学院,副教授、硕士生导师。中国美术家协会会员。

    Currently teaching at the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts , Associate Professor , Master 's tutor .