
  • 网络group discussion
  1. 本文用Bayesian决策理论建立一个模型描述个体风险态度经过群体讨论后将如何变化,包括其变化的方向和变化的数量。

    In this paper , the principle of Bayesian decision theory are used to model how individual attitudes will change after group discussion , including the direction and magnitude of opinion shift .

  2. 通过消除彼此的通讯障碍,提供结构化的决策分析技术以及系统的指导群体讨论的内容、时间和模式,GDSS可以改进群体决策的过程,提高群体决策效率与质量。

    Through removing communication obstacle and providing structured decision analysis technology and systemic guide for content , time and pattern of group discussion , GDSS can improve group decision procedure and increase efficiency and quality of group decision .

  3. 我一般是和技术群体讨论技术

    I get to talk to folks mostly about technology , technology audiences

  4. 群体讨论过程中信息策略的变化

    Transformation of Information Strategy in Group Discussion

  5. 群体讨论对个体偏好极端性转移的影响

    Individual Polarization Shift from Group Discussion

  6. 因此在本研究的课程设计下,学生会自己主动探究问题,同时还会进行群体讨论;

    Under the curriculum this research devised , students are able to actively probe into problems and conduct group discussions .

  7. 本研究利用多特征多选择决策任务与过程跟踪技术,对群体讨论条件下的启发式决策特点进行研究。

    A study of heuristics was tried on the basis of multi-attributive and multi-alternative tasks and the process trace technique .

  8. 任务信息加工要求高时,群体讨论的功能实现与决策绩效的关系更为显著。

    The main conclusions of this study include : ( 1 ) When the task information demand is higher , the functions of discussion are more significantly related to decision performance .

  9. 关于弱势群体的讨论已成为当今社会的热门话题,但从目前的研究状况看,对弱势群体概念的统一的理解和认识至今还没有形成。

    Although the vulnerable groups has already become a hot topic at present , it has no unified understanding of the concept in research .

  10. 同侪语言指的是学生群体课堂讨论质疑、述意答问的交往语言,是语文课堂教学最丰富的素材性资源。

    Peer language refers to the intercourse language which used for student group discussion , question , statement and answer in class . It is the most abundant material resource for Chinese teaching in class .

  11. 甚至在霍华德•迪恩竞选总统的时候,Meetup上的绝大多数群体都是在讨论如何使自己的生活变得更美好,而与政治或运动这类轰轰烈烈的事情以及意见领袖等等没有任何关系。

    Even in the Howard Dean days , the vast majority of meetups were about people trying to make good stuff happen in their lives having nothing to do with politics or movements or that chattering class kind of stuff .

  12. 城市边缘群体一直是社会讨论的焦点、热点、难点。

    The urban fringe community is always the focus , the hot spot , the difficulty , which the society discusses .

  13. 交流的话题很少是上海的,讨论与逼迫的方式是问题性的,所以,群体交流或私下讨论经常带有自我批判的性质。

    Public discourse about art or art development is rare in Shanghai because the city has never had the right venue or format to facilitate such discussion .

  14. 多数情形下,群体决策都包含多次群体讨论和方案评价过程。在多次群体决策过程中,各决策要素都有可能是变化的,具有动态特性。

    Under many situations , group decision-making contains many rounds of group discussion and of program evaluation .

  15. 群体极端性假说指出,通过群体讨论,个体对决策风险的态度会变得更极端化。

    The group polarization hypothesis states that individual attitude tend to become more extreme ," more polarized ", as a result of group discussion .

  16. 这个假说概括了群体决策中的冒险转移效应,即群体讨论后的个体倾向于作更冒险的决策。

    The hypothesis is developed as a generalization of the well - known risky shift effect : the fact that individuals tend to make riskier decisions after group discussion than before group discussion .

  17. 应用群体结构挖掘算法得到网络的群体结构,并求得最大的子群体,子群体成员讨论的话题可以作为微博中的热门话题。

    By group structure mining algorithms we could get network group structure and the largest sub-group . The topic which sub-group members discuss in micro-blogging can be viewed as a hot topic .