
  • 网络examiner
  1. 这个考评员考试符合当前新技术发展的实际情况和成人高校师资的实际情况,并符合成人高校的教育目标。

    The author thinks this corresponds to the actual conditions of the development on new technologies and to teachers in adult college , as well as to the educational goal in adult college .

  2. 对北京开展农机职业技能教育的有利条件进行了分析,并得出结论:北京具有政治环境优越、培训机构健全、从业人员稳定、具有独立的鉴定机构和考评员队伍四大优势。

    The favorable conditions of agricultural mechanization vocational technical education in Beijing were analyzed , which show that Beijing enjoys four advantages , such as the superior political environment , perfect training organizations , steady jobholders , independent accrediting body and evaluators . 3 .