
  • 网络occupational hazards;occupational hazard factors
  1. 职业危害因素混合接触综合评价方法概述

    Review of comprehensive evaluation methodology for exposure to multiple occupational hazard factors

  2. 目的分析供应室工作人员职业危害因素和制定防护措施。

    OBJECTIVE To discuss the occupational hazard factors and protection measures of Central Supply Unit .

  3. 建立化学性职业危害因素资料库,为设计上海市工种暴露模式(JEM)提供线索。

    The database of chemical occupational hazards was set up in order to provide some clue to designing the job exposure matrix ( JEM ) in Shanghai .

  4. 结论血清中羟脯氨酸、氨基已糖含量可以反映职业危害因素VCM对肝细胞的损伤情况,可以用该指标来进行定期职业健康监护或跟踪调查的项目。

    Conclusion Hydroxy proline and hexosamine contents inside serum can reflect the occupational dangerous factor of VCM that leads to liver cell harm . The index can be used as an item in periodical occupational health survey as follow-up investigation .

  5. 目的探讨MPS2多功能自动进样器在职业危害因素正己烷、甲苯、乙酸乙酯等项目检测中的应用价值。

    To explore the application value of MPS2 multi-function automatic injector in detecting the occupational hazardous factors liken-hexane , toluene and ethyl acetate .

  6. 某工业小区2000~2004年职业危害因素分析

    Analysis of Occupational Risk Factors in an Industrial Subdistrict during 2000-2004

  7. 手术室护士的职业危害因素及防护措施

    The professional endanger factors of operation room nurses and its prevention

  8. 全自动进样器在职业危害因素检测中的应用

    Application of Automatic Injector in the Detection of Occupational Hazardous Factors

  9. 应重视生物性职业危害因素的防控与研究

    Emphasis on the Study , Prevention and Control of Biological Occupational Hazards

  10. 某橡胶轮胎厂职业危害因素对作业人员健康影响的调查

    Adverse Effects of Occupational Hazards on Employees in A Rubber Tire Industrial

  11. 无锡市职业危害因素状况调查和职业病防治对策

    Investigation of Occupational Hazards and Control Measures in Wuxi City

  12. 门诊护士职业危害因素分析

    Investigation on Occupational Hazards of Nurses Working in the Clinic

  13. 上海市接触职业危害因素职工的健康教育

    Health Education for Workers Exposed to Occupational Hazard in Shanghai

  14. 几种职业危害因素对作业人员心电图的影响

    The impact of several occupational risk factors on the electrocardiogram of workers

  15. 中山市179家企业职业危害因素现状调查

    Investigation on Occupational Hazards of 179 Enterprises in Zhongshan City

  16. 高温作为军事职业危害因素日益受到重视,人体在高温条件下适应与耐受能力的研究成为热点。

    Hyperthermia is a harmful condition being increasingly recognized in military area .

  17. 试析妇产科医师的职业危害因素与防护

    Analysis on occupational hazardous factors and preventive measures in obstetricians and gynecologists

  18. 供应室人员职业危害因素分析及防范对策

    Professional Harmfulness of Personnel in Supply Division and Its Countermeasures

  19. 危害分析关键控制点在化工厂职业危害因素卫生监督中的应用

    Application of HACCP in health inspection of occupational hazards in chemical industry

  20. 交通警察作业环境职业危害因素评价

    Valuation of occupational hazard factor from working sites of traffic

  21. 结核病防治门诊的职业危害因素分析及防护措施

    Analysis of Occupational Hazards in Tuberculosis Clinic and Protection Measures

  22. 温州、台州、杭州是我省存在职业危害因素企业的集中地区。

    Wenzhou , Taizhou and Hangzhou are the mainly area of occupational hazards .

  23. 上海市工种暴露模式(1):化学性职业危害因素资料库的建立

    Job-Exposure Matrix in Shanghai : The Establishment of Database for Chemical Occupational Hazards

  24. 中小型铁合金生产企业职业危害因素的识别和控制

    Identification and control of occupational harmful factors in small and medium ferroalloy enterprise

  25. 护理职业危害因素及防护措施

    Occupational Hazardous Factors and Protective Measures in Nursing

  26. 目的了解职业危害因素对交通警察健康的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of occupational hazardous factors on pointsmen 's health .

  27. 调查结果表明,该厂的主要职业危害因素是稀土粉尘和多种有害气体对人体的联合作用。

    The results showed that the main occupational hazardous factors were rare-earth dusts and toxic gases .

  28. 电子计算机终端作业职业危害因素分析

    Occupational hazards analysis of VDT operators

  29. 目的分析了解消毒供应室职业危害因素,有针对性地采取预防措施。

    Conclusions The paper put forward systematic preventive amid control suggestions aiming at the underlying harmful factors .

  30. 对生活垃圾焚烧厂的工艺流程、职业危害因素种类及现场检测的资料进行收集、整理与分析。

    Describe the procedure in the waste incinerating factory and sort out occupational hazards in every procedure .