
  • 网络job psychograph
  1. 合同护士与在编护士职业心态差异的调查分析

    The analysis of the psychological state between the military nurses and contract nurses

  2. 通过对川北医学院眼视光学专业第一届理学学生(2004级)实习情况意见反馈的整理分析,发现实习学生存在的主要问题在于职业心态较差。

    Through the feedback of the first professional students ( 2004 ) form optometry and ophthalmology , we found the main problem lies in poor occupational psychology .

  3. 美国人持特有的、歧视职业教育的心态。

    America has a unique disdain for vocational education .

  4. 通过R型因于分析,得出长春市城区晨晚练点有职业、无职业锻炼者的心态主因子,两者在因子结构上存在着很大程度的差异。

    Through the analyzing of R factor , the main psychology factors of employed and unemployed exercisers were got . The two had great difference in the factor structure .

  5. 职业适应,作为人的社会适应的一个重要方面,是指在积极的职业价值观念指导与统率下形成并维持的职业心态、职业能力、职业关系等与职业劳动者及其环境之间的和谐状态。

    Occupational adaptation , one important aspect of social adaptations , means the harmonious state among occupational psychology , occupational ability , occupational relationship etc. and occupational labors with their environment , taken form and maintained in the direction of active occupational values .