
  • 网络Career Management;professional management;Occupation Management
  1. BD广告装饰有限公司职业管理体系的研究与设计。

    Career Management System Research and Design of BD Advertising Adorning Limited Company .

  2. 她说,企业学院的职业管理主管还告诉学生,很难改变各行各业对MBA学位的看法的。

    She says that IE 's director of career management also told students it was really hard to change industries with an MBA .

  3. 哥伦比亚大学商学院的职业管理中心主管吉娜雷斯尼克(GinaResnick)表示,招聘正在减少,存在很大不确定性。该学院有一半的学生通常会从事金融相关工作。

    Gina Resnick , who heads the career management centre at Columbia , where half the students usually go into finance-related jobs , says that recruiting is down and there is a lot of uncertainty .

  4. 加强职业管理提升企业竞争力

    Strengthen occupation management , upgrade enterprises competitive power of the enterprises

  5. 公共养老基金可以只投资于职业管理人管理的公司。

    Public pension funds could invest only in professionally managed companies .

  6. 注册会计师职业管理体制的博弈分析

    Management System of Certified Public Accountant : a Game Analysis

  7. 注册会计师职业管理的目标与模式

    Career Management Objectives And Mode of CPA

  8. 纽约职业管理执行顾问谢乐尔•斯巴涅尔说:“这反映了你的道德水平”。

    " It reflects your ethics ," says Sheryl Spanier , an executive career management consultant in New York .

  9. 对企业、个体两个不同层次的职业管理策略与员工职业满意感和组织承诺的关系进行了研究。

    This paper analyzes relationships among individual career management strategy , organizational career management strategy and employees career satisfaction and organizational commitment .

  10. 企业开展职业管理最能体现以人为本的管理宗旨,通过满足职工职业发展方面的需求,使企业的人力资源得到最大应用,从而能动地实现企业的发展目标。

    That an enterprise develops professional management will reflect the managerial idea that human is basis , can fully utilize its human resources by satisfying its employees ' demands of professional development . That is conducive to the achieving of its developing targets .

  11. 论ISO9000质量管理体系与职业学校管理

    Discuss ISO 9000 Quality and Management System and Vocational School Management

  12. 加权TOPSIS方法综合评价职业卫生管理状况的探讨

    Study on the weighted TOPSIS method for the comprehensive evaluation of occupational health management

  13. 加强天气变化和大气污染的预警,完善医院的职业卫生管理,对预防SARS爆发和季节性重现具有重大意义。

    Warning of atmospheric conditions favorable to SARS , and improvement in occupational hygiene management is the key to prevention from SARS outbreak .

  14. 运用问卷调查方法,研究了自我职业生涯管理(ICM)以及职业承诺对职业生涯成功的影响及其影响机制。

    The effects of individual career management and career commitment on career success were studied by using survey .

  15. 方法在前期综合评价指标及权重系数研究的基础上,应用加权TOPSIS方法对2003年我国10个调查省、市、自治区职业卫生管理状况进行综合评价。

    Method On the basis of previous study on comprehensive evaluation indices and methods , a comprehensive evaluation on occupational health management using weighted TOPSIS was conducted in 10 provinces , cities and autonomous regions .

  16. 通过对CE标志认证的了解,帮助企业了解与安全有关的问题,通过危险分析和危险评估将危险减至最小的责任,重视企业的职业安全管理工作。

    The enterprises will be helped to understand problems corresponding to safety via understanding of CE symbol attestation and dangers will be reduced to minimum via such analysis and evalution , hence emphasis on management of professional safety in enterprises would be taken .

  17. 组织视角的高校图书馆员职业生涯管理研究

    Study on the Career Management of College Librarians from Organization Perspective

  18. 加强职业教育管理推进广州职业教育研究

    Strengthening Vocational Education Management to Promote Vocational Education Research in Guangzhou

  19. 变革环境下的员工心理契约与职业生涯管理

    Psychological Contract and Career Management under the Changing Landscape of Work

  20. 基于胜任力模型的公务员职业生涯管理研究

    Study on Career Management of Public Servants Based on Competency Model

  21. 此研究证明了组织职业生涯管理的必要性。

    The result shows that organization career management is very important .

  22. 企业职业卫生管理措施落实不到位。

    The occupational health management measure was not fully implemented .

  23. 中国家族企业的职业化管理问题研究

    Research into Problems of the Professional Management of China 's Family Firms

  24. 河北省胶粘剂使用企业职业卫生管理现状调查分析

    The Occupational Hygiene Management Over Binder-using Factories in Hebei Province

  25. 职业健康管理体系在施工风险管理中的应用

    The application of the occupational health management system in construction adventure management

  26. 饭店大学生员工职业生涯管理研究

    Study on Graduate Employee 's Career Management in Hospitality Enterprises

  27. 探索高等职业院校管理上的新途径

    Exploring the New Approaches to the Management of Vocational College

  28. 大型人造板工业企业职业化管理探讨

    Research on Professional Management for large-scale Wood-based Panel Industry Businesses

  29. 高校图书馆员职业生涯管理系统的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of the University Librarian Career Management System

  30. 职业教育管理与评价软件的开发与利用

    Software of Vocational Education Mangement and Evaluation Development and Use