
  • 网络Polymerization rate;the rate of polymerization;FMPV
  1. 初期动力学数据表明,聚合速率RP∝[M]~(1.304)。高转化率下聚合结果表明,在一定条件下产生自动加速现象。

    The results of initial kinetics indicated the rate of polymerization rP ∝( M ) 1.304 . The results at high conversions indicated that there is self-acceleration of polymerization .

  2. 结果表明,在CQ引发体系中,加入助引发剂SA可以显著提高聚合速率和最终双键转化率。

    The results indicated that the addition of SA as co-initiator greatly improved the rate of polymerization ( Rp ) and final double bond conversion ( DC ) when compared with the system initiated by CQ alone .

  3. 升温速率越快,pH初始下降值越大,脲醛树脂的聚合速率也越快。

    And the changes of pH value became larger with faster heating rates .

  4. 测定了E3和聚合速率方程。

    The rate equations for MMA polymerization in toluene solution were also determined .

  5. pH值较低时,影响分散剂的稳定性,聚合速率降低。

    When the pH value was low , the stability of dispersant was influenced , and the polymerization rate was slow .

  6. 考察了聚合速率以及体系粘度对AM在PEG水溶液中双水相聚合过程稳定性影响。

    The effects of polymerization rate and system viscosity on the process stability of the aqueous two-phase polymerization were explored .

  7. 作为活性稀释剂,PGE可以较大地提高E-51的聚合速率。

    PGE as a reactive diluent greatly in-creased the polymerization rate of E-51 .

  8. 测定的乳液共聚转化率&时间曲线表明,乳液的聚合速率随着少量的MMA单体的加入而大大提高,亦随着MMA用量的增加而增加。

    The conversion-time curves show that the polymerization rate improves rapidly with the presence of MMA .

  9. 应用辅助血浆纤维蛋白原活性测定系统测定Fg浓度、纤维蛋白单体聚合速率与最大光密度的比值(FMPV/Amax)。

    The Fg concentration , FMPV / Amax were tested with assisting plasm Fg activity assay system .

  10. SBS热塑性弹性体的技术开发&Ⅰ.聚合速率的控制和线型SBS的合成

    Technical development of the styrene-butadiene-styrene ( sbs ) thermoplastic elastomer ⅰ . the control of the polymerization rate and the synthesis of linear SBS thermoplastic elastomer

  11. 结果表明:巯基硅氧烷能大大提高NLO的自由基聚合速率,环烯键对硫醇十分敏感,巯基硅氧烷溶胶兼具光引发剂和交联剂的作用。

    Results indicate that thiol siloxane ( MPTS ) colloids can greatly increase the free radical polymerization rate effectively as photoinitiator and crosslinker .

  12. 本文旨在提供一种聚合速率的控制方法,并报告了用上述三种方法合成的线型SBS的物理-机械性能。

    A method is proposed for the control of the polymerization rate , and the physical properties of the linear SBS block copolymers produced by the three ways mentioned above are also reported .

  13. 随着纳米SiO2粒子锚固AIBA量的增加,聚合速率增加,PMMA/纳米SiO2复合粒子的平均粒径变小;

    The conversion of MMA increases as the amount of absorbed AIBA is increased , while the average size of PMMA / nano-SiO2 composite particles decreases .

  14. 在相同条件下,较活泼的meso-体为引发剂时,聚合速率大,产物分子量小;而较稳定的dl-体则聚合速率小,产物分子量大.DL中的函数实现网络通信的原理。

    Under the same condition , the reactive meso isomer as a initiator , the polymerization rate is faster than dl isomer , but the weight of polystyrene is lower than dl ' s.

  15. 聚合速率与过氧键浓度的1/2次方成正比。基于JWEB50中活性基团等活性假设、长链假定以及引发效率相等假定,建立了JWEB50引发St本体聚合的动力学模型。

    And it is proportional to the square of the concentration of O-O group . A kinetic model for polymerization rate of St was established based on the hypothesis of equal reactivity , long chain assumption and under the quasi steady state .

  16. 实验结果表明,聚合速率随着引发速率的增加而增加。在t-BHP/VO~(2+)体系中,聚合物粒子粒径较大,其分布较窄。

    The results showed that the rates of polymerization increased with the increase of the rate of initiation , while the t-butyl hydroperoxide / VO ( 2 + ) gave a larger particle size and a narrower particle size distribution .

  17. 不同梗死体积组中,大梗死组纤维蛋白单体聚合速率(FMPV)较小梗死组和中梗死组显著增高;

    Patients with big size infarction had higher fibrin monomer polymerization velocity ( FMPV ) than patients with small and middle size infarction .

  18. 在相同的反应条件下,该体系的聚合速率较DMA-BC-MMA体系快一个数量级。

    Under the same reaction conditions , the polymerization rate is faster than that in DMA-BC-MMA system by one order of magnitude .

  19. 发现随着GABE用量的增加,丁二烯和苯乙烯的均聚合速率及丁苯共聚合速率均加快,聚合物中1,2-结构含量升高,最大可超过70%。

    With the increase of the amount of GABE , the homopolymerization and copolymerization rate of butadiene and styrene increase and the 1,2-structure content of polymer also increases and reaches up to over 70 % .

  20. 结果显示:AL组的Fbg含量和Fbg分子功能及纤维蛋白单体聚合速率(FMPV)较正常组明显升高,其差异有显著意义(P<0.05)。

    The results showed that the content of Fbg , the function of the Fbg molecules and Fibrin monomer polymeric velocity ( FMPV ) in the AL group were all obviously higher than in the control group with the difference being significant between them ( P < 0.05 ) .

  21. 交联剂VTMS的引入,不仅使线性聚硅氧烷形成交联的弹性体网络,而且改变了端羟基硅氧烷的缩合平衡反应速率,抑制了逆反应,加快了聚合速率。

    Introducing crosslink agent VTMS could change linear polysiloxane into crosslinked elastic network and influence the equilibrium of the condensation reaction of end-hydroxyl polysiloxane by inhibiting inverse reaction . The polymerization was speeded up as well .

  22. 本体共聚配方中BDB/AIBN的比值越大、BDB用量越大,乳液聚合速率越小,相近转化率时产物的分子量越小,分布也越窄。

    With the increase of the ratio of BDB to AIBN and the concentration of BDB , the reaction rate decreases , the molecular weight for polymer with similar monomer conversion during the emulsion polymerization becomes smaller , and the molecular weight distribution will also be narrower .

  23. 氯化聚乙烯接枝氯乙烯聚合速率及传热

    Polymerization Rate and Heat Transfer in Chlorinated Polyethylene-Graft-Vinyl Chloride Manufacture Process

  24. 并计算出相应,聚合速率-转化率曲线。

    And the corresponding curve of polymerization rate versus conversion was calculated .

  25. 加入橡胶使苯乙烯聚合速率和分子量降低,橡胶起着缓聚和链转移作用。

    Rubber acted as chain transfer agent and retarder at polymerization of styrene .

  26. 升高反应温度,能够明显提高聚合速率。

    The emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization rate increases significantly when reaction temperature is raised .

  27. 白板纸面涂胶乳一段聚合速率研究

    Study on rate of polymerization of surface coating latex for paperboard in first order polymerization

  28. 随着辐照剂量率的增加,反应产物的接枝率和粘均分子量都升高。考察了各种条件对聚合速率的影响。

    With the increase of radiation dose rate , both graft degree and molecularweight have been improved .

  29. 复合乳化剂体系对氯乙烯微乳液聚合速率的影响

    Effects of Anionic Emulsifier / Long-chain Fatty Alcohol Complex on the Rate of Vinyl Chloride Mini-emulsion Polymerization

  30. 往该体系添加二价铜化合物、乙醇等会对聚合速率及产物分子量及其分布有所影响。

    We can adjust the polymerization rate and polymer Mw through adding Cu2 + compound and ethanol .