
  1. 肃肺和胃法治疗外感咳嗽的疗效机理和临床研究

    Clinical Trial of the Therapy of Clearing Lung and Harmonizing Stomach for the Treatment of the Cough Caused by Exogenous Pathogens : Investigation of the Mechanism of the Effects

  2. 目的:提出用肃肺平喘、宣肺止咳、清化痰热法治疗小儿热性哮喘,研究清热平喘方治疗小儿热性哮喘的作用机理及临床疗效。

    Objective : To explore the effect and mechanism of the prescription of clearing away heat and relieving asthma according to therapy of descending lung Qi to smooth asthma , dispersing lung Qi to resolve cough and clearing away phlegm-heat for asthma of heat type .