
  • 网络musculocutaneous;Musculocutaneous nerve;h.musculocutaneus
  1. 方法通过尸体解剖,对32侧成人上肢进行肌皮神经肱肌肌支与相应平面正中神经干内屈指功能束的解剖学研究,设计肱肌肌支与正中神经屈指功能束直接缝合的部位。

    Methods Anatomical study was done in 32 adult upper extremities specimens . The musculocutaneous nerve ( MCN ) branches to brachialis muscle and fascicles of median nerve ( MN ) to digital flexion muscle was studied at the same level in upper arm to locate the direct suture level .

  2. 在神经受压前、受压后2周及4周测定肌皮神经的躯体诱发电位(SEP);

    Somatic evoked potentials ( SEP ) of musculocutaneous nerve was examined before , 2 weeks after , and 4 weeks after nerve compression .

  3. 乙酰胆碱酯酶染色示端侧组肌皮神经主干运动神经纤维比例为[(0.39±0.07)%,x±s,下同],与正常组的差异无统计学意义;

    AchE staining showed that in the end-to-side neurorrhaphy group the percentage of motor fibers of musculocutaneous nerve main branch was 0.39 ± 0.07 , not different from normal control group .

  4. 结论肋间神经与肌皮神经缝接后,屈肘功能恢复明显,直接缝合组优于神经移植桥接组(P0.01)。

    Conclusions There was obvious recovery of elbow flexion after intercostal nerve transfer to musculocutaneous nerve . The result of direct suture was superior to that of nerve grafting .

  5. C7前股外侧发出1~2支神经束加入肌皮神经,3~4支神经束加入正中神经;

    One or 2 branches from the lateral part of anterior division of the C 7 contributed to the musculocutaneous nerve , and 3 or 4 branches to the median nerve .

  6. 结果大鼠C7神经根前股发出一定数量的运动纤维到肌皮神经、正中神经,总量约207根,但在C7前股定位不明确;

    Results Fascicles and certain amount ( 207 ) of motor fibers from the anterior division of C_7 were distributed to musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve , the orientation of these fibers were not clear .

  7. 结果PNS组的阻滞成功率要高于PAR组(95.5%对54.5%,P<0.01),两组间差异主要由于PAR组的肌皮神经和桡神经阻滞率较低(P<0.05)。

    Results The success rate of group PNS was higher than that of group PAR ( 95.5 % vs 54.5 % , P < 0.01 ), and this was related to a larger success rate for blocking the radial and the musculocutaneous nerves ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. A组:切断肌皮神经主干。

    In group A , the musculocutaneous nerves were cut off .

  9. 肌皮神经及其分支的应用解剖学观测

    Applied anatomy observation and measurement of musculocutaneous nerve and the branches

  10. 目的报道肌皮神经肱肌肌支移位后的远期疗效。

    Objective To report the long-term outcome of brachialis muscle branch transfer .

  11. 膈神经全部移位至肌皮神经。

    All these phrenic nerves were sutured to musculocutaneous nerves .

  12. 右侧肌皮神经分支分布异常1例

    The abnormal branches and distribution of right musculocutaneous nerve : a case report

  13. 青海高原牦牛肌皮神经的解剖

    Dissection of Musculocutaneous Nerve of Qinghai Plateau Yak

  14. 肌皮神经的血供

    The blood supply of the musculocutaneous nerve

  15. 目的首创在胸腔镜视下切断膈神经远端移接于肌皮神经的新术式。

    Objective To introduce the new surgical procedure of harvesting the phrenic nerve by thoracoscope .

  16. 肌皮神经并正中神经及尺神经变异1例

    Musculocutaneous nerve combine with median nerve and the variation of ulnar nerve : case report

  17. 桡神经肱三头肌支移位修复肌皮神经损伤的解剖学研究

    Anatomical Studies on the Brachial Triceps Branches of Radial Nerve for Repairing the Musculocutaneous Nerve Injury

  18. 人肌皮神经和臂丛功能束定位的组织化学法研究

    The ache histochemical study of the arrangement of fascicles of human musculocutaneous nerve and the brachial plexus

  19. 肌皮神经与正中神经共干1例

    Musculocutaneous nerve originating as a common trunk with lateral cord of median nerve : a case report

  20. 肌皮神经肱肌肌支移位术的电生理研究

    Transfer of brachialis muscle branch of the musculocutaneous nerve to the median nerve : an electrophysiological study

  21. 正中神经部分束支移位与肌皮神经肱二头肌肌支缝合重建屈肘功能

    Median nerve fascicle transfer to biceps muscle branch of the musculocutaneous nerve for restoration of elbow flexion

  22. 肌皮神经回植脊髓后神经再生与肱二头肌功能恢复的实验研究

    Regeneration of musculocutaneous nerve and functional restoration of the biceps muscle after reimplantation of nerve to spinal cord

  23. 大鼠肌皮神经感觉纤维损伤后脊髓胶状质内超微结构变化的观察

    Observation of Ultrastructural Changes in Gelatinosa of Spinal Cord after Sensational Fiber Injury of Musculocutaneous Nerve in Rat

  24. 改良法膈神经移位肌皮神经术的临床疗效分析

    Clinical analysis on the therapeutic effectiveness of improved method of transfering phrenic nerve for the operation of musculocutaneous nerve

  25. 尺神经部分转位肌皮神经对臂丛损伤屈肘功能恢复的观察

    Nerve Transfer to Biceps Brachii using Partial Ulnar Nerve for Restoration of Elbow Flexion after Injury of Brachial Plexus

  26. 肌皮神经肱肌支移位重建屈指功能解剖学研究与临床病例报告

    Anatomical study of transferring musculocutaneous nerve branches to brachialis muscle for restoration of digital flexion : a case report

  27. 肌皮神经人肌点至喙突尖的间距为5.99±4.54(7.8~11.5cm)。

    It is 5.99 ± 4.54 ( 2.8-11.5 ) cm between the musculocutaneous nerve incarnation point and the coracoid process .

  28. 目的比较3种不同手术方式将膈神经移位至肌皮神经后屈肘功能恢复的疗效。

    Objective To compare the treatment outcome of 3 kinds of phrenic nerve transfer to musculocutaneous nerve for restoration of elbow flexion .

  29. 目的比较肋间神经移位直接与肌皮神经缝合,和通过皮神经移植桥接肌皮、肋间神经两种术式的疗效。

    Objective To compare the treatment outcome of intercostal nerve transfer to the musculocutaneous nerve by direct suture or via cutaneous nerve grafting .

  30. 测量肌皮神经分支及腋神经前、后支起点、横径;

    The origin point , transverse diameter of anterior branch and posterior branch of axillary nerve and musculocutaneous nerve were dissected and measured .