
  • 网络portrait description
  1. 第二章到第五章分别阐述了肖像描写、行动描写、语言描写与。理描写的含义、要求及其翻译。

    Chapter two elaborated the concepts of portrayal , portrait description , description of action , linguistic description and psychological description .

  2. 肖像描写。《金瓶梅》抓住特征简笔勾勒人物形象时更为细致,《源氏物语》则较多的呈现出一种印象式描述。

    Second , on the portrait description ," Golden Lotus " is more detailed on focusing on features when " The Tale of Genji " presents impressionistic .

  3. 该章主要分析了小说中的人物肖像描写以及主要人物所具有的戏剧特点。

    In this chapter , I analyze the portraits of some characters and the essential dramatic features of the major characters .

  4. 福克纳的著名短篇小说《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》运用了哥特手法,该小说的哥特式特征主要体现在主题与情节构造、人物形象、场景与肖像描写、神秘性与幻觉四个方面。

    William Faulkner 's famous short novel A Rose for Emily was written in Gothic style which mainly embodied in the following four aspects : the theme and plot structure , the character , description of the scenes and portrait , mystery and illusion .

  5. 在《围城》中看漫画&试析《围城》的人物肖像的描写这幅漫画中满是出色的人物形象,例如,第一格中惟妙惟肖的女秘书。

    Center looks at " the cartoon " in " Besieged city " & Tries analyzes " Besieged city " the character portrait description ; This cartoon is studded with excellent caricatures , for instance , the wonderful executive secretary in the first frame .