
ɡǔ piào jià ɡé zhǐ shù
  • stock price index;share index
  1. 股票价格指数与宏观经济变量之间的Granger因果关系不是很显著,且与工业增加值之间的联系较弱,所以股票价格指数并不能完全充当我国经济发展的晴雨表。

    But the Granger cause relationship between stock price index and macroeconomic variables is not significant , and the linkage between stock price index and added industry value is weakly .

  2. 得出它们的协整方程以及误差修正模型(ECM),反映了股票价格指数与宏观经济变量的长期静态和短期动态影响关系。

    Then , we obtain their co-integration and error correction model equation ( ECM ), which reflects the long-term static and short-term dynamic relationship between the stock price index and macroeconomic variables .

  3. 中国股票价格指数关联性的VAR分析

    The VAR Analysis of the Linkage between Stock Price Indices in China

  4. DelaTorre说,该地区的股票价格指数已经大幅度下跌,货币也经历了重大调整。

    De la Torre said the region has witnessed large declines in stock price indices and significant currency adjustments .

  5. 得益于此,在东京股票价格指数(topix)迟滞不前之际,连锁便利店罗森(lawson)的股价今年却累计攀升四分之一。

    That has helped shares in convenience store chain Lawson rise by a quarter this year , while the Topix has gone almost nowhere .

  6. 本文选取1985年至2010年的所有股票价格指数(ASPI)的数据,并选定行业类别的时间跨度为2003年至2010年。

    This study selected All Share Price Index ( ASPI ) data from 1985 to 2010 and the period considered for selected industry sectors spans from 2003 to 2010 .

  7. 股票价格指数反映了股票市场的情况。

    The stock price index reflect the situation of stock market .

  8. 关于开设股票价格指数期货的理论探讨

    On the Theory of the Stock Index Future in China

  9. 我国股票价格指数功能研究

    The Research of Function of Stock Price Index in China

  10. 我国股票价格指数与宏观经济的关系

    The Relationship between Stock Price Index and Macroeconomy in China

  11. 基于宏观经济先行指标的股票价格指数走势预测分析

    Prediction of Stock Index Based on the Macroeconomic Leading Indicators

  12. 股票价格指数已跌到历史最低点。

    Share prices have been at an all-time low .

  13. 股指期货交易的标的物是股票价格指数。

    Stock index futures ' the subject matter of the stock price index .

  14. 股指期货(股票价格指数期货)是以股票价格指数为标的的指数期货。

    Stock index futures is the index futures underlying the stock price index .

  15. 深圳股票价格指数的功率谱检验

    Power Spectrum Verification of Shenzhen Share Price Index

  16. 关于股票价格指数的回归分析

    On the Analysis of a Stock Price Index

  17. 金融时报股票价格指数互联网时代的金融再造与金融创新

    Financial Times Stock Indices Financial Restructure and Innovation

  18. 标准及普尔股票价格指数

    Standard and Poor 's Stock Price Indexes

  19. 研究了股票价格指数的设计及机理分析,给出某些有趣的结论。

    The design and intrinsic analysis of stock price index are studied in this paper .

  20. 股票价格指数波动实证研究

    Empirical Research on Stock Price Index Fluctuation

  21. 行业股票价格指数的波动性常用来衡量行业的风险。

    Vola-tilities of industrial stock price indices are often used to measure the industrial risks .

  22. 采样股股票价格指数的编制

    Development of Sampling Stock Index

  23. 股票价格指数表明股市的价格水平及其涨跌幅度。

    The stock price index indicates the price level and its rising and falling of stock market .

  24. 其次,从理论上分析了利率变动对股票价格指数变动之间的关系。

    Secondly , it studies the theory of relationship between interest rate adjustments and the stock price fluctuations .

  25. 金融时报股票价格指数

    Financial Times Stock Indices

  26. 作为国民经济运行晴雨表的股票价格指数自然地就能够充当这样的角色。

    As a " barometer of national economy ," the stock index can serve as such a natural role .

  27. 这说明股票价格指数除了利率外还受其他因素的影响。

    This is because the stock price index is impacted by some other factors in addition to the interest rate .

  28. 第二章是显著影响股票价格指数的宏观经济指标的筛选原理及步骤,包括多重共线性检验及向前选择变量法。

    Chapter 2 illustrates the principle and stages of screening macro-economical indicators , includes multiple collinear tests and forward selecting variables method .

  29. 但是由于货币供应量与股票价格指数并不相关,即货币供应量的增加不能对股票价格产生影响,因而不能判断货币供应量对于投资和消费的促进作用是否通过对股票价格的影响而产生;

    The increase of money supply may accelerate the investment and consumption but could not affect the prices in the security market .

  30. 改变现有研究单独研究宏观经济指标对股票价格指数的短期或长期影响的现状。

    It changes the current researches ' problem of just researching the short-term or long-term impact of macro-economical indicators on stock price index .