
  • 网络brooding;Brooding period
  1. 人工育雏期非洲鸵鸟的行为

    Behavior of African Ostrich ( Struthio camelus ) in Brooding Period

  2. 育雏期母鸡母性行为消长试验初报

    An experiment of the increase and decrease of maternal behaviour of the hen during brooding period

  3. 每巢产3~5枚卵,孵卵期21d,育雏期41d,42日龄后幼鸟离巢飞走,出飞存活率625%。

    Normally a nest had 3-5 eggs , and the incubation period was 21 days . After being fledged for 41 days , the young birds flight off the nest on the 42nd day and the rate of survival upon flying away was 62 5 % .

  4. 育雏期肉用仔鸡实施控光效果的研究

    A study on the effect using controlled lightening on broiler chicks

  5. 野禽类育雏期不同药物防疫程序的防疫效果

    The Results of Epidemic Prevention in Different Periods of Wild Fowls Brooding

  6. 鸡育雏期饲养管理及疾病诊断专家系统研究初报

    A primary study on computer expert for breeding management of young chicken

  7. 日粮蛋白质水平对育雏期绿头野鸭生长性能的影响

    Effect of Dietary Protein Level on Growth Performance of Wild Anas Platyrhynchos

  8. 育雏期存活率的变化曲线及其应用

    Living percentage curve of brood time and its utilization

  9. 日粮能量、蛋白水平对高邮鸭育雏期生长性能的影响

    Effect of Dietary Crude Protein and Energy Concentrations on Growth Performance in Gaoyou Ducklings

  10. 领域的大小在孵卵期和育雏期是稳定的。

    The size of territory doesn 't vary in the period of incubation and feeding nestling .

  11. 环境与营养对星杂579商品代公鸡育雏期生产性能的影响

    The effects of environment and nutrient on the commercial cockerels of star-cross 579 in starting period

  12. 北红尾鸲育雏期的观察

    Observation of Daurian Redstart 's Brooding

  13. 从饲料报酬的角度看,19.00%的蛋白质水平完全可以满足绿头野鸭育雏期(0~4周龄)的生长需要。

    19.00 % of protein level met growth requirement of ducklings from the view of feed remuneration .

  14. 而育雏期则较复杂,行为特征和时间变化大,根据行为不同可分3个时期:暖雏期、守护期、巢周育雏期。

    The attendance behaviors included three periods : warming nestling period , defending nestling period and brooding period around nest .

  15. 火鸡育雏期预混料的研制及饲喂试验GB/T5918-1997配合饲料混合均匀度的测定

    The Research on Premix Feedstuff and the Test of Feeding in the Brooding Stage of Turkey Determination of mixing homogeneity for formula feed

  16. 非洲鸵鸟育雏期较长,在育雏期间,生长发育缓慢,胃肠道疾病严重。

    African ostrich has longer brood time , during the brood time , the growth and development is slow , the gastrointestinal disease is serious .

  17. 分析引种不同世代法国莱茵鹅育雏期生长发育情况,了解莱茵鹅引入我国后的适应性,为鹅的改良和育种积累素材。

    Oberve growth and development of france white roasting geese , analysis adaptation of introduced geese in our feeding standard and environment , so that we can accumulate .

  18. 研究以新狼山鸡12个世代的入孵头照白蛋率、孵化期死亡率、育雏期死亡率和育成期死亡率为基础材料,作为探讨新狼山鸡死亡当量的依据。

    To study the lethal equivalent of New Langshan Chicken , we collected the data of hatch rate at first check time , death rate in hatching time , and mortality after hatching .

  19. 育雏期每3小时左右采食一次。据1987、1988年人工饲养的幼雏各2只观察,幼雏生长发育迅速,日采食量350克(6日令)&2000克(50日令)。

    In the observations of two birds brooded artificially in 1987 and 1988 each , the young birds grew rapidly and daily feed intakes were 350g to 2 000g ( 60 to 50 days ) .

  20. 为揭示育雏期非洲鸵鸟的行为规律、制定其饲养管理计划、提高人工养殖条件下育雏期非洲鸵鸟的成活率提供了重要依据。

    These results offer a gist to reveal the behavioral regularity of the African Ostrich and make plans for their feeding and management , improving the survival rate of the African domestic Ostriches in brooding period .

  21. 孵化期将近30天,巢内育雏期43~45天,巢外育幼期50天左右,繁殖周期从巢址选择到幼鸟独立生活至少150天。

    The hatching period almost lasted 30 days , and breeding period 43-45 days in nest and 50 days outsides or so . The breeding cycle is 150 days at least from choosing nest site to young independence .

  22. 目的是研究饲粮不同能量、粗蛋白质、钙和磷水平对1~28日龄合浦鹅生产性能及相关参数的影响,以便确定合浦鹅育雏期饲粮中该4种养分的适宜含量。

    The aim was to study the effect of dietary different metabolizable energy , crude protein , calcium and phosphorus levels on growth performance and relative parameters , also to determinate appropriate levels of the four nutrients in green goose .

  23. 大鸨雏鸟人工育雏成功与否,主要取决于育雏期的饲养管理,如育雏温度、湿度、饲料营养成分,以及雏鸟的疾病防治等。

    Whether artificial incubation was successful largely depends on raising management , including temperature , moisture , forage nutrient composition and disease prevention and cure , etc.