
  • 网络trust fall;suplex;buttock;bodyslam;Back-breaker
  1. 那时我感觉我的背摔坏了。

    At that moment I felt my back was broken .

  2. 我想我把背摔坏了。

    I think that I 've hurt my back .

  3. 他把对手背摔在垫子上。

    He buttocked his opponent onto the mat .

  4. 安迪:是啊,摔伤了。我想我把背摔坏了。

    ANDY : Yes , I have . I think that I 've hurt my back .

  5. 优秀散打运动员特长技法主要是拳法以冲拳、损拳为主,腿法以鞭腿为主,摔法以接腿摔、下潜摔、抱胸拌腿摔、过背摔为主。

    Excellent sanda athlete specialty fist technique is mainly to strike , whipped boxing is given priority to , great consistence with author give priority to . Wrestling to meet his leg , descend fall , hold chest mix leg , cross back fall primarily .

  6. 猛然弓背跃起把骑手摔下来;把驮鞍从背上摔下来。

    Buck off a rider ; bucked the packsaddle off its back .

  7. 刚走一步,他踩在一块湿的地方,摔倒在地,他的背重重摔在陶瓷浴缸上。

    He took one step , slipped on a wet spot , fell backward , and hit his back against the hard porcelain bathtub .

  8. 那个人背朝地摔下来。

    The man landed on his back .

  9. 鲍里斯双脚前滑,背朝下摔在地上,然后不断地朝隧道深处滑了下去。

    Boris 's feet slipped forward . He landed on his back . He slid deeper and deeper into the tunnel .