
  • 网络thick client;fat client;Rich Client;RIA
  1. EclipseRCP为您提供了构建下一个胖客户端应用程序的坚实基础。

    Eclipse RCP gives you a solid foundation to build your next killer rich client application .

  2. 胖客户端应用程序随即运行,并显示其主对话框。

    The rich client application will then run , displaying its main dialog box .

  3. 在这些情况下,为您的参与者构建富Web前端并不合适,胖客户端功能才是您真正需要的。

    In cases like these , building a rich Web front-end for your stakeholders is not the answer when thick-client functionality is what you really need .

  4. NET作为服务器,可以很好的解决胖客户端和瘦客户端的部署问题,同时客户端的显示采用SVG技术,可以很好的解决当前WebGIS的效率瓶颈问题。

    The technology SVG is used for display of client servers , which eliminates the efficiency bottleneck of WEB GIS .

  5. 客户端为基于Web浏览器的胖客户端,流程控制以及业务处理都以组件的形式组成系统的一部分。

    The client is a fat client based on the WEB browser . Flow control and work are respective one part of system in the component form .

  6. 系统采用了以Web实现的三层结构为主,同时辅以Java胖客户端C/S/S三层结构。

    The system USES to Web achieve three-layer is given priority to , also with Java fat client C / S / S three-layer structure .

  7. 基于Ajax的胖客户端技术的探讨及应用

    Study on Plump Client Technology Using Ajax

  8. 可以通过胖客户端或瘦客户端访问PHP代码中封装的核心银行逻辑。

    The core bank logic encapsulated in the PHP code can be accessed through a thick or thin client .

  9. 目前企业的MIS系统多为C/S结构的胖客户端的两层体系结构。

    At present , most of the MIS are based on traditional client / server architecture that is so-called tow-tier architecture .

  10. 最流行的基于流的套接字基于传输控制协议(TCP)堆栈,常常用于胖客户端应用程序。

    The most prevalent stream – based socket is based on the Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) stack and is used often for thick client applications .

  11. 在您真正远离RIA的狂热,并选择现实的胖客户端解决方案后,您的目标是什么呢?

    Once you indeed escape the RIA craze and opt for a practical thick-client solution , where do you go from here ?

  12. 随着移动通信设备的发展,计算能力的提高,J2ME的应用前景将更加广阔,基于J2ME的胖客户端也将是业界的发展方向。

    With the development of mobile communication equipment , the improvement of computing power , J2ME application will become more extensive .

  13. 智能客户端是微软2004年推出的一种新的开发模式,它结合了瘦客户端和胖客户端的长处,既有Windows程序的强大用户界面,又具备Web应用升级和更新的便捷的特点。

    Smart Client is a new development model that launched by Microsoft in 2004 , which combines the advantage of rich-client and thin-client , not only has powerful Windows program user interface , but also has the features of Web application that can update and upgrade conveniently .

  14. 开始,OLAP的实现技术都是基于胖客户端方式来实现,这种OLAP技术不易被用户使用。

    Looking back on the history of OLAP development , we can see that , at the beginning , this technology was implemented in the " fat-client " mode which however was not convenient to use .

  15. 如果用户输入了正确的名称和密码,就会显示胖客户端应用程序。

    If the user enters the correct name and password , the rich client application will be displayed .

  16. 整套系统采用胖客户端模型,即核心业务逻辑在客户端嵌入式程序中实现。

    The system uses a fat client model , that is the core business logic in the client embedded program .

  17. 传统的胖客户端充分利用客户端的资源,可以离线工作,但部署和更新很复杂。

    Traditional fat client makes the best using of client resource , it can work off line , but need complex .

  18. 随着行业从静态的胖客户端发展成为移动的瘦客户端,套接字的使用并未发生改变。

    As industry has moved from static , thick clients to mobile , thin clients , the use of sockets has not changed .

  19. 从编码角度来看胖客户端是健壮的,但是瘦客户端可能会被应用到数据应用程序中。

    A fat client is robust from a coding point of view , but a thin policy can then be applied to the data application .

  20. 随着网络应用技术的发展和信息化建设的不断深入,软件架构也经历了胖客户端(C/S),瘦客户端(B/S)的历程。

    With the development of network Applications and the constant deepening of information technology construction , software architecture has also experienced from fat-client to thin-client .

  21. 介绍了智能客户端的基本概念,对智能客户端与传统的胖客户端及瘦客户端进行了比较,同时介绍了智能客户端的主要特征。

    Then , it introduces the basic concept and main features of the smart client . It also compares the smart client with traditional fat and thin client .

  22. 该可视化系统在客户端仅仅需要一个标准浏览器而非胖客户端,使用户能方便地使用个人电脑远程浏览蛋白质分子结构图。

    Eliminating the need for a thick client by requiring only a standard Web browser , the system enables users to view protein molecular structures remotely on their own computer easily .

  23. 但是,各系统千差万别,层次不一,从数据采集方式来看,有单机、浏览器、胖客户端、手机等多种数据采集客户端。

    However , the systems differ in thousands of ways and different levels . There are many ways of data collection , browser , fat client , mobile phone and other data Collection client .

  24. 然而,这些却是胖客户端应用程序的优点,胖客户端应用程序能很好的利用客户端本地软硬件资源,能够为用户带来高质量的、响应迅速的良好的使用体验。

    However , all of these are actually the merits of the rich client architectural application . The rich client architectural application can make good use of the local hardware resources and the features of the client operating system platform .

  25. 因此,人们可以使用一个瘦客户,也可以使用胖客户端,硬件可以随时变换,软件运行的操作系统也可以被改变或更新,但使用者却不受影响。

    So , the person could use a thin client or a thick one , the hardware could be changed in time , the operating system it runs upon could be changed or updated , but the user should not be affected .

  26. 基于煤炭行业开发出来的系统也越来越多,但总的来说这些软件系统都是采用单一的胖客户端或者瘦客户端结构,这两种结构既有优点但也有不足。

    More and more software systems are introduced to the mining industry , but most of them are simply designed either with structure of thin clients , or with rich clients . These two structures both have their advantages as well as defects .

  27. 商家的客户端应用程序采用智能客户端的技术,可以使其按照远比传统胖客户端应用程序更智能和灵活的方式来管理它们的部署和更新;

    The applications of the client of the businessmen may use the technology of the Smart Client which can make them manage their disposition and update according to the way that is more intelligent and flexible than the traditional applications of the fat client ;

  28. 首先介绍了智能客户端的概念及特性,其次阐述了智能客户端较胖客户端和瘦客户端模式的优点,最后通过实例代码分析了智能客户端应用程序如何实现自动更新的功能。

    This paper First introduce definition and characteristic of smart client , then illuminate the superiority of smart client application over the fat client and the thin client , finally analyze how to realize auto update of smart client on house property management information system in house property bureau .

  29. SproutCore面向的是希望采取这种新式的‘胖’客户端模型在web上进行构建的应用。

    SproutCore is for applications that want to adopt this new'thick'client model for building apps on the web .

  30. SaaS应用程序可能出现的性能瓶颈要比桌面运行的“胖”客户端应用程序大的多。

    The potential for performance bottlenecks is far greater with SaaS applications than with " thick " client applications that run from the desktop .
