
xiōnɡ zhānɡ
  • badge;brassiere;bra
胸章 [xiōng zhāng]
  • [badge] 佩于胸前的标记,表明身分或职务

  1. 钮扣本体可充注各种芳香物质和制成儿童保健胸章。

    The button can be filled with different aromatic substances to be made into a children 's health care badge .

  2. 你得到飞行胸章了?

    Have you got your wings yet ?

  3. 设计师尼克丹杰菲尔德日前发明了一款胸章状的数码音乐专辑也就是更为小巧的mp3播放器并附带整张专辑音乐人们便可随身携带专辑作品。

    Designer Nick Dangerfield has created a digital music album in the form of a badge-a smarter mp3 player with an album music in another sense-to provide album artwork that people can wear .

  4. 我一心只想努力获取胸章。

    All I ever wanted was to earn my stripes .

  5. 胸饰,胸铠,胸章,胸针:佩于胸前的装饰品或勋章。

    An ornament or a decoration worn on the chest .

  6. 我们的哲理:我们使用产品、佩带胸章、与人分享。

    Our Philosophy : We use it , wear it , talk it .

  7. 出席会议时我们必须戴上标有名字的胸章。

    At the meeting , we all had to wear badges with our names on .

  8. 他们有的戴上胸章,有的举著标语,其中一个男子高举写著“真正的男人投给希拉里”的标语牌。

    Some wore buttons , some carried signs - including one man who held up a banner saying " real men vote Hillary . "

  9. 三个月前他获得了银色空军飞行胸章,随后被派往韩国,驻扎在非军事区附近,为期一年。

    Three months earlier , he had earned his silver wings and begun a one-year assignment in South Korea , stationed near the demilitarized zone .

  10. 他在登机口向孩子们发放飞行胸章的时候,在行李箱里还会随身携带一些帆布袋,专门提供给那些携带大量礼物的父母们&他们的纸质购物袋很容易破碎。

    Along with passing out pilot wings to kids in the gate area , he carries canvas bags in his suitcase to give to parents whose gift-loaded paper shopping bags have ripped .

  11. 我们当时正从他的登机门走向我要乘坐的航班,一位女士和她的女儿正走向与我们相反的方向,突然他停了下来,从口袋里拿出一对胸章,送给了那个女孩。

    As we were walking from his gate to mine , a woman and her daughter were walking in the opposite direction and in the blink of an eye , he stops , reaches into his pocket , pulls out a pair of wings and gives them to the daughter .