
wǔ guān duān zhèng
  • well-featured;have regular features
五官端正[wǔ guān duān zhèng]
  1. 一份新的研究报告称五官端正的男士在其一生中精神状况可能保持得更加良好。

    A new piece of research suggests that men who have regular features are likely to stay in better mental shape throughout their lives .

  2. 这孩子眉清目秀,五官端正。

    The boy is bright-eyed and has good features .

  3. 他身体高大,五官端正。

    He had a tall , handsome figure , a good set of features .

  4. 游戏介绍:MM长的五官端正但很平凡,但是小编相信经过你巧手装扮就一定会很不一般哦!

    The game is introduced : It is MM long and handsome but very ordinary , but group into and believe that it is sure to be unusual to dress up through a dab hand of yours small !

  5. 你觉得那女子是体态俊俏(五官端正)还是美丽哪?

    Would you describe that lady as handsome or beautiful ?

  6. 他很英俊,五官端正。

    He was very handsome , with strong regular features .

  7. 他比我稍微高一点,长得五官端正。

    He was slightly taller than me , with very regular features .

  8. 这几位妇女长着高高的颧骨,五官端正秀丽。

    The women have high cheekbones and fine features .

  9. 五官端正(有头发者优先)

    Nice looking ( prefer hair on his head )

  10. 五官端正,目光敏锐还有一双迷人的眼睛

    Perfect-looking , sensitive , with deep-set eyes and ...

  11. 这个小伙子五官端正。

    This young guy has nice facial features .

  12. 他是个五官端正的人。

    He 's a man of regular features .

  13. 她五官端正,具有鲜明的新英格兰人特点。

    Her face was finely modeled , with a good sharp New England profile .

  14. 五官端正(尤其指男人)。

    The quality of having regular well-defined features ( especially of a man ) .

  15. 她是一个五官端正的姑娘。

    She is a girl of regular feature .

  16. 我刚做了整容手术,需要“调整”一下姿容,以保证五官端正。

    My plastic surgery needed some " tweaking " to get it just right .

  17. 五官端正,身体健康。

    The baby is normal and healthy .

  18. 她长得五官端正,眉清目秀。

    The boy is bright-eyed and has good features . She has regular and delicate features .

  19. 身体:健康,五官端正,视力正常,身高175厘米以上;

    Health : Good condition , normal appearance , normal sight , and height : > 175cm ;

  20. 她长得眉目清秀,前额很高。这孩子眉清目秀,五官端正。

    Her forehead was high , and her eyebrows marked with beautiful clearness The boy is bright-eyed and has good features .

  21. 她头上乌黑的浓发光彩夺目,在阳光下说说熠熠生辉。她的面孔不仅皮肤滋润、五官端正、容貌秀丽,而且还有一对鲜明的眉毛和一双漆黑的深目,十分楚楚动人。

    She had dark and abundant hair , so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam , and a face which , besides being beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion , had the impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes .

  22. 她的五官是端正的;但是面部的自然活动受到那般的压抑和束缚,因此看起来似乎无法猜测它真正的表情。

    Her features were handsome ; but their natural play was so locked up , that it seemed impossible to guess at their genuine expression .

  23. 一只猴子充满着母性温柔地介绍一个塌鼻子、秃头的、五官不端正的小猴子作为候选人来参选。

    Monkey presented , with all a mother 's tenderness , a flat-nosed , hairless , ill-featured young Monkey as a candidate for the promised reward .

  24. 他年纪约四十岁,相貌谈不上漂亮,但也不难看,因为他的五官都很端正。

    He was a man of forty , not good-looking , and yet not ugly , for his features were rather good .

  25. 这老头儿的样子多么高贵!多么庄严坚决!五官又是多么端正!

    What a noble-looking old man he is ! So stern and inflexible , with such classical features !

  26. 可是我这么小,这么苍白,五官又这么不端正,真是一种不幸。

    I felt it a misfortune that I was so little , so pale , and had features so irregular and so marked .

  27. 她说,应聘者“五官肯定第一要端正”,说话温柔。

    She said the applicants needed to have " five facial features that must definitely be in their proper order " and speak in a gentle way .