
  • 网络energy consumption structure;structure of energy consumption;ECS
  1. 住宅能源消费结构模型的预测研究

    Projection Model on Structure of Energy Consumption in Residential Building

  2. 运用了主成分分析和聚类分析分析了制造业能源消费结构,指出了制造业高耗能行业以及各行业能源消费中应当注意的问题;

    From the industry of manufacturing , using Principal components analysis and Cluster analysis method , it analysis the structure of energy consumption .

  3. 首先,以GDP为因变量建立分析模型进行能源消费结构的经济效益分析。

    First , it takes GDP as dependent variable to make a model which giving economic analysis on energy consumption structure .

  4. 近年来,LNG(液化天然气)在国内发展迅速,在能源消费结构中的比重也在逐年上升。

    Rapid development of LNG ( liquefied natural gas ) in recent years , its proportion of energy consuming structure is increasing .

  5. LNG在储存和运输方面有着明显的优势,天然气的消费在能源消费结构中的比重日趋增大。

    Liquefied natural gas has obvious advantage in the storage and transportation . The consumption of natural gas is increasing by the growing proportion of in energy consumption structure .

  6. 最后分别对这三个区域建立了PANELDATA模型,将能源消费结构、固定资产投资、产业结构、经济体制、居民消费、科学技术创新这六个变量作为影响能源使用效率的因素。

    Then it establishes panel data model in the three regions , thinking energy consumption structure , fixed assets investment , industrial structure , economic system , resident consumption expenditure , science and technology innovation expenditure as six variables which influence energy use efficiency .

  7. 将二氧化碳排放总量的变化分解成五个主要影响因素,即化石燃料的排放系数、能源消费结构、能源强度、人均GDP和人口总数。

    The observed changes were attributed to five different factors , that is , the coeffcient of fossil fuels , the fuel share in total energy consumption , the energy intensity , the GDP per capita and the gross population .

  8. 结果显示:(1)人均GDP是人均二氧化碳排放的主要驱动因素,能源消费结构和固定资产投资比率对人均二氧化碳排放的影响作用也较大。

    The results showed : ( I ) The per capita GDP is the main driving factor of per capita CO2 emissions , The energy consumption structure and the fixed asset investment ratio also have great influence on per capita CO2 emissions .

  9. 洁净煤技术及中国能源消费结构调整

    Clean Coal Technology and Structure Adjustment of Energy Consumption in China

  10. 以煤为主的能源消费结构面临的环境问题及其对策

    Environmental Issues Faced with by Coal-based Energy Consumption Structure and Its Countermeasures

  11. 上海市住宅能源消费结构实测与分析

    Field Measurement and Analysis of the Residential Energy Consumption Structure of Shanghai

  12. 第五章分析了能源消费结构特征。

    Chapter 5 analyzes the structural features of energy consumption .

  13. 中日两国能源消费结构因素的对比分析

    Analysis and Comparsion of Constitution of Energy Consumption between China and Japan

  14. 青海门源县农村能源消费结构现状及分析

    Analysis of rural energy consumption structure at Menyuan county , Qinghai Province

  15. 中国能源消费结构的变动规律研究

    Study on the Change of Energy Consumption Structure in China

  16. 有沼气池农户与无沼气池农户家庭能源消费结构比较与发展趋势研究

    Energy-consuming Structure of Rural Family with and without Biogas Digester and Developing Tendency

  17. 基于目标规划的黑龙江省能源消费结构优化分析

    Analysis on Optimization of Energy Consumption Structure of Heilongjiang Province Based on Goal Programming

  18. 能源消费结构分析及政策研究

    Analysis of energy consumption structure and policy study

  19. 优化工业炉能源消费结构提高燃料炉整体技术水平

    Optimize the Energy Consume Structure to Raise the Whole Technological Level of Industrial Furnace

  20. 能源消费结构和上海大气环境

    Energy consumption structure and atmosphere environment in Shanghai

  21. 本文对门源县农村能源消费结构现状进行了分析和研究,找出了用能结构中的不合理部分,并对建立新的能源结构作了初步的探讨。

    The article also makes preliminary discussion for setting up a new rural energy structure .

  22. 长期碳排放模型中,能源消费结构直接影响碳排放水平。

    In the long-term carbon emissions model , energy consumption structure directly affects carbon emissions .

  23. 能源消费结构不合理,亟待调整和优化;

    The energy consumption structure urgently awaits to be adjusted and optimized because of its irrationality ;

  24. 生活能源消费结构对荒漠化的影响&以喀什地区为例

    Impact of Consumer Energy Structure on Desertification & Taking Kashi County of Xinjiang as Case Studies

  25. 调整能源消费结构的出路&低能耗建筑

    The Way Out of Changing Consuming Composition of Energy Sources & Low Energy Sources Consuming Building

  26. 转变经济增长模式,优化能源消费结构可以有效减少二氧化碳排放。

    Transform the economic growth mode , optimize energy consumption structure can effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions .

  27. 在我国一次能源消费结构中煤炭居于主导地位,占到67%左右,石油所占比重低于25%,天然气为2.7%。

    Coal plays a leading role in the energy consumption structure of our country , about 67 % .

  28. 时间上中部地区的能源消费结构变动较大,在政府的引导下朝着积极地方向发生变动。

    Energy consumption structure in central region is changing , a positive change under the direction of government .

  29. 煤炭占我国能源消费结构的首位。

    Coal occupies the first place in the structure of primary energy consumption and emits enormous pollutant in China .

  30. 这种消费弹性的差异导致了农业生产性能源消费结构在未来十几年中将发生变化。

    This difference has led to the change of energy consumption structure of agricultural production in the next decade .