
néng yuán jīng jì
  • Energy economy;economy of energy
能源经济[néng yuán jīng jì]
  1. 低碳经济是一项立足于人类可持续发展的能源经济变革,提高能源效率是发展低碳经济的重要保证。

    Low-carbon economy is an energy revolution based on the sustainable development .

  2. 二季度我国能源经济形势及发展趋势

    Energy economy situation and development trend in the second quarter in China

  3. 实行可持续发展的战略建设山西能源经济基地

    Constructing Shanxi energy-economic base with the strategy of continual development

  4. 那么,什么是外向型能源经济?

    So , what is economy of extroversion the sources of energy ?

  5. 县级能源经济系统是一个多目标的大系统。

    Energy economic system in Country is a large system of multiple goal .

  6. 我国能源经济复杂系统仿真研究

    Simulation of Complexity for China 's Energy Economy System

  7. 我国能源经济作物红麻具有较高的地上生物产量,可望用于重金属污染土壤的植物吸取修复或稳定修复。

    Energy plants with high biomass production can potentially be used in phytoextraction .

  8. 中国东部能源经济发展的对策研究

    On Development Strategy of Energy and Economy Development in China 's East Region

  9. 甘肃省能源经济环境系统协调发展的评价

    Synthetic Evaluation on Coordinative Development of Gansu Energy-economy-environment System

  10. 关于建立北方能源经济圈的设想

    On the assumption that the northern economic circle of energy should be set up

  11. 东西部能源经济系统能源开发两期博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Energy Development in Two-period Economy of East and West in China

  12. 基于投入产出模型的能源经济易损性分析

    Input-Output Analysis on Economic Vulnerability to Energy Supply

  13. 采用系统动力学方法,构造能源经济发展仿真模型。

    This article develops a simulation model of energy econometrics evolution using system dynamics method .

  14. 长三角能源经济效率的分析与评价

    Analysis and appraisal on economy efficiency of energy sources in the Yangtse river 's Delta region

  15. 能源经济及能源结构优化对策

    Energy economy and energy structure optimization

  16. 木材能源经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Timber Energy

  17. 所以,构建能源经济环境系统评价指标体系,并建立与之相适应的评价方法对区域具有重要的现实意义。

    Consequently , the construction of the evaluation index system for the regional energy-economy-environment system is practically significant .

  18. 我们应当继续履行分阶段取消矿物燃料补贴的承诺,并向21世纪的清洁能源经济转型。

    We need to move ahead with our commitment to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels and transition to21st-century clean-energy economies .

  19. 他们辩称美国现行的健保制度已经很好了,清洁能源经济可以再等等。

    They argue that our health care system is fine the way it is and that a clean energy economy can wait .

  20. 建立更加清洁的美国能源经济不是一夜之间就能完成的,这需要我们一路上艰难的进行抉择。

    The shift to a cleaner energy economy won 't happen overnight , and it will require tough choices along the way .

  21. 各国领导人还同意逐步取消对化石燃料的各项补贴,努力应对气候变化并创建清洁能源经济体。

    The leaders also agreed to phase out fossil fuel subsidies , in an effort to fight climate change and to create clean-energy economies .

  22. 分析了我国氢能经济发展历程和现状,并对我国发展氢能源经济提出了建议。

    Finally , this paper analyzes the progress course and status of China hydrogen energy , some advice on Chinese hydrogen energy economy development are given .

  23. 要求:-本科或以上学历,能源经济、气候变化、能源技术经济分析、环境管理或相关专业。

    Requirements : To qualify for this role , you should ideally have : - University degree , preferably in Environmental Management , or related subjects ;

  24. 昨天,上议院通过了一个历史性的法令,这个法令开启清洁能源经济之门,也给我们一个美好的能源前景。

    Yesterday , the House of Representatives passed a historic piece of legislation that will open the door to a clean energy economy and a better future for America .

  25. 这些针对不遵守能源经济法规的人的惩罚措施反映了北京为打击污染和提高能源利用率所做的最新努力。

    Punitive measures outlined for offenders of the already - announced fuel economy rules reflect Bei jing 's latest effort to fight pollution and promote more efficient use of energy .

  26. 国外从事天然气经济研究的主要是一些国际性机构或组织,也包括一些国家级能源经济研究机构和行业协会(学会)及咨询公司。

    In foreign countries , agencies engaged in natural gas economy research mainly include international agencies and organizations , some national economy research institutes and industry association and consultant companies as well .

  27. 提出了节能四笔帐的内容、算清四笔帐对企业降成本的关系、计算方法和注意的问题,从而把节能纳入能源经济工作中去。

    This paper proposes the content of four accounts of energy saving and the importance to settle the four accounts for reducing cost of enterprise as well as calculating methods and some matters need attending .

  28. 在气候与能源经济研究中心组织的活动中,着重讨论了促进绿色经济的方法以及相关领域具体措施和产品。

    Discussion concerning methods to promote green finance , as well as some specific tools and products in this field , have been made during the event organized by the Research Center for Climate and Energy Finance .

  29. 根据协调发展的解析,能源经济环境系统的综合研究涉及到三个密切相关的复杂系统,而寻求能源、经济和环境三者之间的协调发展,是世界各国面临的共同难题。

    Based on the analysis of coordinated development , the comprehensive study of the 3E system involves three closely related complex systems , while searching for the coordination development between the three is a common problem which the world is facing .

  30. 我也已经看见这些投资取得收益;一些曾经关闭的工厂又有了新工人,开始忙碌着生产太阳能面板和风电涡轮机了,他们卷起袖子努力工作来帮助美国赢得清洁能源经济的竞赛。

    Already , Ive seen the payoff from these investments . Ive seen once-shuttered factories humming with new workers who are building solar panels and wind turbines ; rolling up their sleeves to help America win the race for the clean energy economy .