
  • 网络energy flow density;energy flux density;energy-flux density;Poynting Vector
  1. 磁偶极在各向异性媒质中辐射的能流密度

    Energy flow density of magnetic dipole radiation in anisotropic medium

  2. 分析了结构参数对腔体内表面积能流密度分布特征的影响。

    Structure parameters on the energy flow density distribution are also analyzed .

  3. 将焦平面能流密度分布测量结果与MonteCarlo方法计算结果进行比较。

    The measurement result of flux density distributions on focal plane is compared with that by Monte Carlo method .

  4. Bessel光束的矢量分析及其能流密度的特征

    The Vector Analysis of Bessel Beam and its Energy Flux

  5. 第一,在空间传输过程中,单周期超短脉冲高斯光束能流密度基本保持高斯函数不变,振幅大小随不同的z平面振荡。

    At first , the instantaneous energy density of the electromagnetic pulse keeps in Gaussian shape during the propagation in space , but the amplitude oscillates with the propagation distance .

  6. 具体说来,本文主要完成了以下几方面的研究工作:1.抛物面聚光器聚焦光斑能流密度分布的MonteCarlo估计。

    All in all , the following research works have been done in this paper : 1 . Monte Carlo estimation of flux density distribution of focus spot of parabolic concentrator .

  7. 然后,应用功能原理,计算了自由面上非均匀P波的能流密度,得出非均匀P波平均能流为零的一般结论。

    Secondly , applying the work-energy theorem , the flux density of inhomogeneous p waves on a free surface is calculated , and it has been reached a general conclusion that the mean flux of the inhomogeneous p waves is equal to zero .

  8. 利用几何学原理和MonteCarlo方法研究新型多平面太阳能聚光器的几何光学特征及焦平面能流密度分布,分析不同综合误差对几何聚光比及能流密度分布的影响。

    Using geometry theory and the Monte Carlo method study its ' geometric optical characteristics and focal plane density distribution , and consider influence of different error on geometric concentrating ratio and the flux density distribution .

  9. 对测量系统进行总体设计,并研究了接收面上能流密度和测点坐标的标定方法,同时对CCD相机的非线性和非均匀性进行校正。

    The whole measurement system is designed and the calibration methods of the flux density and the coordinates of measuring point on receiving plane are investigated . Then nonlinearity and the heterogeneity of CCD camera are corrected . 4 .

  10. 惯性约束核聚变光学制造中的一个关键技术问题是KDP晶体零件的抗激光损伤问题,KDP晶体激光损伤阈值的大小直接影响到惯性约束核聚变系统激光输出的能流密度与其自身的使用寿命。

    The damage of KDP crystal is the key technique of the ICF optical manufacturing . The number of KDP crystal laser damage threshold has the direct influence on the laser output energy-flux density and the life of KDP crystal itself .

  11. 试验结果表明,大功率微波照射15min后增强材料、树脂、表面涂层和能流密度对复合材料夹层平板的热量损耗有较大影响。

    The great influence of the fiber and resin of composites , coating and density of energy transmission on the heat energy consuming of sandwich panel transmitting at large power microwave for 15 minutes was shown in the paper .

  12. 在HT7托卡马克等离子体长脉冲放电过程中,作为直接面对等离子体的第一壁&限制器表面的温度变化及其承受的能流密度的计算,对于判断限制器的作用和对等离子体的影响都有非常重要的意义。

    It is important to calculate the temperature change and heat flux in the surface of the limiter in HT-7 for analyzing the influence of its function on the plasma during long pulse discharge .

  13. 辐射能流密度与电磁波界面现象

    The radiant energy flux density and borderline phenomenons of electromagnetic wave

  14. 电磁波平均能流密度关系的推导

    A Study of the Relation of Average Poynting Vector of Electromagnetic Wave

  15. 另外,还给出了光子晶体波导中的能流密度矢量图。

    In addition , Poynting vector in photonic crystals waveguide is gained .

  16. 能流密度的微分矢量式及其应用

    Application of Differential Form and Complex Formulation for Poynting Vector

  17. 静场的能流密度概念

    The Concept of Energy Flux Density in Static Fields

  18. 对能流密度的探讨矩形水池中声能的衰变

    A Study of Energy Density Sound decay in an acoustically treated rectangular water pool

  19. 旋转抛物面聚光器聚焦光斑能流密度分布的实验研究。

    Experimental investigations on the flux density distribution of focus spot of parabolic concentrator .

  20. 离子能流密度对类金刚石薄膜成膜的影响

    Influence of Energy Flow Density of Ion Current on Growth of Diamond-like Carbon Thin Films

  21. 机械能流密度矢量

    Mechanical energy flow density vector

  22. 对能流密度的探讨

    A Study of Energy Density

  23. 利用已有的能流密度公式,推导出非接触爆炸时水中冲击波压力峰值的表达式。

    Expression of peak pressure of non-contact underwater explosion shock wave is derived using the energy density formula .

  24. 但是太阳能存在间歇性及能流密度低的特点,规模使用需要很大的面积。

    However , the application of solar energy needs large scale for its intermittency and low energy density .

  25. 用光轴上衍射光场的能流密度矢量作为近轴衍射光场能量传输的近似描述;

    The energy transmission of near-axis diffraction has been approximately superseded by the energy flux density vector on the axis ;

  26. 通过适当控制激光能量和照射时间,发现条纹周期随着激光能流密度的增加而增大。

    With proper control of laser energy and irradiation time , the period of interference ripples increases with increasing laser energy .

  27. 实验同时考察了不同的发动机工况条件下放电电压对能量效率的影响,研究表明,电压升高导致了能流密度的显著下降。

    The increase of peak voltage will result in a significant decrease of energy utilization efficiency of DBD at most engine loads .

  28. 由包含弛豫作用的速率方程出发,建立了关于放大器能流密度空间分布最优问题的数学模型。

    Based upon the laser rate equations including relaxation between energy levels , the optimum model of a multipass amplifier is constructed .

  29. 结果表明:能流密度为某一特定值时,臭氧产生浓度最高;

    Conclusions are drawn as follows : the concentration of ozone is the highest when the energy ratio is at a certain value .

  30. 能流密度不再随时间作简谐振荡,它的振幅构成一个高斯形状的包络。

    The instantaneous energy density does not oscillate with time at the harmonic form , its amplitude forms and envelope with Gaussian shape .