
néng yuán ɡuǎn lǐ
  • energy management
  1. 基于J2EE架构的设备能源管理的企业资源计划(ERP)系统研究

    Researches on EPR System for Equipment Energy Management Based on J2EE Framework

  2. 合同能源管理(EnergyManagementContract,简称EMC),是一种新型的市场化节能机制。

    Contract energy management ( Energy Management , Contract , referred to as the EMC ), Is a new market-oriented energy-saving mechanism .

  3. 基于CORBA的物资能源管理系统的开发

    Development of a Management System of Material and Energy Using CORBA

  4. 应用Excel管理电能报表促进企业能源管理

    Applying Excel for Power Energy Statement to Promote Enterprise 's Energy Management

  5. 基于GPRS的卷烟企业能源管理系统研究

    Research of Cigarette Corporation Energy Management System Based on GPRS

  6. 有色金属行业实施合同能源管理EMC初探

    Discussion on pursuance of energy managementcontract ( EMC ) in nonferrous metals industry

  7. 美国合同能源管理(EPC)市场发展现状

    Market Development Status of Energy Performance Contracting in America

  8. 称为能源管理系统(EMS)的功能强大的应用软件已被采用。

    A powerful application software called energy management system ( EMS ) is available .

  9. 本文介绍了运用CORBA技术实现基于Browser/Servcr模式的物资能源管理系统的方法。

    This paper introduces the implementation of a browser / server management system of material and energy using CORBA .

  10. HMI在烟草行业能源管理系统中的应用

    Application of HMI in The EMS of Tobacco Industry

  11. 在能源管理(EMS)中的SCADA系统,其运行基础是实时数据库。

    Abstract Operation Basis is realtime data base in the SCADA ( Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition ) of EMS .

  12. SGS公司道路照明项目是国内第一个采用合同能源管理模式大规模使用LED灯源的道路照明项目。

    SGS the company road lighting project is the first large-scale energy management contract to use the LED light source street lighting project .

  13. 该系统主要是以Access2000作为后台数据库、VISUALBASIC6.0为应用前台,组成可视化较高、人机交互友好的能源管理信息系统。

    This system is mainly take Access 2000 as the backstage database , Visual Basic 6.0 as applies the onstage , the composition visualization is high , the man-machine interaction friendly energy management information system .

  14. 分析了J2EE的MVC多层体系结构与ERP系统的优点,提出了基于J2EE体系结构在设备能源管理上ERP系统的设想;

    The advantages of J2EE MVC multilayer structure and EPR system are analysed . It suggests an EPR system for equipment energy management based on J2EE infrastructure .

  15. 为了达到这一目标,Lyons领导的团队花费了一年时间,开发了惠普实验室家庭能源管理系统(HPLabsHomeEnergyManager),用服务证明了上述概念。

    To that end , a team led by Lyons spent the last year developing the HP Labs Home Energy Manager , a proof of concept for just such a service .

  16. 节能服务产业是通过节能服务公司推广合同能源管理(EPC)节能机制来提供节能服务的行业。

    In the energy-saving service industry , energy-saving service companies provide services through the energy performance contracting ( EPC ) energy management and saving mechanism .

  17. 论文以合同能源管理(EPC)在低碳建筑领域的应用为主题进行了较为系统的研究。

    This paper makes a systematic study with the application of the energy performance contracting ( EPC ) in the field of low carbon building .

  18. 而合同能源管理(EnergyManagementContracting,简称EMC)作为一种新型的市场化节能机制,从引进到现在已经十多年了,可推广却相对困难。

    Energy management contracting as a new Market-oriented mechanism to promote energy saving , there have been about ten years since it was introduced to China , but still it is very difficult to promote throughout China .

  19. L3能源管理子系统功能拓展的实现

    The Realization of the Functional Extension to the L_3 Energy Managing Subsystem

  20. 合同能源管理(EPC)模式作为一种基于市场的、全新的节能机制,对于中国的节能减排事业有着非常重要的意义。

    As a kind of brand new mechanism based on market , Energy Performance Contracting ( EPC ) is very important for energy saving and emission reduction .

  21. 大型有线电视公司如时代华纳(TimeWarner)、威瑞森(Verizon)、康卡斯特(Comcast)等也于近日进入了家庭安全及能源管理领域。

    And big cable companies like Time Warner ( TWX ) , Verizon ( VZ ) and Comcast ( cmcsa ) have recently entered the home security and energy management space .

  22. 希望通过本研究,充分利用合同能源管理模式,为N公司节省投资,达到国家环保要求,进行进一步实现节能降耗,履行企业社会责任、提高企业竞争力。

    Hope that through this study , fully use of contract energy management model for N companies saving investment , to achieve national environmental requirements , to realize further energy saving , to corporate social responsibility , furthermore to improve the competitiveness of enterprises .

  23. 在对EID感兴趣的受访者中,有38%表示,他们会积极地在家中进行能源管理。

    The largest number of EID intenders ( 38 % ) stated that they would actively manage the energy usage in their home .

  24. 起初以10万美元信用卡贷款白手起家创立这家公司的林麦克最近完成了新一轮融资,吸引到了法国电信公司Orange和能源管理公司施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)这样的大型企业投资者。

    Lin , who initially shoe-stringed the company with $ 100,000 in credit card debt , recently concluded a new fundraising round , enticing major corporate investors like orange , the French Telecom , and Schneider Electric , an energy management firm .

  25. 分析了合同能源管理业务在我国建筑节能领域发展的主要障碍,提出了可以采取的措施,指出政府、ESCO及金融机构等部门在建筑节能领域的重要作用。

    This paper illustrates the main barriers and strategies of developing Energy Management Contract in our country ′ s building energy saving field .

  26. SGS公司敢为天下先,探索出了合同能源管理模式大规模应用道路照明的先例,为照明领域使用和普及新型节能灯源提供了借鉴和参考,具有相当的推广和普及意义。

    The SGS Company Dare to explore energy management contract precedent for large-scale application of road lighting , and provide reference for the use and popularization of new energy-saving light source for lighting in the area , and the popularization of considerable significance .

  27. 一种新的、基于合同能源管理机制运作的专业化公司(EMCo)则可以有效地解决这些问题。

    A new kind of energy management company ( EMCo ) & operating in a way of energy performance contracting and aimed at profit making , can effectively remove these barriers .

  28. 本文分析了建筑节能的现状,阐述了基于BAS的环境能源管理控制系统的构成、硬件结构和软件功能,并给出了其节能要点。

    This essay analyzes the present condition of the building saving energy , illustrates the composition , hardware structure and software functions of the management and control system of the environment and energy source based on the building automatic system , and gives the key points of saving energy .

  29. 当务之急,是要为现代服务业集聚区(MCBD)能源管理制订指导原则和评估体系,系统性、综合性地指引各现代服务业集聚区开展区域能源管理规划工作。

    Top priority is to provide modern services zones ( MCBD ) guidelines for energy management and evaluation system developed , systematic , integrated approach to the modern service area guidelines for regional energy management planning .

  30. 谈饭店的能源管理和节能改造

    Discussion on Energy Management and Energy Saving Technology Innovation in Hotels