
  • 网络energy revolution
  1. SSN是全球绿色能源革命中的一员,而戈尔一直希望能做它的领导者。

    Silver Spring Networks is a foot soldier in the global green energy revolution Mr. Gore hopes to lead .

  2. 智能电网&信息革命和新能源革命的整合

    Intelligent grid , the integration of information revolution and new energy revolution

  3. 这场能源革命也将对全球竞争产生越来越重要的影响。

    The other increasingly important impact is on global competition .

  4. 呼唤一场稳妥而激烈的可再生能源革命

    A Reliable and Severe Renewable Energy Revolution is expected

  5. 我们正在进行清洁能源革命。

    We 're in a clean energy revolution .

  6. 我们快速启动了清洁能源革命,释放了精密医学的潜力。

    We 've jumpstarted a clean energy revolution and unleashed the potential of precision medicine .

  7. 政府应该尽快通过立法来促进全球的能源革命。

    Governments have to kick start the energy revolution by implementing renewable energy laws across the globe .

  8. 燃料电池的广泛应用将会导致新一代绿色能源革命。

    The extensive application of fuel cells will result in a new generation green power source revolution .

  9. 这场能源革命的影响将日益增大。到2020年,美国可能由此增加300万就业岗位。

    The impact will increase . By 2020 , 3m jobs could be created by the energy revolution .

  10. 办法在于出台一套顺应能源革命、而不是试图与之对抗的政策。

    The answer is to have a policy that works with the revolution , rather than trying to fight it .

  11. 换句话说,我们并不在进行清洁能源革命,我们正处在清洁能源危机中,

    In other words : we 're not in a clean energy revolution ; we 're in a clean energy crisis .

  12. 随着世界能源革命的发展,以氢能源和可再生能源代替碳能源是21世纪的必然趋势。

    As world energy revolution advances , carbon energy will certainly be replaced by hydrogen and renewable energy in the 21st century .

  13. 电动汽车作为人类寄以厚望的零排放交通工具,走在了能源革命的最前沿。

    Human pays much attention to electrical vehicle for the non-emission , thus it walks in the forefront of the energy revolution .

  14. 之前我们对能源革命中的一部分故事有所怀疑,但是最终的发现却让我们大吃一惊。

    We were a little skeptical of some parts of the clean energy revolution story , but what we found really surprised us .

  15. 他们说该项技术有望在未来实现制造价格低廉、没有污染、轻便强大的电池-这些都是人们在能源革命中孜孜以求的目标。

    They say this could hold the promise of relatively inexpensive , non-polluting , lightweight powerful batteries & a holy grail for an energy revolution .

  16. 正在为金银花幼株除草的农民杨新凤(音译),出人意料地成了全球可再生能源革命的先锋。

    As she plucks the weeds ensnaring a nascent crop of honeysuckle , farmer Yang Xinfeng makes an unlikely pioneer in the global renewable energy revolution .

  17. 长期以来,专家们一直将俄罗斯列在有可能复制北美页岩能源革命的国家名单的首位或前列。

    Experts have long placed Russia at or near the top of the list of countries with the potential to replicate North America 's shale revolution .

  18. 生物技术产业具有推动世界经济增长、提高人类健康水平、改造传统工业、推动能源革命等作用,对国家经济的发展起到龙头带动作用。

    The biological technique industry has the effect of driving economy increasing , improving the level of healthy , reconstructing the traditional industry , driving the revolution of energy source .

  19. 但到了1998年,米切尔手下一名工程师最终找到了压裂页岩的适当方法,这件事为美国能源革命拉开了序幕,震惊了同行及更大的竞争对手。

    But in 1998 , one of Mr. Mitchell 's engineers finally figured out how to properly fracture shale , stunning colleagues and larger competitors while launching the American energy revolution .

  20. 如果12月的哥本哈根会议没有发出清晰的信息,不仅清洁能源革命将遭拖延,未来的能源供给总体上也将面临危险。

    If there is no clear lead from Copenhagen in December , not only will the clean energy revolution be deferred but future energy supplies in general will be put at risk .

  21. 最新建造的2382公里特高压电网连接了中国西北的甘肃省酒泉市与中部的湖南省,这个电网的建成正是中国引领清洁能源革命的典范。

    The newly built 2383-kilometer long ultra-high-voltage transmission line connecting Jiuquan city , in northwest China 's Gansu Province with central China 's Hunan Province is a symbol of China 's leading role in the clean energy revolution .

  22. 去年美国在石油进口方面对中东的依赖度上升,凸显出这一政治不稳定地区对于美国的重要性,尽管页岩气开发带来的能源革命使美国的能源独立性逐步上升。

    The US was more reliant on the Middle East for its oil imports last year , underscoring the critical importance of the politically-unstable region for the country despite the growing energy independence its shale gas revolution is bringing .

  23. 为此,寻找品质优良的煤炭资源,提出优质煤概念、研究其赋存地质条件、煤质特性、利用途径是能源革命的必然趋势,也是今后我国煤炭工业的生态学发展方向。

    In order to seek for fine coal resource , the definition of fine coal should be given , geological occurrence , coal quality features and utilization techniques should be studied , which is inevitable trend of energy revolution and also is ecological direction of coal industry in China .

  24. 促进能源技术革命,迎接环境问题挑战

    Promoting technological revolution in energy resources to meet the challenge of enviromental problems

  25. 这种丰富的能源使工业革命成为可能。

    The Industrial Revolution was possible because of this energy abundance .

  26. 曾经,正是燃煤能源促进了工业革命,而今,海洋也能引发一场能源革命吗?

    It was coal that powered industrial revolution . Could sea power ever do the same ?

  27. 只有当更为复杂的新能源体系与通信革命融合时,才会出现重大的转折点,在此过程中从根本上改变人类意识。

    The great turning points occur when new , more complex energy regimes converge with communications revolutions , fundamentally altering human consciousness in the process .

  28. 推动能源生产和消费革命,支持节能低碳产业和新能源、可再生能源发展,确保国家能源安全,建设节约型社会。

    Promote energy production and consumption revolution , support for low-carbon energy industry and new energy , renewable energy development and ensure national energy security , and building a conservation-minded society .

  29. 人类利用能源的历史就是人类发展的历史,每一次能源革命都带来生产力的巨大变革。

    The history of energy utilization is the history of human development . Every energy revolution has brought tremendous changes in productivity .

  30. 解决中国农村能源问题,必须因地制宜大力发展现代生物质能等新能源与可再生能源,不断提高能源利用效率,进行一场新的农村能源利用与管理革命。

    It was urgent to optimize rural energy . Therefore , it was necessary to develop new energy and renewable such as modern biomass energy , so as to resole the problem of rural energy .