
néng liàng kè dù
  • energy calibration
  1. X射线测量中的能量刻度

    Energy calibration on X - ray spectrum measurement

  2. TUNL高分辨率核物理实验的能量刻度和校正

    Energy calibration and correction of high resolution nuclear experiment at tunl

  3. 同时,编写相关的采集软件,对X光谱测量数据进行显示平滑、寻峰和能量刻度等有关处理。

    At the same time , some signal processing for our X-ray spectrum data were completed , such as display smoothing , Max finding and power scale .

  4. 介绍了能量刻度的四种方法:道数-能量关系直线外推法,脉冲幅度-道数关系直线外推法,双射线源法,特征X射线法;

    Four methods are introduced in this paper . Include linear extrapolation of channel-energy correlation , linear extrapolation of channel-pulse amplitude correlation , double radiation source method and the characteristic X-ray line spectrum method , and also introduced the check up method .

  5. 均匀场能谱分析仪的能量刻度

    The energy calculation method of an energy analyzer with uniform field

  6. 三单元探测器望远镜的能量刻度

    The energy calibration of a three - component telescope

  7. 一台塑料闪烁体β望远镜的能量刻度

    Energy calibration of a plastic scintillator beta telescope

  8. 北京HI-13串列加速器的能量刻度

    Energy calibration of Beijing HI-13 tandem accelerator

  9. 对中子注量监测、能量刻度和铀靶参数的有关问题也进行了分析。

    Also , the neutron flux monitor , energy calibration and Uranium target parameters are discussed in detail .

  10. 本文提出用宇宙线μ子实验对铅玻璃全吸收契伦柯夫计数器进行能量刻度的方法。

    A method of energy calibration for lead glass total absorption Cerenkov counter by means of cosmic ray muon experiment is presented in this paper .

  11. 在粒子关联测量中,利用探测到的非稳态粒子的衰变产物,对探测器组进行能量刻度的修正,可以使探测器组的能量刻度达到一个较高的相对精度。

    The accuracy of energy calibration can be improved through the analysis of detected products coming from decay of unstable particles in the measurement of particle correlations .

  12. 幅度谱的模拟包括:本底分布、峰分布和谱分布,而谱分析处理包括:谱平滑、寻峰、峰判别、扣本底、峰面积、能量刻度和效率刻度等。

    The processing of spectrum is inclusive of the smoothness , look for peak , the area of peak , the calibration of energy and efficiency , and so on .

  13. 研究利用最小电离的质子和已知能量的电子来刻度铅-闪烁光纤夹层电磁量能器。

    It was studied to calibrate a lead scintillating fiber sandwiched electromagnetic calorimeter using proton and electron beams .

  14. 用低能X射线源对一套测量入射中子引起的反冲核能量QuenchingFactor的系统进行了能量刻度,得到了这套系统的能量响应关系。

    Energy calibration of CsI ( Tl ) crystal detector for measuring quenching factor of recoiled nuclei induced by incident neutron beam has been done with low-energy X-ray sources such as 109 Cd and 133 Ba and the linearity of energy response of experimental system is obtained .

  15. 介绍了鉴别式热释光个人剂量计的性能。包括剂量计结构、实验方法、体模反散射、能量响应和角响应以及能量鉴别和剂量刻度。

    The composition , experiment method , Back scattering of slab phantom , energy response , directional response , energy discrimination method of radiation and dose calibration method of discriminating thermoluminescence personal dosimeter were presented in this paper .