
  • 网络gray matter;gray matter of the spinal cord
  1. 猫内脏大神经一级传入纤维在脊髓灰质和薄束核中的分布

    The distribution of primary afferent fibers from the greater splanchnic nerve to the spinal gray matter and nucleus gracilis in the cat

  2. 前庭神经感觉核是传出前庭神经元传入纤维的一个重要来源。猫内脏大神经一级传入纤维在脊髓灰质和薄束核中的分布

    There is a direct connection between the efferent vestibular neurons and some subgroup afferent vestibular neurons . THE DISTRIBUTION OF PRIMARY AFFERENT FIBERS FROM THE GREATER SPLANCHNIC NERVE TO THE SPINAL GRAY MATTER AND NUCLEUS GRACILIS IN THE CAT

  3. 结果正常组及A、B组非损伤侧脊髓灰质前角未检出凋亡细胞;

    Results No apoptosis cell was detected in spinal cord of the control group and the group A , B 's non-injury side .

  4. 脊髓灰质后角P物质免疫反应阳性纤维面积及灰度均明显小于对照组。

    The area of substance P positive fiber and its terminus in posterior of spinal was smaller in experiment group remarkably than in control group .

  5. 高Ca~(2+)对脊髓灰质中c-fos基因表达的影响

    Effect of High Calcium Ions on the Expression of c-fos Gene in the Spinal Cord Matter

  6. 结论:高乌甲素处理能对疼痛引起的脊髓灰质背角Fos样免疫阳性神经元增多效应产生抑制作用;

    CONCLUSION : Treatment with lappaconitine can inhibit the increasing of Fos-like immunoreactive positive neurons in gray nucleus dorsalhorn induced by pain ;

  7. 目的探讨细胞外高钙离子及其阻滞剂对脊髓灰质c-fos基因表达的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of high calcium ion and its blocker on the expression of c fos gene in the spinal cord matter .

  8. 结论S180肉瘤损害小鼠坐骨神经后可引起脊髓灰质细胞GAP-43表达。

    Conclusion The expression of GAP-43 in spinal cord could be generated by the sciatic nerve damaged by S_ 180 sarcoma .

  9. 低等脊椎动物链、蛙和蛇CNS仅有少量CTGF免疫反应阳性神经元,分布于脊髓灰质腹侧角、延髓的一些核团、丘脑前核、下丘脑背侧核、下丘脑腹侧核。

    A few of CTGF immunoreactive neurons were detected in the spinal cord , medulla , thalamus and hypothalamus of lower vertebrate silver carp , frog and snake .

  10. 结果:(1)CB样阳性产物的表达在胎儿DRG和脊髓灰质的神经元胞体及树突内可观察到。

    Results : ( 1 ) In 24-27 weeks human fetus spinal cord , some of CB-like immunoreactive products were found in the DRG , neuronal somata and dendrites .

  11. DAB棕色反应显色。结果正常组及假手术组猫脊髓灰质各层内,c-jun的免疫阳性反应物主要出现在神经元胞核,但胞浆亦有弱阳性反应。

    Result c jun positive reactive products were mainly distributed in the neuronal nucleus , but the neuronal cytoplasm was also weakly stained in the normal and sham operation groups .

  12. 该临床试验I期主要针对Neuralstem公司的干细胞、手术过程以及直接将药物多点注射入脊髓灰质要求的设备进行安全性评估。

    The trial will study the safety of Neuralstem 's cells and the surgical procedures and devices required for multiple injections of the drug directly into the grey matter of the spinal cord .

  13. 40期时,除白质显NGF-IR和背侧白质NGF-IR增强外,脊髓灰质和DRG内亦出现了一些NGF阳性细胞,特别是在背角细胞可见强NGF-IR。

    However , at stage 40 , besides NGF IR appearing in white matter and increasing in dorsal zone , some NGF positive neurons were also seen in the grey matter and DRG . Particularly , intensive NGF IR was shown in dorsal horn cells .

  14. 龟龄集对大鼠脊髓灰质内突触小泡蛋白变化的影响

    Effect of Guilingji on variation of synaptophysin in rat spinal cord gray matter

  15. 山羊胚胎脊髓灰质的发育

    Histogenesis and development of spinal cord in prenatal goat

  16. 树鼩脊髓灰质的细胞构筑研究Ⅱ.颈段

    The Cytoarchitectonic Study of the Spinal Cord in the Tree Shrew : the Cervical Segment

  17. 如何判断脊髓灰质前角细胞病变引起的肌萎缩是运动神经元病性肌萎缩

    How to confirm it is motor neuron amyotrophy resulting from spinal anterior horn cells damage

  18. 小型猪脊髓灰质内动脉构筑学研究

    An architectural study on the arteries suppling gray matter in the spinal cord of miniature swine

  19. 关于鼠脊髓灰质细胞构筑的研究Ⅰ·下胸和腰骶髓

    The Cytoarchitectonic organization of the Spinal Cord in Rat ⅰ . The Lower Thoracic and Lumbosacral Cord

  20. 脊髓灰质软化病主要侵害肥育猪群。黄芪粉对肥育猪生产性能影响的研究

    Poliomyelomalacia affected primarily fattening stock . Study on the Growth Performance of Piglet by Radix Astragali Seu Hedysari Powder

  21. 大鼠延髓网状背侧亚核下行投射终末在脊髓灰质的分布

    Distributions of the descending projection terminals from the subnucleus reticularis dorsalis to the spinal gray matter in the rat

  22. 本文用尼氏染色法,对树鼩颈段脊髓灰质的细胞构筑进行了研究。

    The cytoarchitectonic organization of the cervical spinal cord of the tree shrew was studied with Nissl 's stain method .

  23. 同时用氢清除法检测脊髓灰质血流量的改变。

    Meanwhile , the blood flow in the gray matter of spinal cord was determined by measuring the hydrogen clearance .

  24. 脊髓灰质的病理损害明显重于白质;

    The pathological damage to the gray matter of spinal cord was more serious than that of the white matter .

  25. 登革病毒抗原在感染早期和晚期在脊髓灰质的分布也存在差异。

    Interestingly , different distribution of DEN 2 virus in the spinal cord was noted at the early and late phase of the infection .

  26. 投向脊髓灰质的后索核纤维主要发自核中间腹侧部的大、中型三角、多角和梭形细胞。

    The projections of the DFN to the spinal cord originate mainly from large and medium sized cells in the intermediate ventral part in DFN .

  27. 后索核纤绀经后角尖周围的白质下行,主要终止于同侧脊髓灰质Ⅳ、Ⅴ层。

    The fibers descend in the white matter around the tip of posterior horn and terminate in the Rexed 's laminae ⅳ and ⅴ of ipsilateral cord .

  28. 伤后0.5小时高位颈脊髓灰质血流量显著降低,与伤前比较差异非常显著(P<0.01),之后血流量恢复到伤前水平。

    The gray blood flow in the high cervical segment was significantly decreased in contrast to preinjury ( P < 0 01 ), returned to the preinjury level afterwards .

  29. 结论经脑内接种的登革病毒可能通过脑脊液播散,侵入脊髓灰质,并在神经元内增殖;

    Conclusion The results suggest that DEN virus , replicating in the neurons , disseminates to gray matter of the spinal cord via the cerebral spinal fluid and ependymal cells .

  30. 本研究将WGA&HRP注入25只大鼠脊髓灰质内,顺行追踪脊髓至外侧网状核的纤维投射。

    The spinal projection to the lateral reticular nucleus ( LRN ) was examined in 25 rats by the method of anterograde transport of Wheat Germ Agglutinin-Horseradish Peroxidase ( WGA-HRP ) .