
  • 网络Abdominal breathing training;training for abdominal breath;Diaphragmatic breathing;diaphragmatic breathing exercise
  1. [结论]抗阻力深慢腹式呼吸训练可改善COPD病人的肺功能和生活质量。

    Conclusion : it suggested that the anti - resistance deep and slow abdominal breathing exercises that obviously enhanced the lung function and living quality of patients with COPD .

  2. 而腹式呼吸训练过程中RSA的均值较平静自然呼吸状态下明显增大(P<0.01);

    The respiratory sinus arrhythmia ( RSA ) of the patients in abdominal breathing training obviously increased as compared with that of the ones in calm and natural breathing ( P < 0.01 );

  3. 胸式呼吸组聋儿DR的4项指标均明显低于相应的常模,而通过一年腹式呼吸训练的腹式呼吸组DR中的两项指标接近常模值范围。

    For the deaf children with thorax respiration , the four parameters of DR were lower than the norms , while for the deaf children with abdominal respiration by one-year abdominal exercise , the two parameters of DR were lower than the norms , but were within the norms .

  4. 方法:采用反馈型腹式呼吸训练仪对30例寻常型银屑病患者进行30min腹式呼吸训练.随后要求患者坚持2次/d,30min/次的家庭腹式呼吸训练3mo。

    METHODS : Feedback abdominal breathing training apparatus was adopted in 30 psoriatic patients to do the abdominal breathing for 30 min , and then they were asked to do the abdominal breathing training twice a day for 3 months .

  5. 腹式呼吸训练治疗寻常型银屑病临床及基础研究

    Research on Clinical and Mechanism in Treating Psoriasis Vulgaris with Abdominal Breathing Training

  6. 反馈型腹式呼吸训练仪的研制和应用

    Development of abdominal breathing training instrument with feedback

  7. 腹式呼吸训练仪对心率及呼吸性窦性心律不齐作用的初步观察

    The Effects of Abdominal Breathing Training Apparatus on Heart Rate and Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia

  8. 腹式呼吸训练对胸部手术患者焦虑情绪及术后疼痛的影响

    Effects of Abdominal Breathing Training on Anxiety and Post-operative Pain in Patients with Thoracic Surgery

  9. 本文报告了21例慢性阻塞性肺病,经心理康复、腹式呼吸训练和体力锻炼康复治疗的效果。

    This article reported the results of 21 cases of COPD after rehabilitation treatment including psychological rehabilitation , abdominal respiration training , and physical exercises .

  10. 为了更有效地提高训练效果,根据生物反馈原理研制了反馈型腹式呼吸训练仪。

    In order to improve its training effect , we develop a kind of abdominal breathing training instrument on the basis of the principle of biofeedback .

  11. 腹式呼吸训练过程中第一阶段平均收缩压比平静自然呼吸第一阶段降低;

    The systolic pressure of the patients in first period of abdominal breathing training was obviously lower than that of the ones in calm and natural breathing ;

  12. 目的:观察能有效调节心血管自主神经功能的腹式呼吸训练对心率、血压变异性的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of diaphragmatic-abdominal respiration , which can effectively regulate autonomic nerve function in the cardiovascular system , on heart rate ( HR ) and the variability of blood pressure .

  13. 结论:腹式呼吸训练可以降低心率和血压,调节心血管自主神经的反应性,平衡舒张压反应性高、低引起的心率变异性变化。

    CONCLUSION : Diaphragmatic-abdominal respiration can reduce the HR and blood pressure , adjust the response of autonomic nerves in cardiovascular system and balance the changes in HR variability induced by high , low response of DBP .

  14. 对照组33例,缩唇呼吸+腹式呼吸进行训练。

    In control group ( 33 cases ), training with contracted lips breath and abdominal breath were used .

  15. 腹式呼吸和自生训练对心率及指温影响的初步探讨

    The Effects of Abdominal Breathing and Autogenic Training on Heart Rate and Finger Temperature

  16. 方法采用物理性预防措施,进行腹式呼吸和呵欠运动训练,变换体位与体位引流,运用叩击震动法和有效咳嗽及超声雾化吸入、口腔护理并及时吸痰。

    METHODS The methods were using physical prevention procedures , training patients with abdominal respiratory and yawn , changing position and providing position drainage , by way of knocking shaking and effective cough , ultrasonically inhaled insufflation and oral cavity nursing and aspirating sputum .