
  • 网络Misconception;mis-concept
  1. 一系列的地图,也有助于厘清错误概念。

    Sequences of maps can also debunk misconceptions .

  2. 日常概念、概念意象、迁移等因素是数学概念转变学习中产生错误概念的主要原因。

    The main cause of misconceptions in mathematics conceptual conversion included the factors : routine concepts , conceptual imagoes , and transfer .

  3. 炉子热工中常见的错误概念

    Some mistaken idea in the field of heat engineering of furnace

  4. 浅谈物理教学中错误概念的形成与纠正

    An Analysis of Formation of Wrong Concept in Physics and its Correction

  5. 在时变结构可靠度领域中有必要澄清一个错误概念

    Clarification of a wrong concept in the field of time-varying structural reliability

  6. 公众的错误概念,例如认为疫苗是危险的,使我担忧。

    Public misperceptions worry me , like the belief that vaccines are dangerous .

  7. 对某些著作中的错误概念进行了更正。

    The wrong concept in some books is discussed .

  8. 前科学概念是造成学生错误概念的重要原因;

    Preconception is an important factor to misconception ;

  9. 本文针对所评之文讨论了五个方面的问题,其中一个是主要的,即阐明绝对时空不是错误概念。

    This paper discusses five problems , the first part of them is important .

  10. 对商业的一个错误概念是把它看作是一个纯粹信息的游戏。

    One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information .

  11. 当然,一个白人会被认为是美国人,这是另一个错误概念。

    Being white , of course , is assumed to mean being American , which is a third misconception .

  12. 但是学生众多的前概念与科学概念相悖,我们称之为相异构想,类似于我们所说的错误概念。

    These inconsistent opinions and conceptions arecalled alternative framework , which is similar to the misconception that we usually call it .

  13. 了解刑法中错误概念的内涵,有助于我们更深入地认识事实认识错误的本质。

    Comprehend in the criminal law misconception connotation , conduce to the nature that we more thoroughly understand the fact error .

  14. 指出目前教科书中“简谐振动的合成”的提法没有实质性的物理意义,是一个错误概念,应当予以纠正。

    It is also pointed out that the incorrect notion " the composition harmonic oscillation " in most textbooks should be correct .

  15. 分数的概念转变旨在转变学生已有的错误概念,为今后的数学学习打下良好的基础。

    Conceptual changes of fraction have been designed to change the misconceptions of students in order to ay a good foundation in future mathematics learning .

  16. 对于电子商业的疑惑大多来自于这样一个流行的错误概念,即认为广义的电子商业仅指通过互联网从事商品的买卖和服务。

    A large part of that puzzle stems from the popular misconception that e-business simply means buying and selling products and services over the Internet .

  17. 如今,我们该保留衍生品市场带来的巨大益处,同时消除相互关系太过紧密,以至于不能破产的错误概念。

    Now is the time to preserve the enormous good created by the derivatives market , while eliminating the flawed concept of too interconnected to fail .

  18. 调查结果表明:(1)随着学生学习化学年数的增加,化学素养水平没有明显的提高,错误概念没有明显减少;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) The chemical literacy has not developed when students learn more knowledge while their misconceptions haven 't decreased ;

  19. 在统计推理方面,我国高中生应用直觉推理和错误概念的现象较为普遍。

    As for the students in senior middle school in China , the intuition and misconception students used in statistical reasoning assessment ( SRA ) were common .

  20. 这些负面的错误概念对于盲人的自尊是一种打击,特别是当家长,专业人员和盲人自己都持有这些观念的时候。

    These negative misconceptions have a depressing effect on the self-esteem of blind persons especially when these attitudes are held by parents , professionals and blind people themselves .

  21. 在前、后测对学生进行深度访谈的结果可以表明,实施三种教学干预模式后学生的错误概念有较好的转变。

    In the former , post-test students in the results of in-depth interviews can be shown that after the implementation of the three teaching intervention model students change the false concept better .

  22. 我们必须看到,即使在法国与德国法律传统中,错误概念的发展也存在明显的差异。

    However , it will be seen that even though in the Civil Law , the evolution of the concept of mistake in the French and German legal traditions has been very different .

  23. 其首先分析了关于不动产登记错误概念界定的三种学说,最终得出对不动产登记错误概念界定得较为全面和准确的应为折中说,也最符合我国的实际。

    Firstly analyses the three kind definition of the error estate registration . And come to the more comprehensive and accurate definition of the error estate registration , but also is the most realistic in our country .

  24. 前概念中有的概念与认识和科学概念相一致,有的和科学概念不一致,这些不一致的看法和观念就叫做相异构想,它类似于我们常说的错误概念。

    Some of the preconceptions are consistent with cognition and scientific conceptions , but others are not . These inconsistent opinions and conceptions are called alternative conception , which is similar to the misconception that we usually say .

  25. 但是学生在分数概念的学习过程中却存在着不少错误概念,而概念转变是指个体原有的某种知识经验由于受到与此不一致的新经验的影响而发生的重大改变。

    However , the fraction concept of students in the learning process have lot of misconceptions , The concept changes refer to individual changes in the existing knowledge and experience , due to inconsistencies with the impact of new experiences , a significant change occurred .

  26. 以此为基础,提出狭义的事实错误概念和分类情况,并通过逻辑论证指出应当法定符合说作为处理事实错误的基本原则,以期对司法实践工作产生帮助。

    On this basis , proposed a narrow concept and classification of factual errors , and argues that by the logic should be consistent with the statutory mistake of fact as a basic principle of treatment in order to help the work of the judicial practice .

  27. 在给你们讲点灯人的时候,我就不那么忠实,很可能给不了解我们这个星球的人们造成一个错误的概念。

    I have not been altogether honest in what I have told you about the lamplighters . And I realize that I run the risk of giving a false idea of our planet to those who do not know it .

  28. Starling心脏定律是一个错误的概念,它不是心脏的一种生理特性。

    Starling 's law of the heart is a mistaken conception , and it is not a physiological character of the heart .

  29. 其确然错误的概念核心只靠惯性维系。

    A demonstrably false conceptual core is sustained by inertia alone .

  30. 再论电极电位是错误的概念

    More on the Wrong Concept of " Electrode Potential "