
zì dònɡ jìn yànɡ qì
  • autosampler;automatic sampler
  1. 该仪器把梯度洗脱装置、光二极管列阵扫描检测器及自动进样器作为一个系统用一台微机进行控制、数据采集和处理,从而实现液相色谱分析的全盘自动化。

    In order to realize full automation of chromatographic analysis , the gradient elution system with two high pressure pumps , fast-scanning photodiode array detector ( PAD ) and autosampler have been controlled as a system Ly IBM PC / XT microcomputer .

  2. 验证自动进样器进样量的准确性,符合中国药品GMP认证的要求。

    Validation of the accuracy of the HPLC Autosampler 's injection is necessary for Chinese drug GMP authentication .

  3. ~(13)C质谱仪自动进样器的研制

    Development of an autosampler for ~ ( 13 ) C mass spectrometer

  4. 介绍了自行研制的13C质谱仪自动进样器的工作原理、结构和性能。

    The working principle , configuration and performance of an autosampler of 13 C mass spectrometer used for expiration gas analysis are described .

  5. 本文介绍由IBM-PC/XT个人计算机,8031单片机,光度计和恒温微量自动进样器组成的光度计微机数据处理系统。

    This paper introduces a data processing system for photometer based on computer . The system contains a personal computer ( IBM-PC / XT ), single-chip computers ( 8031 ), photometers and constant temperature micro automatic sample feeder .

  6. AS-40自动进样器故障分析及维护

    AS-40 Auto Sampler Trouble Analysis And Maintaining

  7. 介绍利用双硫腙(D2)作为螯合萃取剂,对水体中痕量钴进行萃取富集,采用基体改进技术由自动进样器注入石墨炉测定水中痕量钴的方法。

    The method of determining trace Co (ⅱ) in water has been introduced by using matrix improvement technology and using Dithizone ( D_2 ) as extraction close of Co (ⅱ) with GF-AAS . The operation was sample and convenient , and the cost was low .

  8. 目的探讨MPS2多功能自动进样器在职业危害因素正己烷、甲苯、乙酸乙酯等项目检测中的应用价值。

    To explore the application value of MPS2 multi-function automatic injector in detecting the occupational hazardous factors liken-hexane , toluene and ethyl acetate .

  9. 全自动进样器在职业危害因素检测中的应用

    Application of Automatic Injector in the Detection of Occupational Hazardous Factors

  10. 一种新型带通用模块三维自动进样器的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Three-dimensional Autosampler with the Function Module

  11. 氢化物原位富集石墨炉自动进样器的研制

    Antomatic sampler for hydride in situ concentration graphite furnace

  12. 在比色测定中应用LNK881自动进样器

    Application of Automatic Sample Injector LNK 881 in Colorimetry

  13. HS&900顶空分析自动进样器的研究

    Study on HS 900 headspace sampler

  14. 三维旋转式自动进样器的研制

    Development of 3D Revolving Auto-Sampler

  15. 配置自动进样器,让用户的工作更简单、更方便。

    The system can make the customer 's job simpler and more convenient by equipping with auto sampler .

  16. 这种自动进样器的结构具有减小样品引入造成的谱带展宽和防止样品过载的特点。

    The structure of the autosampler resulted in reduction of band broadening related to the sample introduction and improvement of anticarryover performance .

  17. 方法:Waters717型高效液相色谱仪,Waters2996二极管阵列检测器,低压四元泵,自动进样器;

    Methods : Waters 717 high performance liquid chromatogram , Waters 2996 diode array detector , low pressure quaternionic pump , autosampler ;

  18. 离子色谱自动进样器塑料小瓶残留离子的检测塑料导爆管自动分切机

    Determination and Comparison of Ion Residues in Different Autosampler Plastic Vials by Ion Chromatography The Automatic Shearing Machine for the Cup-type Lead

  19. 本文阐述了气相色谱液体自动进样器的基本设计思路,系统的结构与组成。

    This article expounds the train of thought on low cost automatic liquid injector for GC , also its system structure , and components .

  20. 叙述了氢化物原位富集石墨炉自动进样器的工作原理,控制器与进样机构设计,以及主要技术指标。

    The operational principle of an automatic sampler for hydride in situ concentration graphite fumace and the design of its controller and sampling mechanism are described .

  21. 另外,液体的流速可由自动进样器调节并能够实现液体的自动进样及连续数据采集。

    Besides , the flow velocity of the liquid can be adjusted by the auto-feeding device and it can be achieved the liquid auto-feeding and continually data collection .

  22. 在样品前处理设备领域如自动顶空进样器,从设计研制到生产和技术服务取得了重大突破;

    To sample-handling equipment , such as automatic headspace sampler , we achieved a major breakthrough from design and development to production and technical service ;