
  • 网络self-confirmation;self-validating;self-verification;self-assurance;self-reassurance
  1. 这当中的一个重要特点是:额外的投资提高了生产率,从而增加了更多的自我确证特征。

    An important feature is that the additional investment increases productivity , thereby adding an extra self-validating feature .

  2. 现代性的自我确证与批判理论的规范基础

    Self-Verification of Modernity and the Basis of Criteria in Critical Theories

  3. 可以这么说,表现是人类生命精神丰富性的一种自我确证,是人类生命力的象征。

    It can be said that , art is a symbol of the human soul .

  4. 自我确证是指主体从对象上面以类似直觉的方式意识到自我的存在。

    Self-confirmation is that the subject realizes the existence of ego in the object through a way analogy with intuition .

  5. 文学意义在理解主体的自我确证中生成,由此使创作文本在不断对象化的意义建构过程中获得恒久的品质。

    Literary meaning generates from self-confirmation of interpretive subject , which make literary text get the permanent character in course of meaning-construction of continuous objectification .

  6. 读者阅读文本,最重要的还是脱离文本后对自我的确证和再创造的过程。

    Of course , it is the most important for reading text to confirm and create .

  7. 这样在对话教学中感受自我实现和确证自我实现。

    In this dialogue teaching feelings of self realization and confirmation of self realization .

  8. 其认知目的是自我生命的确证,观照方式是主体生命的投入。

    The goal of its cognition is to testify the life of the subject , and the mode of its cognition is the total immersion of the subject life .

  9. 意义是人之存在的意义,指的是人在对象化的活动中克服一切障碍、创造属人世界中的自我理解和自我确证。

    Significance means a person who existing , that is to say significance means a people who can surmount all obstacles and can create self-comprehension , self-confirmation in the world of human beings during the objective activities .

  10. 主体际性的成因不是中介客体的一致性,而是同一性的实践活动本身,在根本上说是人的自我生成、自我塑造、自我确证也就是人之为人的内在本性。

    The origin of intersubjectivity is not the intermediary object , but the identity of practice , fundamentally speaking , the inherent quality by which man generates , portrays , proves positively himself .

  11. 自我呈现层,指主体在对象世界中发现自我、确证自我的层次,这是美本质中的最核心层次;

    The self-presenting layer indicating the layer that subjects can find and confirm themselves , which is the core layer of the essence of beauty ;