
zì zhì ɡònɡ hé ɡuó
  • autonomous republic
  1. 波克隆斯卡娅是由克里米亚自治共和国部长理事会主席SergeyAksyonov在一次官员出席的会议中推荐的。

    Ms Poklonskaya was introduced by Sergey Aksyonov , Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , at a ceremony attended by officials .

  2. 纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)自治共和国(位于阿塞拜疆国家外的领土)在北面和东面和亚美尼亚接壤,伊朗位于它的南面和西面,土耳其则在它的西北面。

    The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic ( an exclave of Azerbaijan ) borders Armenia to the north and east , Iran to the south and west , and Turkey to the northwest .

  3. 前苏联是由数个自治共和国组成的。

    The former soviet union is forme of several autonomous republic .

  4. 1958年,非洲国家乍得成为法国共同体下的自治共和国。

    In 1958 , the African nation of Chad became an autonomous republic within the French community .

  5. 行政区划:1个自治共和国,12个州(省),1个直辖市。

    Administrative Districts : Uzbekistan is divided into one autonomous republic , 12 oblasts ( province ) .

  6. 克里米亚是乌克兰的一个自治共和国,将于周日举行全民公投决定未来地位。

    Crimea , a Ukrainian autonomous republic , will hold a referendum Sunday over its future status .

  7. 俄罗斯布里亚特自治共和国白玉资源及对我国白玉市场的影响

    The white jade resources of buryatia , Russia and their effect on the white jade market of China

  8. 1958年,刚果共和国的乍得和加蓬国成为法兰西共和体内的自治共和国。

    Chad , the Republic of the Congo , and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French Community .

  9. 周四,克里米亚自治共和国议会投票决定,克里米亚加入俄罗斯。

    On Thursday , the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea voted to become part of Russia .

  10. 法令表明,基于乌克兰宪法和克里米亚自治共和国宪法,任何地区公投都是违法的。

    The decree says Under the Constitution of Ukraine as well as the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea , any regional referendum is illegal .

  11. 这一点在高加索山北侧白雪皑皑山坡上的达吉斯坦等穆斯林自治共和国最为明显。

    Nowhere is this more apparent than in the predominantly Muslim autonomous republics perched on the snowy northern slopes of the Caucasus mountains , such as Dagestan .

  12. 从法律上说,这座被苏维埃废弃的城镇隶属于阿布哈兹自治共和国,只被5个国家正式承认过。

    This Soviet ghost town is technically located within a country called The Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia , which is only officially recognized by five other countries .

  13. 但各位也可读到,当马奇亚维利打破,处于优势之基督普遍主义模式的同时,他也拒绝了,古代模式的,小型自治共和国。

    But you might say just as Machiavelli broke with the dominant model of Christian universalism , so too did he reject the ancient model of the small , autonomous republican state .

  14. 但是,由于马哈巴德自治共和国领导人的优柔寡断、国内外形势的变化以及库尔德人装备落后、缺乏援助等因素,致使马哈巴德自治共和国存在不到一年就悄然夭折。

    However , as a result of indecisive leaders in the republic , changing situation at home and abroad , outdated arm equipment and lack of assistance , the republic was gone within one year .

  15. 雅库次克自治苏维埃社会主义共和国

    Yakutsk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

  16. 古人认为自由即意味着,生活在一个拥有自治权的共和国里,一个人人都有机会,治理国家的地方。

    For the ancients , liberty meant living in a self-governing republic , living in a republic in which everyone again took some share in the ruling offices .