
  • 网络five-year plan
  1. 中国第十一个五年规划的蓝图,是对调整的适当回应。

    China's11 th five-year plan provides a roadmap for that response .

  2. 人们为了实现第九个五年规划的经济目标而努力工作。

    People work hard to carry out the economic objectives of the Ninth Five-Year Plan .

  3. 关于对国家四个法制宣传教育五年规划的比照分析

    Comparative Analysis to the Four National " Five-year Plans of Legal Popularization "

  4. 公路建设五年规划的系统优化

    System Optimization Model for Five-year Planning of Highway Construction

  5. 是啊,我现在正忙着做五年规划。

    B : Yes . I 'm busy with the five-year planning right now .

  6. 新的五年规划看起来像是照搬上次的五年规划。

    The new plan looks set to pick up where the previous one left off .

  7. 你不是那种做好了五年规划自信满满进来的女孩吗

    Weren 't you the girl that came marching in here with a fiveyear plan ?

  8. 天然气开发五年规划产量分配优化模型研究

    Research of optimal models for gas production distribution of natural gas development five year programming

  9. 会议要求要进一步关注明年开始的第十四个五年规划。

    The meeting calls for further attention to the upcoming 14th Five-Year Plan starting next year .

  10. 政府已在截至2020年的五年规划中制定了削减1.5亿吨产量的目标。

    The government has set a target of cutting 150m tonnes of production in the five-year plan to 2020 .

  11. 最近的五年规划强调了提高能源效率并提出了提高空气质量的构想。

    The most recent five-year plan emphasised improvements in energy efficiency and laid out a vision for cleaning the air .

  12. 天然气开发规划的一个重要问题是五年规划问题。

    The problem of natural gas development five year programming is one of important problems for natural gas development programming .

  13. 3月份正式通过的一个新五年规划的起草者当然希望避免这种灾难的发生。

    The drafters of the new five-year plan adopted in March were clearly hoping to head off such a calamity .

  14. 中国在基因编辑技术上投入巨资,将生物技术列为2016年宣布的五年规划(十三五规划)的重点之一。

    China has invested heavily in gene-editing technology , making biotech one the priorities of its Five-Year Plan announced in 2016 .

  15. 与会人员将研究关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和二〇三五年远景目标的建议。

    Attendees will assess the proposals for formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan for Social and Economic Development and future targets for 2035 .

  16. 他表示,改善民生将成为下一个五年规划所有内容的出发点。

    He said improving peoples ' living conditions will be the starting point for every rule in China 's next five-year plan .

  17. 近年来政府一直宣传建立更和谐社会,第十一个五年规划则描述了实现和谐社会的宏图大计。

    The government has for several years talked about a more harmonious society , and the plan describes ambitious for achieving this .

  18. 按照中国第12个五年规划的目标,到2015年底投入运行的铁路总长要达到12.3万公里。

    According to its 12th Five-Year Plan , China aims to have 123,000 km of rail in operation by the end of 2015 .

  19. 总理还承认,在上一个五年规划中,中国至少有三个目标没有实现。

    The prime minister also admitted that China had failed to meet at least three targets he set in the previous five-year plan .

  20. 特别是党的十六大加强电子政务作为一项基本国策写入新的五年规划,电子政务将在推进政府管理创新、促进工业信息化过程中起到革命性的作用。

    Especially the 16th National Party Congress decided to strengthen e-governance as a basic national policy and wrote it into a new five-year plan .

  21. 这一情况受到了今年开始新的五年规划的激励,传统上五年计划开始意味着重大项目的上马。

    This was encouraged by the launch this year of their new five-year economic plans , traditionally a time to starting big new projects .

  22. 中国的上一个五年规划将2011年至2015年期间的发展重点确定为能源、医疗、钢铁等行业。

    China 's last five-year plan highlighted energy , healthcare , steel and other sectors as focuses of its major initiatives from 2011 to 2015 .

  23. 认真贯彻审计署五年规划努力建设高水平审计学院

    Put the Five - Year Plan of the Office of Audit , PRC into Action to Set up a First - class Nanjing Audit University

  24. 产业结构的优化升级是实现我国第十一个五年规划目标的战略手段。

    The upgrading and optimizing of industrial structure are the strategic tools for us to realize the goal of the eleventh " five year plan " .

  25. 2006年3月通过的《国民经济与社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》也已明确提出要积极推动政府会计改革。

    The No.15 five-year Compendium of national economy and social development passed in March 2006 has clearly suggested pushing actively the reform of Chinese governmental accounting .

  26. 在《国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》中,提出要构建学习型社会、创新型国家。

    In Outline of the 11th Five-Years Plan for National economic and Social Development , it is advocated to construct a leaning society and innovative country .

  27. 最新的五年规划涵盖2016年至2020年,侧重于军事现代化和改进绿色技术,包括军用隐形技术、可再生能源和创新。

    The latest plan covering 2016 to 2020 focuses on modernising the military and improving green technology , including defence stealth technology , renewable energy and innovation .

  28. 他于2006年开始实施的上一个五年规划也有意摆脱中国经济对出口和投资的过度依赖。

    His previous five-year plan , which took effect in2006 , was also intended to shift the economy away from too much reliance on exports and investment .

  29. 《国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》提出了要在十一五期间实现单位国内生产总值能耗降低20%左右的节能降耗指标。

    In 11th five-year plan for national economic and social development , it points out that energy consumption per unit of GDP should be reduced by 20 % .

  30. 并在对榆社县土地资源动态评价的基础上,利用本模型进行了两个五年规划。

    On the base of dynamic evaluation for the land resources of Yushe county , the authors have made two Five - year programming using the mathematical model .