
zì rán yǔ yán
  • natural language
  1. 自然语言的特点就是啰嗦。

    Natural language is characterized by redundancy .

  2. 基于自然语言处理的Web内容过滤模型

    Web C on tent Filter Based on Natural Language Processing

  3. GIS中自然语言空间关系定义

    Definitions of Natural - Language Spatial Relations in GIS

  4. 机器翻译(MachineTranslation:MT)就是用计算机将一种自然语言翻译为另一种自然语言。

    MT ( Machine Translation ) is to apply the computer into the translation of one natural language into another .

  5. Ontology在自然语言检索中的应用研究

    Study of the Application of Ontology in Natural Language Information Retrieval

  6. 自然语言检索的新发展:与Ontology相结合

    New Development of Natural Language Information Retrieval : Combination with Ontology

  7. Ontology技术在自然语言理解中的应用

    The application of the Ontology technology on the understanding of natural language

  8. UML比自然语言要明确得多,它增强了沟通,并减少了解释错误。

    Far less ambiguous than natural language , UML enhances communication and reduces interpretation errors .

  9. EM算法在统计自然语言处理中的应用

    Application of EM algorithm in statistical natural language processing

  10. 中动句(middleconstruction)是自然语言中普遍存在的一种特殊语言现象,其特殊的句法特征和语义特征引起了语言学界的广泛探讨。

    Middle Construction , as a universally unique language phenomenon in natural languages , has attracted much attention to its special syntactic and semantic features from the linguistic circle .

  11. 基于Ontology的自然语言理解

    Ontology-Based Natural Language Understand

  12. 基于Schema和RST的自然语言生成混合规划方法

    A Hybrid Planning Method Based on Schema and RST in NLG

  13. 自动文摘研究作为自然语言处理研究的一个重要且实用的分支,目前逐渐成为Internet信息检索等应用领域的重要研究课题之一。

    Ing is a vital and practical information processing task in natural language processing , and becomes an important problem in domains such as Internet information retrieval .

  14. 结合人工智能研究领域的自然语言理解、智能代理和计算机语言学理论,我们能够利用Internet这个大型数据库,从中挖掘有用的信息。

    With the techniques of Natural Language Understanding in Artificial Intelligence field , Intelligent Agent and Computer Language , we can mine useful information from the huge database - Internet .

  15. 一定要对自然语言处理(NLP)和特定的n元语法加以区别。

    It is important to draw a distinction between natural language processing ( NLP ) and specific n-gram grammars .

  16. 随着Internet的迅猛发展和电子文档信息的不断丰富,文档自动分类日益成为信息检索和自然语言处理领域的研究热点。

    With the rapid growth of Internet and increase of electronic text , automatic text classification ( ATC ) has been the hottest research issues in information retrieval and natural language processing .

  17. 开放领域的问题回答(QuestionAnswering)是自然语言处理领域中具有挑战性的研究方向。

    Open domain question answering ( QA ) represents a challenge of natural language processing , aiming at returning exact answers in response to natural language questions .

  18. 领域本体作为一种能在语义和知识层次上描述信息的概念模型,在智能信息检索、知识获取、自然语言理解和Web信息处理等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    As a conceptual model of describing information in semantic level , domain ontology is becoming more and more important in intelligent information retrieval , knowledge acquisition , natural language understanding and Web information processing .

  19. 采用DCG(DefineClauseGrammar)方法实现的自然语言理解,出现了大量回溯。

    There is a lot of backtracking by using DCG ( Define Clause Grammar ) method with NLU ( Natural Language Understanding ) .

  20. 该算法已经在基于Web的自然语言答疑系统WebAnswerSystem中实现并得到了实际应用。实验结果表明,算法具有较高的准确率和召回率,对自然语言网络答疑中进行切分歧义消除是行之有效的。

    The proposed algorithm has already been applied in our Web answering system , the experimental result shows that it has high accuracy and efficiency of word segmentation and elimination of the ambiguity of words segmentation .

  21. 标准通用置标语言SGML及其在自然语言处理中的应用

    SGML and its application in natural language processing

  22. 信息抽取是指对网页中的信息进行结构化处理,输出结构化信息,可以分为基于自然语言、包装器、本体、HTML结构和Web查询五种信息抽取技术。

    Information extraction refers to processing information in webpage , and outputting structured information . It can be divided into five information extraction technology which base on natural language , wrapper , ontology , HTML structure and Web query .

  23. 主要以关联理论为框架,从话语生成与理解的角度,讨论言语交际中话语标记语IMean的语用功能,以此揭示自然语言交际的动态性,说明加强话语标记语研究的重要性。

    This essay is based on the relevance theory . The pragmatic function of the discourse marker " I mean " is discussed by means of discourse origin and discourse understanding so that the importance of discourse markers is emphasized in language research .

  24. 作为EM算法的替代,Co-Training是众所周知的自举算法,近来已经成为自然语言处理领域的兴趣焦点。

    Co-Training , as an alternative to EM algorithm , is a well-known form of bootstrapping which is a topic of interest in NLP .

  25. 许多先进的人工智能技术如机器学习、知识表示、自然语言处理、模式识别、遗传算法及分布式智能系统都被融入DSS的研究中。

    Lots of advanced AI techniques such as machine learning , knowledge representation , pattern identification , genetic algorithms and distributed intelligent systems have been applied to the research ofDSS .

  26. 第三行确定包含自然语言字符串的DTD的位置,为本地化(l10n)提供支持。

    The third line supports l10n by establishing the location of DTDs that contain natural language strings .

  27. 然后,根据自然语言理解篇章分析模型,设计实现了基于领域的汉语NLU篇章分析系统。

    Third , the Domain NLU discourse model is designed and realized according to the model .

  28. NLP的根本难点在于自然语言具有认识性和不确定性,现阶段目标应是受限语言智能仿知技术。

    All those difficulties lie in Cognition and Uncertainty features of Natural Language , while its purpose now is certain defined Target-Specific Language Intelligent Cognition Simulating Technique .

  29. 阐述了两种结构化数据采集的方法:自然语言处理(NLP)和结构化数据输入(SDE)。

    Two methods for collecting the structured data are discussed , which are natural language processing ( NLP ) and structured data entry ( SDE ) .

  30. 即从PC端接收到的不受约束的自然语言文本指令中抽取出控制车辆行驶所必需的各个语言单元,并将其转换为控制车辆所必需的格式。

    E. receiving the unconstrained natural language instruction in the form of text from PC and extracting the linguistic unit which is necessary to the vehicle traveling process , and converts it to the standard format command which is necessary to the vehicle .