
  • 网络natural knowledge
  1. 自然知识的每一个重大进步都包含对权威的绝对排斥。

    Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority .

  2. 科学哲学与自然知识的民族性

    Philosophy of Science and Nationality of Natural Knowledge

  3. 园艺是教孩子们自然知识和健康饮食的好方法。

    Gardening can be great   teacher to teach   children about nature and healthy eating .

  4. 西方实用思想崇尚自然知识及其应用,以驾驭自然为目的;

    Westem practical thought advocated nature knowledge and its application for the aim of taming nature ;

  5. 不管是自然知识还是社会知识,都具有意识形态的特点,因而与权力密切相关。

    Both natural knowledge and social knowledge are characterized ideologically and therefore closely related with power .

  6. 人文知识是与自然知识、社会知识相并列的一种独立的知识。

    Humanities knowledge is an independent type of knowledge which is juxtaposed by natural knowledge and social knowledge .

  7. 本文认为学生在学校教育中所接受的知识主要有两种,即自然知识和社会知识。

    This dissertation intends to view that the knowledge acquired by students can be divided into two types : natural knowledge and social knowledge .

  8. 广义的人文知识包括人文化的自然知识和社会知识,在这个意义上,几乎所有的人类知识都具有人文性。

    General humanities knowledge includes humanized natural knowledge and social knowledge . From this view , almost all human knowledge has a humanity property .

  9. 古希腊思想是在首先探寻自然知识的基础上,才有后来对认识你自己及其道德生活的诉求;

    The ancient greek ideology was firstly based on the nature knowledge exploration which was followed by " understanding yourself " and morality afterward .

  10. 他们将以自然知识为代表的科学视为普遍文化一部分,正是此种观念成为中产阶级通过仿效从而实现地位提升的渠道。

    They viewed science which was represented by natural knowledge as part of the general culture . Middle class emulated this ideal in order to enhance their status .

  11. 人文知识在人文世界建构中具有重要价值,人文知识与自然知识、社会知识相比较具有其独特性。

    The knowledge of humanism with a crucial value in the structure of the world of humanism has its traits in comparison with the knowledge of nature and society .

  12. 通过观赏这些图文并茂的紫砂壶,使人们既观赏到壶艺,又可以学到一些历史、社会和自然知识。

    By reading the book which includes lots of pictures and the information on them , readers can appreciate the purple clay pot art and learn more about history , society and nature .

  13. 他彻底告别了理学、心学的道德理想主义,将整个人类社会秩序的建构建立在了探究自然知识、把握社会规律的经验主义基础之上。

    He abandoned the the moral idealism of Neo-Confucianism , but on the contrary , he constructed the whole human society order based on the empiricism about exploring natural knowledge and grasping the social law .

  14. 那么,为什么现代科学只在伽利略的时候崛起于西方?14年后他又提出,为什么公元前一世纪起中国在应用自然知识于人类需要方面领先西方1600年?

    Fourteen years later he asked since for 16 centuries China had led the world in applying natural knowledge to human needs , why did modern science take its rise only in the West at the time of Galileo ?

  15. 知识分子则是西方文明的精英,其知识结构是分门别类的自然知识和实用知识,主要历史使命是通过知识的传承、积累与创新来推动社会发展,社会功能就像发动机。

    Intellectuals are the elite of Western civilization , whose knowledge structure is one of classified natural science and practical knowledge , and whose main historical mission is to boost social development through the transfer , accumulation and creation of knowledge , a social function similar to an engine .

  16. 作者把科学划分为自然知识形态的解释层面、器物形态的技术层面、精神形态的态度和方法层面、组织形态的建制层面、与背景和效果相联系的社会层面。

    In my opinion , science is at its five levels , and they are separately explanation in form of knowledge , technology in form of implements , attitude and method in form of sprits , institute in form of organization , and social facet in its backgrounds and effects .

  17. 她具有广博的自然史知识。

    She has an encyclopedic knowledge of natural history .

  18. 科学是关于自然的知识主体,代表了人类集体的努力。

    Science is the body of knowledge about nature that represents the collective efforts .

  19. 《西游记》生动地反映了我国古代人们所掌握的一些自然科学知识,巧妙地介绍了我国古代的一些自然科学成就;

    The Journey to the West reflected some natural scientific knowledge grasped by ancient people .

  20. 这两方面问题的存在造成了当前我们在面对自然灾害知识需求的时候无所适从。

    These two problems now have caused our powerless in the face of natural disaster .

  21. 在那个时候,人们有比我们今天少得多的自然科学知识。

    At that time , people had less knowledge of natural science than we have today .

  22. 就人类关于自然界的知识,即自然科学知识而言,检验方法主要有两种:逻辑方法和经验方法。

    To the scientific knowledge of nature , there are mainly two test methods : logical and empirical methods .

  23. 工程师应具有数学和自然科学知识,这些知识是通过研究、经验和实践获得的。

    The engineer should have a knowledge of mathematical and natural sciences gained by study , experience , and practice .

  24. 康有为仁说还有一个显著的特征,那就是以西方自然科学知识来解释仁的含义。

    Another significant feature of Kang You-wei You-wei benevolence theory is to explain the benevolence means based on Western scientific knowledge .

  25. 知识经济所指的知识既包括自然科学知识、技术知识,也包括管理科学和社会科学知识。

    The Knowledge it refers to not only covers natural sciences and technical know how but also includes management science and social sciences .

  26. 产生式系统是人工智能系统中最典型的一种基本结构,是人工智能系统中最自然的知识表示及推理的方法。

    Production system is the most typical basic structure and the most natural method for knowledge showing and ratiocinating in artificial intelligence system .

  27. 在现代学校教育发展过程中,由于受自然科学知识对人类生活和生产的巨大的推动作用的影响,科学知识逐渐主宰了学校教育的内容。

    In modern school development process , the natural sciences knowledge affects human life and production and gradually dominates the school education content .

  28. 为了给公众提供所谓的自然“知识”,人们将动物从自然的环境之中抓来。

    In order to offer the public , a so-called " knowledge " of nature , one tears off animals from their natural environment .

  29. 科学是关于自然的知识总体,他代表了人类的共同努力、洞察力、研究成果和智慧。

    Science is the body of knowledge about nature that represents the collective efforts insights , finding , and wisdom of the human race .

  30. 结果是物理主义的客观主义成为现代科学的形而上学基础,因此导致了科学的认识论之谜,使得自然科学知识何以可能成为问题。

    Third , its result is physicalistic objectivism was seen as the metaphysical foundation of natural science which has led to the riddle of cognition .