
  1. 赫拉克利特朴素辩证法思想述评

    Simple Talking about the Dialectics of Herakleitos

  2. 第四章,为哲学史方面,包括朴素辩证法、天人学说、卦气说、宇宙生成论及元气论等部分。

    The fourth chapter is about the history of philosophy including the simple dialectics and the theory of divinatory symbols gas , production of the universe and primordial qi .

  3. “一物两体”的矛盾观等内含朴素辩证法光辉思想的提出更是将古代朴素唯物主义发展提升到一个新的阶段。

    It is the thought of " Move not from outside " and " Qi has two attributes " that has brought ancient naive materialism development up to a new stage even more .

  4. 其对自然或社会变化的论述,富有朴素的辩证法观点。

    Its ideas on natural and social changes are simply dialectic .

  5. 老子朴素唯物辩证法理论就是在这种特定的社会历史条件下产生的。

    And it was in these particular social and historic conditions that Laozi 's simple theory of materialist dialectics came into being .

  6. 阴阳对立统一的属性是中国古代朴素的辩证法,它涵盖了宇宙万物的普遍规律,而中国画的传统观念和审美思想也与此相结合,才能真实的反映有生命的世界。

    It is the dialectics of ancient China and covers the universal law , which combined with the traditional way of Chinese painting and the aesthetic idea .

  7. 其总的倾向是坚持了朴素唯物论和辩证法,但也有其局限性。

    Its overall tendency is adhering to the naive materialism and dialectics , but is not without its limi-tations .

  8. 对清王朝来说,这实在是一个十分残酷的悲剧性结局。这种结局蕴含了一个朴素的历史辩证法:主观动机与客观效果并不是完全统一的,它们之间还存在着相背原则。

    The finale reveal a simple history dialectic , that is subjective motive and objective effect are not uniform , some time they are deviate each other .

  9. 直观、朴素形态的辩证法是在人类童年时期产生的,那时哲学探讨的中心问题是万物的本原问题,它的研究对象是客观物质世界。

    Intuitive , simple form of dialectics is produced in the human childhood , at that time the central question of philosophy is " the very essence of the problem ," its object of study is an objective material world .

  10. 《孙子》的军事思想是建立在朴素唯物主义的辩证法思想基础之上。

    The thoughts about war in Sun Zi are based on simple materialistic and dialectic philosophy .

  11. 以朴素唯物论和原始辩证法为精髓的孙子思想,对于现代商家竞争具有重大指导意义。

    Master Sun 's thoughts , with quint essences of naive materialism and primitive dialectics , offer a good guidance to modern businessmen in their competitions .

  12. 其科学精神是古代朴素唯物主义和辩证法在兵学领域的展开与升华,对于启迪思维和指导战争有着深刻的现实意义和构建意义。

    These scientific spirits are the display and distillation of ancient naive materialism and dialects in the field of military science , which have profound practical and constructive significance in thinking enlightenment and military direction .

  13. 他们以直观朴素的、前概念、前反思的理论水平来描述客观的物质世界的辩证本性,所以这个时期的辩证法思想一般叫古代直观朴素的辩证法。

    They elaborate dialectical instincts of objective material world by simple ones ocular in them , before concept , before review theoretical level , so the dialectics thought of this period is generally called ancient and the ocular and simple dialectics .