
  • 网络Portsmouth;Portsmouth University;The University of Portsmouth
  1. 朴茨茅斯大学的朱莉安娜·卡明斯基博士说,这种睁大眼睛,时而忧郁的表情似乎能引起强烈的爱抚性反应。

    Doctor Julianne Kaminski at the University of Portsmouth says this wide-eyed and sometimes melancholy1 expression seems to elicit2 a strong nurturing3 response .

  2. 朴茨茅斯大学计算学院的爱丽丝-古德博士发现,使用Facebook所产生的这种“自我慰藉”对情绪有利。

    Dr Alice Good , from the University of Portsmouth 's School of Computing , found this ' self-soothing ' use of Facebook is beneficial to our mood .

  3. 朴茨茅斯大学计算学院的爱丽丝-古德博士发现,使用Facebook所产生的这种自我慰藉对情绪有利。

    Dr Alice Good , from the University of Portsmouth ` s School of Computing , found this ` self-soothing ` use of Facebook is beneficial to our mood .

  4. 英国朴茨茅斯大学传达设计系毕业。ISTD成员。

    Graduated from Communication Design , University of Portsmouth , member of ISTD .

  5. 但是英国朴茨茅斯大学环境工程学高级讲师BrettMartinson说可以更廉价地实现它。

    But it can be done more cheaply , says Brett Martinson , senior lecturer in environmental engineering and sustainable development at the University of Portsmouth in the United Kingdom .

  6. 朴茨茅斯大学心理学博士克莱尔-威尔森说:“Facebook作为一种与他人的沟通工具推向市场,但该研究标明,也许当我们现在的自己需要安慰时,我们更喜欢使用Facebook与过去的自己联系。”

    Psychologist Dr Clare Wilson , also from the University of Portsmouth , said : " Facebook is marketed as a means of communicating with others , but this research shows we are more likely to use it to connect with our past selves , perhaps when our present selves need reassuring . "

  7. 朴茨茅斯大学宇宙学研究所所长大卫•万兹(DavidWands)教授说,与霍金教授自己所做的研究同样重要的是,从长远来看,他作为鼓舞年轻人学习数学和物理的一盏明灯可能会发挥更大的影响。

    Important as Prof Hawking 's own research has been , his role as a beacon inspiring young people to study maths and physics may be even more influential in the long run , says Professor David Wands , director of Portsmouth university 's cosmology institute :

  8. 去年朴茨茅斯大学的科学家发现,鱼类正在被抗抑郁百忧解所污染。

    Last year Portsmouth University scientists found that fish were being contaminated with the anti-depressant Prozac .

  9. 英国朴茨茅斯大学的大卫·马提尔以及英国莱斯特大学的大卫·昂温在《白垩纪研究》期刊上报道了这个发现。

    David Martill from the University of Portsmouth and David Unwin from the University of Leicester reported the discovery in the journal Cretaceous Research .

  10. 伯明翰大学,剑桥大学和朴茨茅斯大学也使用了这个称谓,英国高校联合招生委员会在去年7月也引入了该称谓。

    Birmingham , Cambridge and Portsmouth University also use the title as well as UCAS the university admissions service which introduced it for students last July .

  11. 朴茨茅斯大学研究人员表示:这一发现与以往想法不同,它首次证明,时间并不是植根于人类脑中根深蒂固的概念。

    The team of researchers , led by University of Portsmouth , said that it is the first time they have been able to prove time is not a deeply entrenched universal human concept , as previously thought .