
zì xuán jīnɡ ɡé chí yù
  • spin lattice relaxation
  1. 通过1D1HNMR,13cNMR和1H自旋晶格弛豫时间T1对氟喹诺酮类抗菌药物与过渡金属离子Cr3+,Mn2+和Fe3+形成配合物的位置进行了研究,合成了固体配合物,对其进行了元素分析。

    By measuring 1H and 13 C NMR signals and 1H spin lattice relaxation time T 1 , we have studied the complexes formed between fluoroquinolone antimicrobials and metal ions Cr 3 + , Mn 2 + and Fe 3 + .

  2. 磁化矢量的增长服从单指数规律,自旋晶格弛豫主要由于磁偶极相互作用。

    The machenism of spin lattice relaxation was mainly due to the magnetic dipole dipole interaction .

  3. N-正丁基苯胺的~(13)C自旋晶格弛豫研究

    The investigation of ~ ( 13 ) c spin - lattice relaxation of n-butyl aniline

  4. 分子的完全不对称旋转和甲基内旋转可待因~(13)C核自旋晶格弛豫

    Fully Anisotropic Overall Molecular Tumbling with Group Internal Rotation - ~ ( 13 ) C Spin-Lattice Relaxation Study of Codeine

  5. 丙烯酰胺-丙烯酸交联共聚凝胶结构与分子运动的~1HNMR自旋晶格弛豫研究

    ~ 1h NMR spin-lattice relaxation studies on the structure and dynamics of aam-aac copolymer hydrogels

  6. YBa2Cu3O7中Cu的NQR自旋晶格弛豫研究

    The Studies of NQR Spin Lattice Relaxation of Cu in Y Ba_2Cu_3O_7

  7. 固体氨基酸中甲基碳自旋晶格弛豫的瞬态NOE效应

    Transient NOE Effect of ~ ( 13 ) C Methyl Spin-Lattice Relaxation of Amino Acids in Solids

  8. 未掺杂聚乙炔中质子的自旋晶格弛豫&局域化的孤子

    The proton spin-lattice relaxation in undoped polyacetylene & localized solitons

  9. 用强迫恢复法测量原子核自旋晶格弛豫时间T1

    The Measurement of Nuclear Spin-lattice Relaxation Time T_1 Using Driven Recovery Method

  10. 质子射频场照射对碳-13自旋晶格弛豫的影响

    The Effect of  ̄ 1H RF Irradiation on  ̄( 13 ) CSpin-Lattice Relaxation

  11. 掺杂的高温超导体的自旋晶格弛豫率

    Spin-lattice relaxation in doped high-t_c superconductors

  12. 核自旋晶格弛豫率以及奈特位移的实验结果显示,超导态的电子配对是d波单态配对.d波能隙函数里存在节点,使得准粒子从涡线中心漏到涡线外面。

    The temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate and the Knight shift indicate d-wave pairing , which brings about the extended quasiparticle states outside the vortex cores .

  13. 通过分析27Al核磁共振波谱、自旋晶格弛豫时间,结合数字拟合方法、渗析法和原子吸收分光光度法,对柠檬酸铝的形态结构及其影响因素进行了研究;

    The phase of aluminum citrate in an aqueous solution was investigated by using () ~ ( 27 ) Al nuclear magnetic resonance , spin-lattice relaxation time , digital matching , atomic absorption spectrography and dialysis methods .

  14. 发现质子化学位移值与汽油解吸度,谱线半高宽与活性炭对汽油的饱和吸附容量,自旋晶格弛豫时间与活性炭表面酸性基团总量分别有紧密的联系。

    It was found that chemical shifts , half height width of the spectral lines and spin lattice relaxation times are closely related to the degree of desorption of gasoline , adsorption capacity and the amount of surface acid groups of the charcoal respectively .

  15. 根据这个转动扩散模型,利用实验测定的自旋&晶格弛豫时间和溶液粘度计算了丙氨酸在不同pH值下的体积。

    Using this rotational diffusion model , molecular volumes of alanine in different pH 's were then calculated from the observed spin-lattice relaxation times and solution viscosities .

  16. 具体结果包括:(1)应用~1HNMR化学位移和自旋-晶格弛豫时间实验技术对活化氧化铝与水的相互作用进行了研究,并拟合出了水的不同结合状态的自旋-晶格弛豫时间。

    The results are : ( 1 ) The water-alumina interaction was studied using high-resolution 1H NMR . The spin-lattice relaxation times ( T1 ) were obtained .

  17. 浆体中水质子的化学位移移向低场,自旋&晶格弛豫时间T1值则减小。

    It was also indicated that the chemical shift of proton moved to lower field and the spin_lattice relaxation time T 1 increased with the increasing solid content .

  18. 发现聚合物与溶剂的溶解度参数之差△δ越大,聚合物在溶液中协同链段运动趋向越明显,~(13)C自旋-晶格弛豫速率(1/T1)越大;

    It was found that with the increase of the difference of solubility parameters between polymer and solvent ( A S ), the extent of cooperative segmental motion of the polymer in solution tends to be easier and spin-lattice relaxation rate ( 1 / T1 ) becomes greater .

  19. 本文测定了一系列具有不同微观结构的1,2-聚丁二烯样品在四种溶剂的50.3MHz~(13)C自旋-晶格弛豫时间(T1)和核Overhauser效应(NOE)值。

    Carbon-13 spin-lattice relaxation time ( T1 ) and nuclear Overhauser factor ( NOE ) series of 1,2-polybutadiene samples with different microstructures in four different solvents were measured at 50.3 MHz .

  20. 运用核磁共振手段,研究了室温离子液体1-辛基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐([C8mim][BF4])在不同比例的离子液体/丙酮混合体系中1H和13C的化学位移及13C的自旋-晶格弛豫时间(T1)。

    1H NMR , 13C NMR , and 13C spin-lattice relaxation time ( T1 ) of the mixtures of room temperature ionic liquid [ C8mim ] [ BF4 ] and acetone with different proportions have been studied by NMR .

  21. 红宝石中自旋&晶格弛豫直接过程的计算

    Calculation of the direct process of spin-lattice relaxation in Ruby

  22. 饱和恢复法人体核磁共振自旋&晶格弛豫时间成象方法

    Whole body NMR spin-lattice relaxation time imaging using a saturation recovery method

  23. 红宝石Cr~(3+)离子的自旋-晶格弛豫时间和浓度效应

    Spin-lattice relaxation and concentration effects of cr ~ ( 3 + ) in Ruby

  24. 用自旋-晶格弛豫时间T1研究吗啡的不对称旋转和甲基内旋转速度

    Analysis of axially symmetric molecular tumbling and methyl internal rotation rates of morphine by ~ ( 13 ) c spin-lattice relaxation time t_1

  25. 自旋-晶格弛豫时间结果说明,体系中存在结合水、孔隙水、自由水三种状态的水。

    The results of T1 indicate that there exit three states of water in water-alumina system , e.g. , bound water , pore water and bulk water .

  26. 本文将叙述什么是自旋-晶格弛豫时间(T1)和自旋-自旋弛豫时间(T2):用反转恢复和自旋回波法产生T1、T2加权图象。

    This paper describes what 's the spin-lattice relaxation time ( T_1 ) and spin-spin relaxation time ( T_2 ); the T_1-weighted MR-Images use for inversion recovery creation ; The T_2-weighted MR-Images use for spin-echo creation .

  27. 固定煤焦比变浓度实验中,随着PCCWS浆体浓度的增大,体系中水质子化学位移和半峰宽呈线性增长,自旋-晶格弛豫时间T1呈线性递减;

    In experiment of fixed coal-coke ratio but variational concentration , with the increasing solid content , chemical shift of water proton in slurry and half peak width increase by linearity , spin-lattice relaxation time decreases by linearity .

  28.  ̄14N核四极共振自旋系统的自旋-晶格弛豫是一种双指数弛豫。

    The spin - lattice relaxation for a ~ 14N NQR spin system is a dual exponential relax-ation .