
  1. 针对空间电子侦察卫星对地面固定辐射源进行无源定位的问题,研究并提出了一种通过低轨双星联合利用到达时间差(TDOA)和到达频率差(FDOA)无源定位的解析计算方法。

    The low orbit dual-satellites passive location method for electronic reconnaissance using TDOA ( time difference of arrival ) and FDOA ( frequency difference of arrival ) was studied and presented which locates ground emitter from space satellites .

  2. 固定辐射源的干涉测向定位精度分析

    Precision analysis of fixed radiant object position with interference direction finding

  3. 利用相位变化率对固定辐射源的无源被动定位

    Passive Location of Fixed Emitter Using Phase Rate of Change

  4. 上海光源固定辐射监测系统数据库及数据分析软件

    The Database and Data Analysis Software of Radiation Monitoring System

  5. 固定辐射点-流星群脱罗央群小行星的运动

    Stationary radiant motion of Trojan group asteroid

  6. 固定辐射源-颗粒的质量浓度的自动监控-功能特性、试验方法和规范

    Stationary source emissions - automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles - performance characteristics , test methods and specifications

  7. 在二维平面下,对固定辐射源和运动辐射源进行定位跟踪。

    In the 2-D conditions , fixed target is located and tracked by using the method as well as moving emitter .

  8. 同时针对固定辐射源和运动辐射源的不同情况,利用该方法对辐射源进行定位跟踪。其次研究了利用相位差变化率的定位方法。

    At the same time for different conditions of fixed target and moving emitter , emitter can be localization and be tracking by using the method . Secondly , research on the method of phase rate of change was given in the passive localization and tracking system .

  9. 固定源辐射-氮氧化物质量浓缩的测定-自动测量系统的性能特性

    Stationary source emissions - determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides - performance characteristics of automated measuring systems

  10. 固定发射率辐射温度计校准中的温度修正计算方法

    A Calculation Method of Temperature Correction for the Radiation Pyrometer With Fixed Emissivity in Calibration

  11. 固定波束指向微波辐射计定标模型包含了观测支路、定标支路中的网络散射参量,主要有网络的传输系数以及反射系数。

    The calibration model of microwave radiometer with fixed-beam pointing is decided by a large number of scattering parameters of the transmission network of both the observation channel and calibration channel , including but not limited to the transmission coefficient , reflection coefficient and their phases .