
  • 网络Solid state track detector;Solid State Nuclear Track Detector;ssntd
  1. 固体径迹探测器在辐射剂量学、环境和生命科学中的应用

    The applications of SSNTD in neutron dosimetry , environment and life sciences

  2. 固体径迹探测器测量束流装置内的中子通量密度

    Neutron flux measurement in neutron beam equipment by SSNTD

  3. 用CR-39固体径迹探测器测定重带电粒子的Bragg峰位

    Determination of Bragg peak location for heavy charged particles with CR-39 solid track detectors

  4. PETP固体径迹探测器的性能研究

    A study on characteristics of PETP solid state nuclear track detector

  5. 然后,用其轰击固体径迹探测器CR-39,对CR-39经过腐蚀之后,用先进的原子力显微镜(AFM)对碳微团簇径迹进行了观测,得到了清晰的图像。

    After a slight chemical etching , carbon cluster tracks , were observed for the first time by Atomic force microscope ( AFM ) and the clear images were obtained .

  6. 用于找矿的CA-7801固体径迹探测器

    CA-7801 solid state track detector for searching uranium ore body

  7. 用SC-79塑料固体径迹探测器探测α粒子

    The detection of α - particles by a SC-79 plastic solid state track detector

  8. 利用环形固体径迹探测器,通过~(238)U(α,2n)反应,测量了~(240m)Pu的半衰期和激发函数。

    By means of an annular mica detector , the half-life and excitation function had been measured for the shape isomer ~ ( 240m ) Pu produced in the reaction ~ ( 238 ) U ( a , 2n ) .

  9. CR39固体径迹探测器作为离子记录介质,离子径迹在记录面呈现抛物线带状分布,研究了由抛物线带状分布回推离子能谱的数据处理方法。

    CR39 solid-state nuclear track detector is suggested for recording ions , and an efficient ion-track-density-based technique is developed for deriving energy spectrum from the parabolic track pattern .

  10. 固体径迹探测器在中子能谱测量中的应用

    Application of solid state track detectors in measurement of neutron spectrum

  11. 用硝酸纤维素固体径迹探测器记录质子

    Registration of protons by a cellulose nitrate solid state track detector

  12. 用作固体径迹探测器的硝酸纤维薄膜的制造

    Manufacture of cellulose nitrate films used as solid state track detector

  13. 固体径迹探测器和火花计数器在氡监测上的应用

    Application of the SSNTDs and spark counters in radon monitoring

  14. 一种高灵敏度的醋酸纤维素固体径迹探测器

    A cellulose acetate solid state track detector with high sensitivity

  15. 固体径迹探测器测量快裂变因子

    Measurement of fast neutron fission factor by solid State nuclear track detector

  16. 固体径迹探测器在核裂变研究中的应用

    Applications of solid state track detectors in nuclear fission research

  17. 固体径迹探测器测量绝对中子注量率的一种简便法

    A simple method for the determination of absolute neutron flux rate by SSNTD

  18. 叠层式固体径迹探测器测量快中子能谱影响因素的研究

    Studies on Influence on the Fast Neutron Spectrum Measurement with SSNTD Radiator Degrader

  19. 聚碳酸酯固体径迹探测器电化学蚀刻基本特性的研究

    A study of the basic properties of electrochemical etching track in polycarbonate foil

  20. 硝酸纤维素固体径迹探测器的蚀刻行为

    The etching behavior of a CN SSNTD

  21. 用固体径迹探测器测定无限厚裂变源的自吸收因子

    Self absorption measurement for fission source of infinite thickness by solid state nuclear track detector

  22. 用于氡及其子体个人α累积暴露量测定的固体径迹探测器

    A-P article solid track detector for measuring personal integrated exposure of radon and its daughters

  23. 蒙特卡罗法模拟组合叠层式中子固体径迹探测器的探测效率

    Simulation of Fast Neutron Detection Efficiency of a Multi-Layer SSNTD Complex with Monte Carlo Method

  24. 用固体径迹探测器观测镍基高温合金发动机叶片的脱硼现象

    Observation of deboration for turbine engine blade of nickel-based superalloy using solid state nuclear track detector

  25. CR&39固体径迹探测器的制备工艺、性能及其在环境监测中的应用

    Technological processing and characteristics of CR-39 solid state track detector and its application to environmental monitoring

  26. 本文叙述了固体径迹探测器和火花计数器的基本结构及在氡监测上的应用。

    The general structure of the SSNTDs and spark counters and their application in radon monitoring are described .

  27. 固体径迹探测器测量重水零功率反应堆快裂变因子

    Measurement of Fast Fission Factor for Heavy Water Zero Power Reactor ( HWZPR ) by Solid State Nuclear Track Detector

  28. 最后选择了140μm厚的醋酸纤维素作为阻塞效应测核寿命实验中所用的固体径迹探测器。

    The 140 μ m cellulose acetate film has finally been selected as the solid state track detector used in nuclear lifetime measurement by the blocking effect .

  29. 本文建立了裂变产额法用以刻度浸于铀溶液中的固体径迹探测器记录裂变碎片的效率因子。

    In the present work fission yield method is developed to calibrate the fission fragment registration efficiency factor of solid state track detector immersed in uranium solution .

  30. 介绍了利用固体径迹探测器测量快裂变因子的原理、方法和实验结果。

    The authors describe the principle , experimental method and result of the measurement of fast neutron fission factor by means of a solid state nuclear track detector .