
  1. 伦敦国际华语电影节于去年正式举办。

    The China International Film Festival in London began last year .

  2. 上个周末,伦敦国际华语电影节颁奖典礼在伦敦拉开了帷幕,许多中国明星参加了这次典礼。

    The awards ceremony for the China International Film Festival in London has been held over the weekend , with a number of Chinese stars attending .

  3. 伦敦国际华语电影节是中国电影业向海外观众介绍并推广的一次良机。

    The film festival is a very good opportunity for people from the Chinese film industry to promote and present their works to an overseas audience .

  4. 澳大利亚国际华语电影节主席宫岚薇称,在影院观看国际上获奖的华语影片的观众有时会因为字幕翻译太差而提前离场。

    Gong Lanwei , president of the Australian International Chinese Film Festival , says that ticket holders for internationally award-winning Chinese films sometimes leave the cinema before the end due to poor translation of subtitles .