
  • 网络National Education;national conditions education
  1. 谈国情教育在土壤肥料学教学中的加强

    Strengthening the Situation Education of a Country in Soil and Fertilizer Science Teaching

  2. 刍议高师地理教育与国情教育高师中学化学实验教学课程的改革与实践

    The Reformation and Practice of Teaching of Chemical Experiments in Middle School in Normal University

  3. 地理国情教育的原则

    Principles of Geography Teaching on National Conditions

  4. 海洋环境教育的内容包括我国的海洋环境国情教育、海洋环境伦理教育以及海洋法制教育。

    The content of education involves marine environmental realistic education , marine environment ethical education and marine legal education .

  5. 应通过国情教育、人生观教育,引导大学生树立科学的人生观、消费观,进行合理消费。

    The scientific education of outlook on life should be the basis of quality education for the middle school students ;

  6. 乡土地理教学是国情教育系统的重要内容,是中国地理教材系统的必要补充。

    Education of local geography is an important part of education of national conditions and serves as a necessary supplement to teaching material system of Chinese geography .

  7. 基于此,西部地区需要吸纳各行各业的人参与和投入生态文明建设,深入开展资源国情教育和环境保护教育。

    Based on this , western region need attract more people from all walks of life to participate and input ecological civilization construction , carry out in-depth education of national conditions on resources and environmental protection .

  8. 再次论述了现代领导干部思想政治教育的内容承载:一是理论教育注重研究性;二是国情教育凸现现实性;三是党性实践教育突出震撼性。

    Second , discusses the ideological and political education of modern leading cadres carrying content : First , focus on research and theoretical education ; Second National Education highlights the reality ; third party practice in education at shocking .

  9. 世界意识作为一种特殊的概念、意识,在教育过程中需要遵循开放的原则、全球化的原则、学生主体性的原则、关注现实的原则,及国情教育和爱国主义教育相结合的原则。

    World consciousness as a kind of special education concept , consciousness , in the process of the open to follow the principle of globalization , the principle , the principle , the attention of students ' subjective reality principle , and the students education and national patriotic education .

  10. 从近代高等教育的人力和组织保障到高等教育理论体系的构建,从适合中国国情教育模式的探索到高等教育制度体系的建立,都无不与近代留学教育密切相关。

    The guarantee of manpower and organization for the modern higher education , the establishment of the higher education theoretical system , the research on the educational mode fit for the national conditions and the establishment of the higher education system are all closely related to the modern overseas education .

  11. 二是我国的学校心理学必须有中国特色,必须适合中国的国情和教育状况。

    Chinese School psychology must bear Chinese characteristics and suited to the Chinese national and educational conditions .

  12. 适合国情的教育运行机制能极大地促进我国教育事业的发展。

    The educational operation mechanism adapting to national conditions can greatly improve the development of educational undertakings in our country .

  13. 鉴于我国国情和教育教学现状,高考制度改革首先从试题形式开始逐步进行。

    Considering our national conditions and education teaching current situation , the college entrance examination system reforms first from test .

  14. 严格说来,我国现行的学分制并非完全意义上的学分制,这与我国的现实国情和教育传统相关。

    But strictly speaking , Chinese credit system is not the really credit system , it relates with our national condition and educational tradition .

  15. 脱离中国国情和教育实际,片面和盲目追求高学历的倾向应当予以纠正。

    We must rectify the general tendency to single-mindedly and blindly run after high test scores , with disregard for national conditions and the reality of education .

  16. 学成回国之后,我将从事国际教育尤其是比较教育领域的研究,在借鉴国际经验的基础上为制定符合中国国情的教育规划和教育模式做出自己的贡献,为文化的交流和传播做出贡献!

    With my ambition in education , I deem it my duty to contribute to the planning and models of China 's education and the cultural exchange between China and other countries as well .

  17. 现代中国教育发展的优势在于:确立了教育优先发展的指导思想;建立了实验基地和教育科研队伍及适合中国国情的教育管理体制。

    The advantages of educational development in modern China are as follows : it has a guiding ideology of giving priority to educational development , experimental bases , researchers and an educational management system with Chinese characteristics .

  18. 它结合国际、国内经验,提出了适合我国国情的教育产业经营的11种模式。

    Based on the experiences at home and abroad , the author comes up with 11 kinds of models on how to manage educational industry to make up for the shortage of educational expenditures in our country .

  19. 面对变化了的世情、国情和教育对象,不断研究思想政治教育新的方法、途径和载体,提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性成为无法回避的现实课题。

    Facing the change of the world situation , circumstances and education objects , continuing to study new methods , approaches , and carriers and raising the practical results of the ideological and political education of college students becomes the reality problem of not evading .

  20. 因此,要加强系统的马克思主义教育,加强对生态社会主义的研究,加强意识形态教育,加强国情国力教育,尽力克服这一思潮对青年的不利影响。

    Therefore , the education with Marxism , the study on ecological socialism , the education on socialistic ideology , and the education on the situation and force of our country should be reinforced so that we can try our best to overcome the negative influence on young people .

  21. 笔者在对比国际上影视分级标准与因特网分级标准的基础上,提出适应中国国情的网络教育内容分级标准(CHERS:ChineseE-learningcontentratingstandard),并对其二维特性进行了具体阐述。

    Then it proposed the Chinese educational content rating and filtering system and standard , which is a part of Chinese E-Learning Technology Standards .

  22. 政府主导型社区教育驱动模式是适应我国国情的社区教育驱动模式。

    Government-oriented community education driven model adapts to China national condition .

  23. 毕业生就业是高职院校的头等大事,而就业指导工作中的思想政治教育十分重要,应开展国情与形势教育;

    Graduates ' employment is the first important thing in higher vocational colleges .

  24. 中国应试教育国情,使得教育者在教育过程中片面重视知识方面的训练而忽视能力培养和素质教育。

    Pedagogs with exam-oriented education concept paid more attention to knowledge training , but neglected quality education .

  25. 针对高校创业教育存在的问题,最迫切的是要构建适合中国国情的创业教育体系。

    Entrepreneurship education for the university problems , the most pressing is suitable for China to build entrepreneurship education system .

  26. 但国情不同,教育环境的差异,同样的教学模式会产生不同的效果。

    But we cannot use their models in the same way because bilingual teaching in our country is very different form theirs .

  27. 第三部分论述了高中历史教科书多样化的基础,包括了国情基础、教育对象基础以及内在因素基础。

    Chapter three covers three foundations of the diversity of history textbook , which are practice foundation 、 teaching foundation and internal factor .

  28. 从我国具体国情以及高等教育的发展趋势出发,对区域高等教育发展的研究已经非常迫切。

    With view to our nation , s situation and higher education development tendency , the research into regional higher education development has become stringent .

  29. 要借鉴学习世界各国先进经验,从我国实际出发探索创建适于国情的教师教育新体系。

    We should learn from the advanced experience from foreign countries , explore and rebuild the new system of teacher education from the reality of our country .

  30. 根据我国当前国情,高等教育的学校数量和规模在近几年都经历了跨越式发展,近期这种发展速度逐渐放缓。

    Based on our nation , s situation , higher education schools have experienced spanning development in quantity and dimension in recent years , but the speed will gradually slow down lately .