
  • 网络Ines;International Nuclear Event Scale
  1. 这起事件就被认定为国际核事件分级表的1级事故。

    This incident rated a 1 on the ines scale .

  2. 1957年,该厂的一个装有放射性废料的容器发生了爆炸,该事故被国际核事件分级表评定为6级。

    Caused by the explosion of a tank that contained radioactive waste , this crisis is recorded as a level 6 " serious accident " on the ines scale .

  3. 国际核安全事件分级表的4到7级则被官方称为“事故”,它们往往表示有一人或多人因遭受辐射而死亡&但也并非总是如此。

    Levels 4-7 on the ines scale are officially called " accidents " and often , but not always , signal that one or more fatalities from radiation exposure have occurred .