
  • 网络nsc;National;National Semiconductor
  1. 国半推出两款全新音频产品,主打高端应用市场

    National Semiconductor Introduces Two Audio Products Focused on High-end Applications

  2. 论我国半干旱地区农业生产力与生态系统可持续发展

    On agricultural productivity and ecosystem 's sustainability in semiarid areas of China

  3. 突破电源管理瓶颈,国半推出新电源控制器

    New Power Controller to Break Through Bottleneck of Supplies

  4. 利比亚见证了该国半个世纪以来第一次自由和公正的选举。

    LIBYA saw its first free and transparent elections in half a century .

  5. 我国半干旱地区现代沙漠化驱动因素的定量辩识

    Quantitative Identification of Driving Factors of Contemporary Sandy Desertification in Semi-arid Zone in China

  6. 我国半再生重整装置的扩能改造技术方案探讨

    Exploration on technical revamping options for capacity expansion of semi - regenerative catalytic reformers

  7. 近代以来,随着我国半封建半殖民地化的日益加深,农业危机也进一步加强。

    Agricultural crisis strengthened with the progressively deepening semi - feudalization and semi - colonization of China .

  8. 我国半个世纪减负问题的历史回溯与思考

    A Historical Retrospect and Reflection of " Burden Lightening " Problem in China in the Past Fifty Years

  9. 我国半干旱地区农业结构调整与水资源可持续利用研究

    The Research on the Adjustment of Agriculture Structure and Sustainable Utilization of Water Resources in Chinese Semi-arid Region

  10. 如何根据我国半干旱地区的实际情况采取发展对策,是一个尚未解决的问题。

    The unsolved problem is how to adopt an available countermeasure to improve the agriculture in China 's semi-arid region according .

  11. 毛乌素沙地是我国半干旱区主要沙地之一,也是一个十分特殊和敏感的生态过渡区。

    Mu Us sandy land is a major sandy in semi-arid inland region of China , and is a very special and sensitive ecotone .

  12. 我国半干旱地区(年降水等雨线250&450mm之间的地带)存在着严重的环境退化问题。

    There exists serious problem of environmental degradation in China 's semiarid zone ( between the two isohyets of 250 and 450 mm ) .

  13. 农村土地集体所有制是计划经济时代的产物,也是我国半个世纪以来城乡社会经济二元化体制的制度基础。

    The system of ownership of collective land is the product of planned economy , and the base of city-rural system of social and economic institution .

  14. 水泥稳定碎石基层因其具有较高的强度和较好的水稳定性等特点,在目前我国半刚性路面高等级公路的建设中得到广泛的应用。

    Cement-stabilized crushed stones course have two distinct advantages which are high intensity in base course and good moisture susceptibility , so it is used widely in our highway construction .

  15. 研究结果将对我国半干旱黄土丘陵区退耕还林和植被重建中合理的树种选择及其立地配置等提供科学的指导作用。

    The results will provide scientific steering function to the choice of species and site disposition in closing land for forest and vegetation reconstruction in the loess hilly region in semi-arid area .

  16. 模型中默认的叶面积指数是针对美国作物的,不适合我国半干旱区的缺水平原灌区作物实际腾发量的计算。

    Models of leaf area index for American crops in default are not suitable for Chinese . And more unsuitable for semi arid water-deficient irrigation plain of the actual crop evapotranspiration calculation .

  17. 对我国半个世纪减负问题的历史回溯与思考,为我们今天正确认识学生的负担问题,提出和实施有效的减负应对策略,有着积极的借鉴意义与思考价值。

    A retrospect and reflection of this burden-lightening problem is of great significance in properly recognizing this problem and in putting forward and carrying out effective measures to lighten students ' study burden .

  18. 作为指导我们思想的理论基础,在我国半个多世纪的社会主义建设进程中,马克思的按劳分配理论经历了三个发展阶段。

    Marx 's theory of distribution according to work , the theory basis guiding our thinking , has undergone three developing periods in China 's socialist construction process lasting for more than a half century .

  19. 由于重载交通等诸多方面的原因,我国半刚性路面结构早期损坏严重,且早期修建的高速公路陆续进入大修期,高速公路大修任务繁重。

    Because of heavy traffic and many other reasons , the early damage of semi-rigid pavement structure is seriously destroyed . Moreover , the early constructed freeway is going into the overhaul period one after another .

  20. 在综述了我国半干旱地区沙质草地沙漠化过程中植被演替研究现状,提出了目前沙地植被演替研究中存在的主要问题和今后的研究工作。

    In this paper , the main problems existed in the studies of sandy land vegetation succession in the process of desertification and their future work were brought forward , based on the present researches in China semiarid regions .

  21. 这意味着我国半殖民地半封建社会的解体,旧的教育体系也随之崩溃,新的教育体系逐步形成,职业教育体系初见端倪。

    This meant , in China , the semicolonial and semifeudal society had been disintegrated , the old education system also followed with it collapse , the new education system gradually formed , and the vocational education system began to appear .

  22. 白沙蒿(Artemisiasphaerocephala),是我国荒漠半荒漠地区的特有植物,是沙地植被主要的优势种和建群种。

    Artemisia sphaerocephala , the endemic plant in desert and semi-desert region , is an important dominant species in the sandy vegetation species .

  23. 我国干旱半干旱区降水的特征分析

    Characteristics of annual rainfall in arid and semi-arid region of China

  24. 我国西北半干旱地区农业可持续发展技术对策&发展有限灌溉农业是必然选择

    Technical strategies to develop sustainable agriculture in semi-arid region , Northwestern China

  25. 我国干旱半干旱地区是全国土地资源开发潜力巨大、土地退化严重、经济十分落后的区域。

    The arid and semiarid area in our country has tremendous potential .

  26. 阿特拉津对我国东北半干旱区黑钙土微生物活性影响研究

    Effect of Atrazine on Chernozem Soil Microbial Activity in Semiarid Region of Northeast China

  27. 我国北方半干旱区草地水分供需状况研究

    Study on the Moisture Budget of the Grasslands in the Semiarid Regions in North China

  28. 我国干旱半干旱地区现代降水量和历史干旱频率的变化

    The changes of present precipitation and historical drought frequency in arid and semi-arid regions of China

  29. 我国北方半干旱地区两种防寒抗冻措施的麦田小气候效应

    Microclimatic Effects of Different Management Practices in Winter Wheat in the Semi-arid Areas of Northern China

  30. 发展节水灌溉是我国干旱半干旱草原区人工草地建设的必然举措

    Water saved irrigation an reasonable way to establishing artificial grassland in arid and semi arid pastoral area