
  1. 失序会传染,而且不会尊重围绕国家核心利益划出的清晰界线。

    Disorder is contagious and does not respect neat lines drawn around core national interests .

  2. 他表示,中国维护国家核心利益的决心和意志是绝不会动摇的。

    He said China 's resolve and commitment to safeguarding core national interests always stands steadfast .

  3. 只要国资委下属企业的高管在帮助增进国家核心利益,他们就能获得经营自由。

    So long as executives at Sasac-administered firms help advance core national interests , they are given operational freedom .

  4. 在涉及国家核心利益的问题上,即使是在十分贫穷落后的年代,我们也是铮铮铁骨、毫不妥协。

    On issues concerning core national interests , we have always been steadfast and unyielding , even when we were very poor and backward .

  5. (四)提出加强外交工作的顶层设计、策略运筹和底线思维,坚定维护国家核心利益。

    Proposing stronger top-level designing and strategic planning in diplomatic work including the bottom line thinking with a view to resolutely upholding Chinas core interests .

  6. 然后开始涉及道美国有的一些国家核心利益,即我们要确保大规模杀伤性武器不扩散,

    Then that starts getting to some core national interests that the United States has , both in terms of us making sure that weapons of mass destruction are not proliferating ,

  7. 妥善处理两国间涉及国家核心利益、经济领域的现实利益以及社会制度和价值观念等根本性问题,有助于中美关系的进一步稳定和发展。

    To properly handle some basic problems that touch on the national core interests , actual interests in economic area and those interests related to social systems and values , will be conductive to further stability and development of that relationship .

  8. 中国讲友好,也讲原则,坚定不移地维护国家的核心利益。

    China values friendship and also sticks to principles . It firmly upholds its national core interests .

  9. 两岸议题依然是我国目前最为迫切且深刻影响国家核心价值利益的议题之一。

    Cross-Strait issue is still one of the most urgent and profound topic on the current national core values of interest issues .

  10. 如果把一个国家维护本国的核心利益和尊严的行为视为“强硬”,而把侵犯别国利益的事看成理所当然,那么公理何在?

    If one views the actions taken by a country to defend its own dignity and core interests as being tough and takes for granted that the interests of other countries can be infringed upon , how can there be justice ?

  11. 在国际法领域,国家商业行为的法律判断一直是一个颇受关注的问题,由于涉及主权等国家核心利益,各国在各个历史时期争论激烈,各种学说理论亦层出不穷。

    Because it concerns the core interest of a country , the legal definition of state commercial act has been paid much attention and caused heated disputes , and many legal theories came out in the field of international law .