
  • 网络suicide bomber;suicide bombing;Suicide Bomb
  1. 2014年的调查集中在马廷和穆莱·默罕穆德·阿布萨哈(MonerMohammadAbusalha)可能存在的关系上。阿布萨哈是佛罗里达的美国公民,他前往叙利亚,成为了一个极端组织的人体自杀炸弹。

    The 2014 investigation centered on a possible link between Mr. Mateen and Moner Mohammad Abusalha , an American from Florida who became a suicide bomber for an extremist group in Syria .

  2. 以色列为了阻止一波又一波的自杀炸弹袭击者树起了这道墙,但是伯利恒市长维克多·巴塔尔萨说,耶稣诞生的城市变成了一座监狱。

    Israel erected the wall to stop a wave of suicide bombers , but Bethlehem Mayor Victor Batarseh says the town of Jesus ' birth has become a prison .

  3. 塔利班宣称对国际伊斯兰大学(InternationalIslamicUniversity)周二发生的两起自杀式炸弹袭击负责。爆炸造成4名学生和两名袭击者死亡。

    The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the two suicide bomb attacks on International Islamic University , which killed four students and two bombers Tuesday .

  4. 周三3名自杀式炸弹袭击者袭击了在摩加迪沙市中心的一家酒店,当时索马里新当选的总统哈桑·谢赫·马哈茂德正在这里会见肯尼亚外交部的一位代表。

    Three suicide bombers attacked a hotel Wednesday in downtown Mogadishu where newly-elected Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was meeting with a delegation from the Kenyan foreign ministry .

  5. 今年5月,它轰炸了沙特东部省份的两座什叶派清真寺,随后派一名沙特人在科威特市的清真寺里实施自杀性炸弹袭击以杀害什叶派人。

    It bombed two Shia mosques in Saudi Arabia 's eastern province in May and then sent a Saudi suicide bomber to kill Shia in a mosque in Kuwait City .

  6. 兄弟俩通过跟准自杀式炸弹、海盗的财政专家、以及劫持人质者和船主之间一个“迂回大方”的中间人的交谈,揭开了沙巴布和索马里海盗之间的联系。

    The brothers uncover links between Shabaab and Somali piracy by talking to would-be suicide bombers , pirate financiers and a " deviously handsome " middleman between the hostage-takers and the shipowners .

  7. 而当我们走进一家商店时,商店老板大笑着告诉我们,一开始他吓死了,以为我们是自杀式炸弹袭击者,因为这样的人都身着罩袍。”

    When we entered the shop we were going to , the shopkeeper laughed and told us he got scared thinking we might be suicide bombers as many suicide bombers wore the burqa . '

  8. 这所伊斯兰学校的校长名叫阿媚•哈桑,是阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹的妻子,她甚至吹嘘把自己手下的许多女孩都训练成了自杀式炸弹袭击者。

    The head of the madrasa was Umme Hassan , the wife of the elder brother , Abdul Aziz , and she even boasted that she had trained many of her girls to become suicide bombers .

  9. 在当地时间29日发生的6小时劫机事件中,本杰明·伊恩斯是最后一批被释放的遭劫持乘客之一。他与劫持者赛义夫丁·穆斯塔法拍了一张自拍。而劫持者此前自称穿着自杀式炸弹背心。

    Benjamin Innes was one of the last captives to be released by Seif al-Din Mustafa during Tuesday 's six-hour hijacking episode and took a picture with the man who claimed to be wearing a suicide vest .

  10. 在巴格达一个警察学院外发生的自杀性炸弹袭击中有三十人死亡,至少六十人受伤,伊拉克官方称袭击者身上和摩托车上均武装有炸弹。

    In Baghdad , thirty people are dead , at least sixty others hurt after a suicide bombing outside a police academy . Iraqi officials said a bomber was armed with explosives and so was his motorcycle .

  11. 莫斯科两起自杀式炸弹爆炸导致至少39人丧生之后,纽约庞大的公共交通系统加强了安保措施。

    New York Mass Transit Boosts Security Following Moscow Attacks The massive New York City public transit system has stepped up security measures after two suicide bombings in Moscow 's underground train system killed at least 39 people .

  12. 在白沙瓦的西北城市,警方称一次自杀式汽车炸弹袭击撞向一座大楼。现在嫌疑犯已经被拘留并被审问。

    Police in the northwestern city of Peshawar say a suicide car bomber rammed into a building where suspects are held and interrogated .

  13. 塔利班分子强烈否认他们与摧毁阿富汗东部一家医院的自杀式汽车炸弹袭击有关。

    The Taliban have strongly denied that they were responsible for a suicide car bomb attack that destroyed a hospital in eastern Afghanistan .

  14. 喀布尔警方刑事调查负责人阿卜杜勒.加法尔.塞义德扎达说,自杀式汽车炸弹在机场东门袭击了北约的一个车队。

    Kabul Police criminal investigations chief Abdul Ghafar Sayedzada says a suicide car bomber struck a convoy of NATO vehicles at the airport 's east gate .

  15. 昨日,位于喀布尔的印度驻阿富汗大使馆遭到一枚自杀式汽车炸弹的袭击,造成17人死亡,并可能导致南亚地区出现新的紧张局势。长期以来,印度一直指责巴基斯坦支持武装暴力行为。

    A suicide car bomber attacked the Indian embassy in Kabul yesterday , killing 17 people and raising the risk of fresh tensions in south Asia , where India has long accused rival Pakistan of sponsoring militant violence .