
zì shā
  • idioctonia;commit suicide;take one's own life;suicide;do away with;commit
自杀 [zì shā]
  • [commit suicide;take one's own life] 自己杀死自己

自杀[zì shā]
  1. 有未经证实的报道说他曾企图自杀。

    There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide .

  2. 她自杀过好几次。

    She tried to commit suicide on several occasions .

  3. 我宁愿自杀也不会出卖我的主人。

    I would as lief kill myself as betray my master .

  4. 她企图自杀实际上表明她迫切需要帮助。

    Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help .

  5. 他一时心灰意冷,开枪自杀了。

    He shot himself during a fit of depression .

  6. 他试图服安眠药自杀。

    He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills .

  7. 他被逼得走投无路,最后卧轨自杀。

    Eventually , driven to despair , he threw himself under a train .

  8. 他使她的死亡看起来像是自杀,企图以此掩盖自己的罪行。

    He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide .

  9. 她试图投水自杀。

    She tried to drown herself .

  10. 抑郁症使他不止一次地企图自杀。

    More than once , depression drove him to attempt suicide

  11. 听到詹姆斯自杀的消息,我非常伤心。

    I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James

  12. 青少年自杀很少是由于突然发生不幸而作出的冲动反应。

    Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress

  13. 验尸官立即断定他的死亡属于自杀。

    The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide .

  14. 这次审讯将得出自杀的结论。

    The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide .

  15. 在到精神病医院两小时后他就上吊自杀了。

    He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital .

  16. 他萌生了自杀的念头,想出各种自我了断的办法。

    He grew suicidal , thinking up ways to end it all .

  17. 那位艺术家自杀的一个原因似乎是极端贫困。

    One cause of the artist 's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty

  18. 那些统计数据最引人注目之处是其极高的自杀率。

    The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides

  19. 一些人只是想尝试一下自杀,但却不幸真的身亡了。

    Some people unluckily achieve suicide when they only meant to attempt it .

  20. 他好几次试图自杀。

    He had attempted to kill himself on several occasions

  21. 自杀经常与社会经济权利的丧失有关。

    Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation .

  22. 海伦一直在压制心里的自杀念头。

    Helen had been struggling against suicidal tendencies .

  23. 他们认为今年春天一连串的自杀事件是由这次混乱引起的。

    They believe this confusion is responsible for a rash of suicides this spring .

  24. 没有人相信他真的会自杀。

    No one believed he would actually kill himself

  25. 至今尚不清楚他究竟是饮弹自杀还是被谋杀。

    To this day , it 's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered

  26. 他投海自杀了。

    He walked into the sea and drowned himself

  27. 他选择了自杀,不愿面对牵扯进这桩丑闻所带来的耻辱。

    He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal .

  28. 他曾帮助自己身患癌症、不久于人世的第一任妻子自杀。

    He helped his first wife take her life when she was dying of cancer .

  29. 他执意要自杀。

    He 's bent on suicide .

  30. 猜测黛比自杀的原因对她的家人来说是不公平的。

    It would be unfair to Debby 's family to speculate on the reasons for her suicide