
zì rán lì lǜ
  • Natural interest rate;natural rate of interest
  1. 对这一检验结果的分析表明,实际利率与自然利率之间的缺口不仅可以合理地度量货币政策的松紧程度,而且可以作为货币政策制定和评价的一个重要参考依据。

    The analysis to the results implies that the gap between the real rate of interest and the natural rate of interest can not only reasonably measure the degree of tightness of the monetary policies , but also become an important reference of making or assessing the monetary policies .

  2. 此账户总金额为750万英镑低于自然利率的户头。

    The total amount in this account is ? . 5Million Pound Sterling less accrued interest .

  3. 抽象的自然利率终属子虚乌有,而在一定的社会经济条件下,却存在适度的、可行的利率区间。

    Under a particular social economic circumstance , there is some appropriate and feasible interval of interest rates without abstract natural interest rates .