
  • 网络adaptive ability;self-adaptive ability
  1. P2P传输单元是IP组播的延伸和补充,为系统提供自适应能力、持续性和稳定性。

    In this system , P2P transmit module is the complement and extention for IP multicast , and affords the adaptive ability 、 durative and stability .

  2. 稳速很难达到要求原因在于数字直流调速装置中的PID调节器对被控对象及其负载参数变化自适应能力差。

    It is hard to realize because of adaptive ability digital DC Speed Regulation device is not enough when in the condition of the load parameters change unpredictably .

  3. 所有这些都要求Agent具有很强的自适应能力。

    All these require Agent has strong adaptive capacity .

  4. 经过MATLAB仿真表明,此方法具有很好的动、静态性能和自适应能力。

    The MATLAB simulating research shows that this control method has satisfying control effect .

  5. 通过引入模糊PI控制器,进一步提高了检测算法的响应速度和自适应能力。

    The response time and adaptability is improve by the apply of fuzzy-PI controller .

  6. 控制效果证明,采用带自动修正因子Fuzzy控制方法,能取得较理想的动静特性和自适应能力。

    The control effectiveness indicates that using the fuzzy control method with automatic modifying-divisor , the ideal dynamic / static specificity and self-adapting capacity can be obtained .

  7. 使两区域负荷频率控制既有非线性控制作用和自学习自适应能力,又有PID控制的广泛适用性。

    The load frequency controller is adaptive and nonlinear in control action , and has widespread application of PID controller .

  8. 该方法利用RBF神经网络的自学习、自适应能力自调整系统的控制参数。

    This method uses the liability of self-study and self-adaptability of RBF network to turning parameters of system .

  9. 仿真结果表明,改进BP神经网络PID使收敛变得更快,而且系统具有较强的鲁棒性和自适应能力。

    The emulational results show that the improved BP neural network PID enables the convergence to be faster and the system has strong robustness and self-adaptive .

  10. 前者利用模糊集合理论在线自调整PI参数,结合模糊控制和PI控制各自的优点实现混合切换控制,从而提高了系统的自适应能力和实现了无差控制;

    The former tunes the PI parameters on-line by using fuzzy set theory to improve the self-adaptive ability and to realize non-error control .

  11. 在系统中,设计出了借款企业财务状况BP神经网络模型,使系统增加自学习能力和对环境自适应能力。

    In system , design the borrowing business enterprise financial standing BP nerve network model , make system increment from study ability with to environment from orientation ability .

  12. PI调节控制是功率变换器线性电流调节器的常用控制方法,但自适应能力较差。

    PI regulation law is one of the common methods applied in linear current controller of the power converter while its adaptive performance is poor .

  13. 通过BP网络的离线训练和在线自学习,使控制器具有自调整和自适应能力,即具有良好的鲁棒性和实时控制效果。

    By BP network 's off-line training and on-line self-learning , the controller has the self-tuning and self-adaptive ability , that is , has fine robustness and real-time control effect .

  14. 针对梯度下降法提出了一种有效的学习速率估算方法,使得RBF神经网络无需先验参数、具备自适应能力。

    Propose an applied approach to compute the learning rates for width and center modification , so the RBF network can work without auxiliary parameter .

  15. 这种控制器利用神经元权值自学习功能解决了2自由度PID控制器参数整定这个难题并使系统具有自适应能力。

    Using neuron self learning ability , We have solved the problem about regulating the parameters of two degree of freedom PID controller . This controller possesses self adaptive control ability .

  16. 而由具有自学习和自适应能力的单神经元构成的单神经元自适应PID控制器,不但结构简单,而且能适应环境变化,具有较强的鲁棒性。

    The single-nerve-cell-PID self-adaptive controller , which consisted of single-nerve-cells with self-study and self-adaptive abilities , was excellent for its simple configuration , flexible adaption in changeful environment and strong robustness .

  17. 对压水堆功率控制过程进行了计算机仿真,仿真结果表明,与传统的PID控制相比,神经网络监督控制具有较强的自适应能力和鲁棒性,有效地提高了控制系统的精度。

    The computer simulation results show that the neural network supervisory control has more adaptive ability and robust than that of a PID controller , and the control precision is increased .

  18. 实验结果表明:单神经元PID控制器可以代替传统的PID控制器,其结构简单、易于实现并且具有较强的自适应能力。

    The experimental results show the single neuron PID can take the place of traditional PID controller and it has simple structure and can be implemented easily with strong self-adaptive ability .

  19. ABS是一种变工况、非线性的系统,参数自整定模糊PID控制可以利用模糊控制规则对PID参数进行在线修改,因而具有较好的自适应能力。

    ABS is a non-linear system with various working conditions . Parameters-self-tuning fuzzy PID controller possesses better self-adaptation and can adjust PID parameters on-line according to the fuzzy control rules .

  20. 提出一种新型的智能PI控制器,与传统PI调节器相比,具有很强的自学习、自适应能力,可有效地改善系统性能,提高系统的鲁棒性。

    A novel single neuron intelligent controller is proposed . It has a strong ability of self_studying and self_adaptat_ing , and can improve the system performance and robustness .

  21. 本文提出基于RBF神经网络的谐波检测方法,具有较高的运算速度、较高的检测谐波精度,以及较强的自适应能力。

    This paper put forward a method of harmonic detection based on the RBF neural networks which can engage precise detection with high speed and self-adaptive capability .

  22. 该框架以具有自适应能力的组装模型为核心,为传统的CORBA系统实现扩展了运行时重配置的能力。

    This framework , the core of which is component composition model with self-adaptive ability , adds the self modification ability in runtime to the traditional CORBA system .

  23. AVS与以前的视频压缩标准相比,在编码效率和信道自适应能力上都具有明显的优越性。

    AVS has obvious superiority in terms of coding efficiency and channel adaptive capacity , compared to those existing video compression standards .

  24. 该非线性PID算法构造了增益参数关于误差信号的非线性拟合函数,算法能够同时保证响应速度快、超调量小以及自适应能力强的系统特性。

    The nonlinear function is given by the nonlinear PID algorithm , and the algorithm can guarantee the system have the property of the fast response , a little over shot and strong self adaptive .

  25. 在模糊免疫PID控制器的控制下,新型液压驱动系统具有了高响应速度、无超调和自适应能力强等新特征。

    Under the control of the fuzzy immune PID controller , the new hydraulic driven system has many new characteristics such as high-speed response , no overshoot , and strong adaptive ability and so on .

  26. 提出了一种具有机床动力学自适应能力与曲线前瞻控制能力的NURBS曲线插补算法。

    A NURBS interpolation algorithm , which can fit diverse machine tool ′ s kinetic characteristics and has the function of look-ahead control , is proposed .

  27. 将其应用于发动机进口总温控制系统中,实验结果表明,它具有强的自适应能力和鲁棒性,控制品质优于常规PID控制器。

    It is applied to the engine 's inlet temperature control system , the result shows that the PID controller has better self-adaptability , better robust capability and better control quality than the traditional PID control .

  28. 针对该检测器,将最小均方算法(LMS)应用于该检测器,给出了算法实现的计算步骤,仿真了算法收敛特性及课码性能,分析了自适应能力。

    According to the LMS criterion , steps for calculation implement is proposed . , and simulations on convergency and BER properties blind algorithm has been done .

  29. 而基于免疫反馈原理的模糊免疫PI控制使系统具有一定的自适应能力和较强的鲁棒性,其控制性能优于常规的PI控制。

    Fuzzy immune control based on the theory of immune feedback , can make the system having definite adaptive capability and robustness , also its performance will be superior to conventional PI control .

  30. 传统的Kalman滤波器自适应能力弱,而单纯的神经网络滤波器估计精度较差,且网络训练经验性太强。

    The classical Kalman filter has a poor adaptive capability , and the estimation accuracy of the neural-network filter is not satisfactory and its estimation effect depends on the experience for network training excessively .