
  1. 所以,如何处世也就成了非至德之世全生的关键。

    So , how to " full life " in the social became a key .

  2. 因此,《淮南子》从这一观点出发,积极入世,希望在现实社会中重建至德之世。

    So , from this point of view the thesis in Huainan Zi goes into the society positively and wishes to rebuild the society with the highest morals .

  3. 首先,无为而治的至德之世是理想的社会类型,这并非消极的倒退的历史观,而是社会与自然合一的美好蓝图。

    First , the inaction of the perfect virtue is the ideal type of society , this is not a negative view of history backwards , but the unity of society and nature beautiful blueprint .