
  • 网络Space Propulsion
  1. 随着载人航天技术的发展,储水和输水设备受限于航天器空间的问题得到了解决,以水为推进剂的航天推进技术步入了良性发展阶段。

    With the development of manned space technology , the problem that water storage and delivery equipment is limited to spacecraft space has been solved , space propulsion technology using water as propellant steps into the benign stage of development .

  2. 激光等离子体航天推进

    Aerospace propulsion using laser - driven plasma generator

  3. 电容加载同轴谐振腔,具有独特的电磁场分布,内部电场分布较为集中,已在诸多微波领域得到应用,在灭菌和航天推进研究领域引起了众多学者的广泛关注。

    The coaxial resonant cavity with a capacitance load has been interested by more and more researcher , because of its special and collect electromagnetic characteristic .

  4. 脉冲爆震发动机技术是目前航空航天推进领域的发展热点之一,世界各个大国都在竞相开展这方面的研究工作。

    At present , the technology of PDE is a hotspot in the domain of spaceflight pushing , everyone of the world powers have being studying it .

  5. 综述了过氧化氢在火箭推进技术中的发展和应用,概括了国内外在这一领域的最新进展,提出了发展过氧化氢火箭发动机对航天推进与宇宙探索都具有现实意义。

    This article summarizes the development , the application and the newly-made progress of hydrogen peroxide on rocket propulsion technology . The authors present that the development of hydrogen peroxide rocket engine will be significant both in aerospace propulsion and space exploration .

  6. 激光技术在航天航空推进系统中的应用

    Discussion on the applies of laser technology in space flight and aviation propulsive system

  7. 丰富并且成功的飞行应用经验证明霍尔推力器具有作为未来航天主推进装置的优势。

    Rich and successful flight application experience has proved that HET has advantages to serve as the main propulsion device .

  8. Hall推进器具有高效率、高比冲以及高可靠性等优点,自从1970年成功研制以来,已经广泛用于各种实际飞行任务中,成为世界各航天大国电推进装置研究中的热点。

    Due to its high efficiency , high specific impulse , and reliability , Hall thruster has been widely applied in orbit missions and space explorations . It intrigues the world wide interests in the electric propulsion field since it had been successfully developed in 1970 .

  9. 2010年05月25日美国航空航天局喷气推进实验室24号宣布,由于太阳能电池板被厚重的干冰损坏,“凤凰”号火星探测器已经终止工作。

    2010-05-25 The Phoenix Mars Lander has ended operations due to severe ice damage to its solar panels , NASA 's Jet Propulsion Loboratory ( JPL ) announced on Monday ( May24 ) .