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  • aerial map
  1. 然后打听一下到什么地方能找到航测图和深度图以及测绘图之类的东西。

    Find out where I can find aerial and depth charts anu surveys .

  2. 用GPS技术联测的像控点,无论从精度、时间、还是从经济角度来看,都要比常规测量手段优越许多,GPS定位技术值得在中小比侧尺航测成图中大力推广应用。

    On accuracy , time , or from the economic point of view , Photo control point connection surveyed by GPS technology is superior than the conventional measurements , so GPS technology is worth promoting the application in small and medium scale Aerial Photogrammetry .

  3. 实验表明,架设GPS基准站可以明显提高POS系统定位的高程精度,无地面基准站的POS系统定位结果可满足1∶50000小比例尺航测成图的精度要求。

    The experiment results have verified that the setup of GPS base station can significantly improve height accuracy of positioning by POS. POS Positioning without GPS base station can meet the specification of topographic mapping at small scale under 1 ∶ 50 000 .

  4. 通过3个不同层次的遥感工作(1:10万TM卫片解译;1:3.5万航片判释;1:1万航测成图),在沂沭活动断裂带区成功进行铁路选线。

    A location of railway route has been successfully made through three different levels of remote sensing work : TM satellite image interpretation ( scale 1 : 100000 ) , aerial photo interpretation ( scale 1 : 35000 ) and aerial surveying alignment ( scale 1:10000 ) .

  5. 浅谈1∶500航测成图的数学精度

    Discussions on the Mathematic Precision of 1 ∶ 500 Aerophotogrammetric Map

  6. 航测成图中航摄比例尺确定方法的探讨

    Discuss on the confirm about aerial photograph scale in aerophotogrammetry mapping

  7. 城市地籍测量1:500航测成图精度

    Accuracy of 1 ∶ 500 mapping from airphoto in city cadastral surveying

  8. 大比例尺航测成图试验报告

    Test report of large scale Aerophotogrammetric mapping

  9. 大比例尺地形图航测成图航空摄影比例尺的选择

    The Selection of the Scale of Aerial Photography for the Large Scale Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping

  10. 全数字化航测成图精度分析

    Precision Analysis of Digital Photogrammetry Mapping

  11. 大比例尺航测成图的航摄比例尺探讨

    Study on Large Scale Aerophotogrammetry Mapping

  12. 对新航摄资料进行航测成图的常规方法是重新布设外业像控,并进行空三加密。

    The usual method for aerial photogrammetry mapping by new aerial photography datum is resetting control points and implementing aerial triangulation .

  13. 航空摄影是快速获取和更新基础地理信息的重要技术手段之一,其技术设计直接影响航摄成果直至最终航测成图的质量。

    Aerial photography is one of primary technology measures of rapidly obtaining and updating geographical information , and its technological project directly influences the ultimate production quality .

  14. 航空数字相机与GNSS/IMU系统结合形成的集成遥感系统,具有数字成像、定位、姿态数据同步获取的能力,解决了全数字化航测成图的首要问题,正逐渐成为航空摄影的主流设备。

    The integrated remote sensing system of airborne digital camera and GNSS / IMU unit can acquire digital images , position and attitude data simultaneously , which resolves the primary issue of full digital photogrammetric mapping and becomes the mainstream equipment for airborne photography .

  15. 应用航测数字成图技术获取城市GIS基础地理信息的实践与认识

    Urban Geo-information Acquisition with Photogrammetric Digital Mapping Technology

  16. RTK在大比例尺地形图航测数字化测图中的应用

    Large Scale Topographical Map Measurements in Digital by GPS RTK

  17. 介绍了目前GIS地图数据的4种获取方法:内外业一体化成图法、手扶数字化仪输入成图法、自动扫描输入成图法、航测数字化成图法。

    This paper introduces four acquisition methods of GIS map data , they are following : integration of indoor and field , manual digitiser input , automated scanning input and aerial photogrammetry mapping .

  18. 航测数字化成图系统中子系统的研究

    Development of Drawing Subsystem in Photogrammetric Digitized Mapping System

  19. 本文将介绍一种适用于大比例尺测图的航测数字化测图系统DIGIP。

    In this paper , a photogrammetric digitized mapping system , which is suitable for large scale mapping , an is presented .

  20. 铁路航测线路平面图测绘、工点图测绘、断面测量宜采用二次航空摄影及测量。

    Two-times aerial photography and survey shall be performed for surveying and mapping of plan of aerial survey line , special project map and cross-section survey .

  21. 概述了黄河下游1∶1万河道地形图测图中,部分河段采用了航测解析测图仪成图的过程。

    In the survey of the topographic map of the lower reaches of Yellow River on the scale of 1 to 10,000 , some reaches are mapped by aerial analytic plotting apparatus .

  22. 基本编图资料比例尺大比例尺航测全数字化成图初探与体会

    A Primary Study and Recognition on Large-Scale Aerial Surveying Digital Topography Mapping

  23. 航测方法测绘横断面图的要点

    The Key Points of Mapping a Cross Section Diagram by the Method of Aerial Survey

  24. 目前国内各大测绘单位的航测内业成图软件大多数选用了全数字摄影测量工作站。

    The Digital Photogrammetric Workstations ( DPW ) have been used to produce map obtained by photogrammetric restitution of indoor work by most of internal survey departments .

  25. IMU/DGPS辅助航测技术在1:1万航测成图中的应用试验

    An Experiment for 1:10000 Topographic Mapping by Using IMU / DGPS-supported Aerophotogrammetry

  26. IMU/DGPS(惯导测量仪/差分全球定位系统)技术航测成图法可直接获取外方位元素,缩短航测成图周期,降低航测成本。

    The elements of exterior orientation of the aerial photos can be got directly by the aerial photogrammetry with the technology of IMU / DGPS ( Inertial Measurement Unit / Differential Global Position System ) .